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2006 Oct 17
Compiling Compiz
...but it complains about a number of missing packages. Is there any docs on how to compile
compiz on SLED 10 ? I have searched in a lot of places, but have not been able to dig up anything. A detailed list of
what packages is required (and where to locate them) would be greatly appreciated.
Johan Kotze
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2004 Nov 28
Tetrachoric and polychoric ceofficients (for sem) - any tips?
About two years ago there was a thread about this which suggested that at
that time nobody had these coefficients ready to go.
(a) has anyone in the meanwhile programmed them?
(b) I think I can see how to do the tetrachoric one with mvtnorm on similar
lines to an example on the help page so will try that if nobody else
already has
(c) looking at the polychoric one makes me realise yet again
2007 Apr 08
Compiling compiz 0.5.0 on SLED 10 SP1
...not met:
No package 'xrandr' found
No package 'xinerama' found
No package 'ice' found
No package 'sm' found
The packages that it complains about are all part of xorg and all the xorg devel files are installed. What am I missing
Johan Kotze
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2017 Aug 14
weight in lm
...ions. I suspect that this stuff is easy enough to do ab initio that people don't bother to fire up a literature search.
I don't see why that page doesn't cite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unbiased_estimation_of_standard_deviation
... which had several citations including to Johnson, Kotz and Balakrishnan, v 1, ch 13 sect 8.2. I dug out my copy from the bottom of a large pile of tomes that I had not reshelved and can confirm that the formula is almost (but not quite) the same as appears in print.
JK&M give a formula (p 127) with no derivation or citation:
E[S] = sigma*( 2/n )^...
2008 Mar 21
(no subject)
Hi, I am fairly new to R, and am stuck.
I want to write an R function with argument n that returns a vector of length n with n simulated observations from the double exponential distribution with density: ??g(y) = 1/2e^-y
For the double exponential, I want to generate y~Exp(1) and then take ?y with probability 0.5
Does anyone know how I can do this in R?
2010 Jun 09
Gamma Copula
...truct a Copula from a multivariate Gamma distribution with its marginals gamma-distributed.
The multivariate Gamma should be able to contain a correlation coeficient or matrix.
I have studied the book "Continuous Multivariate Distributions vol.I Models and applications" by Johnson & Kotz & Balakrishnan
but what I constructed doesn't really look like a Copula.
So my question is: Can such a Copula exist? And if yes, are ther R-packages which could help?
Yours truly
2009 Jan 04
Bivarite Weibull Distribution
Every one
Could some one provide me definitions of following bivariate distributions
gamma, exponencial, Weibull, half-normal , Rayleigh, Erlang,chi-square
A.S. Qureshi
2010 Mar 25
New paper on why not to log-transform count data
Users of R-Help might be interested in this new article by Bob O'Hara and Johan Kotze published on Methods in Ecology and Evolution on why you should not log-transform count data, including an R code:
Kind regards,
Dr Graziella Iossa
Journal Coordinator...
2003 Jul 22
Custom crypto in hardware
Hi Freebies!!
I know F-BSD 4.8 supports a framework in the kernel to use crypto
functions from hifn crypto cards. Is there any of these cards that
support custom crypto? What is the best route to go if I want to support
IPSec (and maybe other) crypto functions but with custom crypto
Any info or ideas will be appreciated.
2009 Nov 24
p-generalized normal distribution
I would like to know if there is an R-package available for computing the density, distribution function, quantiles and random
numbers of the p-generalized normal distribution or if somebody is already working on it.
Best regards,
Steve Kalke
1999 Jun 08
inverse.gaussian, nbinom
Two questions:
1. inverse.gaussian is up there as one of the glm families, but do
people ever use it? There is no inverse.gaussian in the R
distribution family, and when I checked McCullagh & Nelder, it only
appeared twice in the book (according to subject index), once in the
table on p. 30 and once on p. 38 in a passing sentence. Is there a
good reference on this distribution?
2. When I
2002 Jun 06
generating overdispersed poisson & negative binomial data
I would like to try a simple parametric bootstrap, but unfortunately
(stupidly?) my models are "overdispersed" gams & glms.
I'm hoping for a function that generates overdispersed poisson or negative
binomial data with a given mean, scale (& shape parameter).
The loose definition I'm using is overdispersed poisson produces integer
values with variance=const*mean &
2002 May 01
bivariate normal cdf and rho
Suppose F(x, y; rho) is the cdf of a bivariate normal distribution, with
standardized marginals and correlation parameter rho. For any fixed x and
y, I wonder if F(x, y; rho) is a monotone increasing function of rho,
i.e., there is a 1 to 1 map from rho to F(x, y; rho).
I explored it using the function pmvnorm in package mvtnorm with
different x and y. The plot suggests the statement may be true.
2009 Jun 18
off topic but need your pointers about statistics
Hi all,
I apologize for this off-topic question but I need your help -- I know
there are lots of experts here.
As a lover and student of statistics, I am thinking of building a tree
of various branches of statistics and keeping track of the greatest
historical inventions/discoveries in statistics and the latest
development of each branch. The goal is to understand in what context
did the great
2008 May 23
About Passing Arguments to Function
Below I have a function mlogl_k,
later it's called with "nlm" .
vsamples<- c(14.7, 18.8, 14, 15.9, 9.7, 12.8)
mlogl_k <- function( k_func, x_func, theta_func, samp) {
tot_mll <- 0
for (comp in 1:k_func) {
curr_mll <- (- sum(dgamma(samp, shape = x_func,
scale=theta_func, log = TRUE)))
tot_mll <- tot_mll + curr_mll
2008 Jul 17
Sampling distribution (PDF & CDF) of correlation
Hi all,
I'm looking for an analytic method to obtain the PDF & CDF of the
sampling distribution of a given correlation (rho) at a given sample
size (N).
I've attached code describing a monte carlo method of achieving this,
and while it is relatively fast, an analytic solution would obviously
be optimal.
get.cors <- function(i, x, y, N){
2004 Sep 15
Slightly off-topic --- distribution name.
I've built R functions to ``effect'' a particular distribution, and
would like to find out if that distribution is already ``known'' by
an existing name. (I.e. suppose it were called the ``Melvin''
distribution --- I've built dmelvin, pmelvin, qmelvin, and rmelvin as
it were, but I need a real name to substitute for melvin.)
The distribution is really just a toy
2017 Aug 14
weight in lm
> On 14 Aug 2017, at 13:43 , Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at effectivedefense.org> wrote:
> On 2017-08-14 5:53 AM, peter dalgaard wrote:
>>> On 14 Aug 2017, at 10:13 , Troels Ring <tring at gvdnet.dk> wrote:
>>> Dear friends - I hope you will accept a naive question on lm: R version 3.4.1, Windows 10
>>> I
2017 Aug 14
weight in lm
On 2017-08-14 5:53 AM, peter dalgaard wrote:
>> On 14 Aug 2017, at 10:13 , Troels Ring <tring at gvdnet.dk> wrote:
>> Dear friends - I hope you will accept a naive question on lm: R version 3.4.1, Windows 10
>> I have 204 "baskets" of three types corresponding to factor F, each of size from 2 to 33 containing measurements, and need to know if the
2010 Feb 05
Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.
Dear list:
I am attempting to use what I thought would be a pretty straightforward practical application of Cox regression. I figure users of the survival package must have come across this problem before, so I would like to ask you how you dealt with it. I have set up an illustrative example and included it at the end of this post.
I took a sample of 100 data points from each of two populations