search for: jiving

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2004 Dec 23
domain administrator is always mapped to root
Hello, I have found out that a domain administrator is always mapped to root in the UNIX filesystem: drwx------ 2 jive smbguests 1024 2004-12-23 18:59 jive drwx------ 13 salsa smbusers 1024 2004-12-23 18:58 salsa drwx------ 13 root smbadmins 1024 2004-12-23 18:56 tango jive is a domain guest user, salsa a domain user and tango a domain administrator. Is it possible to change the root
2012 Jul 25
packages for LIML and JIVE estimators
Hi! I am a new user for R. Recently I plan to write a program to estimate linear model with instrumental variables. I try to use Limit information maximum likelihood method and Jackknife instrumental variable method, but I do not know which R packages I need to use. Whether anybody may inform me the packages I need to download? Thanks a lot. Eric Wang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 09
Instant Message?
Hi all, My client softphone supports IM feature. Does any warmheated expert know if Asterisk can support IM also at server side? If so, is there any related documents or weblinks? -- Thanks & Best Regards! Steven Li -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Apr 15
Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8
Bouncing a thread from the device drivers list: Does anybody know if OpenSolaris will support this new Supermicro card, based on the Marvell 88SE6480 chipset? It''s a true PCI Express 8 port JBOD SAS/SATA controller with pricing apparently around $125. If it works with OpenSolaris it sounds pretty much perfect. --------------
2009 Oct 31
Kernel panic on zfs import
Hi, I''ve got an OpenSolaris 2009.06 box that will reliably panic whenever I try to import one of my pools. What''s the best practice for recovering (before I resort to nuking the pool and restoring from backup)? There are two pools on the system: rpool and tank. The rpool seems to be fine, since I can boot from a 2009.06 CD and ''zpool import -f rpool''; I can
2008 Feb 11
How to install ubuntu using virt-install
Hi, I tried installing ubuntu and gentoo in para virtualization, it is giving error message even before creating disk image file. Any pointer ? How to use jeal time images? in Solaris dom0 Thanks Ajeesh
2008 Feb 16
Solaris snv81 xVM on a Thinkpad T30
Trying to boot my Thinkpad T30 with Solaris snv_81 xVM it get the error message This version of Solaris xVM does not support this hardware The output of "echo ::interrupts | mdb -k" while booted without xVM is bash-3.2# echo ::interrupts | mdb -k IRQ Vector IPL(lo/hi) Bus Share ISR(s) 0 0x20 14/14 - 1 cbe_fire 1 0x21 5/5 ISA 1 i8042_intr 3 0x23
2008 Jun 04
Util to remove (s)log from remaining vdevs?
After having to reset my i-ram card, I can no longer import my raidz pool on 2008.05. Also trying to import the pool using the zpool.cache causes a kernel panic on 2008.05 and B89 (I''m waiting to try B90 when released). So I have 2 options: * Wait for a release that can import after log failure... (no time frame ATM) * Use a util that removes the log vdev info from the remaining vdevs.
2006 Aug 02
Help please: AWDWR -- Migration failure
I''m having a problem with one of the migration files from the depot application. ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate == AddPrice: migrating ======================================================== -- add_column(:products, :price, :decimal, {:scale=>2, :default=>0, :precision=> 8}) rake aborted! You
2006 Jun 21
ZFS and Virtualization
Hi experts, I have few issues about ZFS and virtualization: [b]Virtualization and performance[/b] When filesystem traffic occurs on a zpool containing only spindles dedicated to this zpool i/o can be distributed evenly. When the zpool is located on a lun sliced from a raid group shared by multiple systems the capability of doing i/o from this zpool will be limited. Avoiding or limiting i/o to
2014 Mar 19
Linux box as network gateway
Currently, I am trying to access a network with several machines. I want to install tinc on a single machine on this (flat) network. Right now I have done this on a windows machine, enabled IP forwarding and everything works well. However, it's windows. :) I'm looking for some examples for a tinc.conf, tinc-up and tinc-down files. I've tried to use
2006 Jan 13
The Vendor Directory
I''m working with a Development and a Production environment In order to keep things in synch between the two environments, I thought it would be good to "gem unpack" all of my currently installed gems into the vendor/ directory... so when I push things into Production... everything jives. I unpacked about 20 gems into the vendor/ directory.... now everything is broke :) I
2007 Nov 13
Hello, we are using hardware array and its vendor recommends the following setting in /etc/system: set sd:sd_max_throttle = <value> or set ssd:ssd_max_throttle = <value> Is it possible to monitor *somehow* whether the variable becomes sort of bottleneck ? Or how its value influences io traffic ? Regards przemol
2007 Sep 19
ZFS Solaris 10 Update 4 Patches
The latest ZFS patches for Solaris 10 are now available: 120011-14 - SunOS 5.10: kernel patch 120012-14 - SunOS 5.10_x86: kernel patch ZFS Pool Version available with patches = 4 These patches will provide access to all of the latest features and bug fixes: Features: PSARC 2006/288 zpool history PSARC 2006/308 zfs list sort option PSARC 2006/479 zfs receive -F PSARC 2006/486 ZFS canmount
2008 Jan 15
s10 HVM 64-bit boot
Hi -- I wanted to boot s10 HVM in 64-bit mode but it always boots in 32-bit mode. Is there a special grub entry to boot s10 HVM domU in 64-bit mode? Or is it HVM loader? The grub entry is like this title Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_u5wos_01 X86 kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive file is as follows :- import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if
2007 Sep 28
Sun 6120 array again
Greetings, Last April, in this discussion... ...we never found out how (or if) the Sun 6120 (T4) array can be configured to ignore cache flush (sync-cache) requests from hosts. We''re about to reconfigure a 6120 here for use with ZFS (S10U4), and the evil tuneable zfs_nocacheflush is not going to serve us well (there is a ZFS
2007 May 22
rspec_on_rails'' spec:doc and dry runs
In rspec_on_rails, the spec:doc task uses --dry-run, which doesn''t jive well with rspec''s ability to write docs for you. For example, I use the rspec_expectation_matchers plugin from (scanned for a name, didn''t find one =), and end up writing specs like: it { @ticket.should validate_presence_of(:name) } Which results in specdocs such as: Ticket
2010 Feb 01
very large difference between df and du (10 GB, hard to believe)
Hello, I have a small server running a tool (RT : perl + mysql + apache) for our support team. I stripped down everything else. The OS is CentOS 4.8. I noticed a difference between df and du which is hard to believe : according to df, I am using 29 GB [root at cedrat-rt ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 33G 29G 2.8G 92% / none
2010 Feb 24
Import zpool from FreeBSD in OpenSolaris
I want to import my zpool''s from FreeBSD 8.0 in OpenSolaris 2009.06. After reading the few posts (links below) I was able to find on the subject, it seems like it there is a differences between FreeBSD and Solaris. FreeBSD operates on directly on the disk and Solaris creates a partion and uses that... is that right? Is it impossible for OpenSolaris to use zpool''s from FreeBSD?
2008 Aug 25
Unable to import zpool since system hang during zfs destroy
Hi all, I have a RAID-Z zpool made up of 4 x SATA drives running on Nexenta 1.0.1 (OpenSolaris b85 kernel). It has on it some ZFS filesystems and few volumes that are shared to various windows boxes over iSCSI. On one particular iSCSI volume, I discovered that I had mistakenly deleted some files from the FAT32 partition that is on it. The files were still in a ZFS snapshot that was made earlier