search for: jejeje

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "jejeje".

2015 Oct 23
resolución de ecuación
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML... URL: <>
2012 Aug 22
Samba4 successful deployment
I've just installed samba4 beta 7 with defaults and everything went OK. As I download bind9.9.1 tarball and compiled it I had to follow steve's advice: to declare we'll be using DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION 2 in /samba-master/source4/dns_server/dlz_minimal.h /*#ifdef BIND_VERSION_9_8 #define DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION 1 #else #define DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION 2 #endif */ #define DLZ_DLOPEN_VERSION 2 I
2012 Sep 03
Windows boxes cannot find the file server
Hi I have a Samba4 AD running samba and a Samba3 machine joined to the domain as a file server. I have smbd and winbind running on the samba3 box. Samba4: Samba3: I can browse the shares (netlogon and sysvol) on the S4 machine by typing \\hh30 into explorer but if I type \\hh32 I get: Windows cannot find '\\hh32'. Check the spelling. . .etc. When I start
2006 Nov 02
simulation with "rpois"
Hi there, I need some helpo with one simulation. I have a matrix of 4x21 I want ro generate 100 random Chi2 distribution but inly from the first row of my matrix. This is what I try: Option (a): >lambda=1:100 >f=function(x)chisq(4,0,x) >lapply(lambda,f) It doesn't work! option(b): >m=mean(matrix[1,]) >x<-rpois(100,lambda=m) Works, but only generates a row of 25 values.
2007 Mar 21
100's of emails arriving from last year
Anyone like to comment on why I'm receiving this evening 100's of emails from last July, and August that were posted to the wine-users list. All a bit weird. Nigel.
2008 May 08
megatec_usb subdrivers for PowerMust 600 USB?
Hi! Are there any subdriver to get PowerMust 600 work with megatec_usb already? I've tried with agile, but that dosen't work. My only way is to use the RS-232 cable and a COM port, but the problem is that I have only one, and a remote control was plugged there jejeje. If someone needs a "Guinea pig", I don't mind (I have the UPS working with the RS-232...) Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2006 Jul 02
Directive of security in samba
Hello I have a doubt. logical jejeje if not, would not write to the list :P I need to configure a servant samba where can apply political of group for clients windows 2000 and xp have read something with respect to the files .pol on the resources netlogon but anything clear even. They could send me some links where Im can find inf...
2007 Nov 20
smb signing is incompatible with share level security !
These are some of the error messages found in the logs from smb: Nov 20 16:09:32 dell01 smbd[5787]: Denied connection from ( Nov 20 16:09:32 dell01 smbd[5787]: [2007/11/20 16:09:32, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1225) Nov 20 16:09:32 dell01 smbd[5787]: getpeername failed. Error was El otro extremo de la conexi?n no est? conectado Nov 20 16:09:32 dell01 smbd[5787]: Connection
2017 Mar 26
Alternativa a RStudio
Solo entendí bien lo de no usar el mouse jejeje. De echo es algo que yo me estoy acostumbrando bastante, a no tener que agarrar el mouse para todo, me resulta más fácil y rápido hacer las cosas sin sacar las manos del teclado. Por lo que vi no es muy sencillo el tema de entrarle al emacs, y como no ando con tiempo excedente para dedicarle te...
2017 Feb 17
Sobre gráficos
Hola Puedes encontrar libros gratuitos y de pago googleando "library genesis", en ese sitio encontraras libros de pago en forma gratuita hay bastantes libros de muchas especialidades, R incluido, solo tienes q tomarte tu tiempo en buscar. Edgar. > El 17 feb. 2017, a las 06:51, Francisco Rodriguez Sanchez <f.rodriguez.sanc en> escribió: > > Buenos días
2013 Jan 21
RStudio knitr. toc, error al crear Formulas con LaTex+markdown+knitr
Hola. Pare que RStudio y el paquete markdown no nos terminamos de entender. - Creo un fichero Rmd, con el botón: "Kntr to Html" (ctr+Shift+Y), se pre-visualiza genial: formulas (, highlight_code,...)... todo bien. Pero quiero ponerle un TOC tb, así que como en su día me comento Jose Luis Cañadas en este foro, hago un desde el fichero md que crea la previsualización ("Kntr to
2017 Mar 23
Alternativa a RStudio
Buenas Fernando, podrías recomendar alguna lectura/tutorial/web para alguien que siempre escucho hablar de las bondades del emacs pero nunca lo usó? Como para iniciantes. Gracias, saludos! Fernando Macedo El 21/03/17 a las 21:31, Fernando Arce via R-help-es escribió: > Buenos dias, que tal? > yo utilizo emacs ess (emacs speaking statistics). Para mi es de lejos la mejor herramienta para