Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "jadedpixel".
2010 Jun 02
Read error: #<TypeError: can't modify frozen string> raised from HttpParser
Hey guys,
Started running unicorn in a production server like two weeks ago.
It''s been running smoothly, but looking at the logs found 44
exceptions like this:
E, [2010-06-02T16:17:15.117071 #22680] ERROR -- : Read error:
#<TypeError: can''t modify frozen string>
E, [2010-06-02T16:17:15.117270 #22680] ERROR -- :
2006 Feb 21
Production ecommerce sites?
Hi All
First post and its a question of Rails abilities. I was wondering if their
are any examples of a Rails application driving an ecommerce shop site.
Selling a catalogue of products? We''re looking at starting our first major
Rails project at work and wanted to gather some examples to sell to the MD
as PHP is becoming a drag and there''s so much more possibility in Rails.
2010 Mar 22
ActiveMerchant, Authorize.net and Email Receipts
I''ve posted this on RailsForum.com and in the ActiveMerchant talk
group, and haven''t received an answer, so I figure I''ll try here.
Hello. I''ve been searching for information on this for a while, but my
google fu is evidently weak--hardly anyone even talks about email
receipts re: ActiveMerchant, much less my specific problem.
In any case, I have a client whose
2006 Jan 08
I need untyped associations
I am in the process of trying to migrate to ROR from a home grown ORM,
but one stumbling block is ActiveRecord''s typed associations and object
ID assignment scheme. In the home grown system, I have a master table
which *all* objects are packed into and a master associative table which
holds *all* associations. This allows each object, regardless of type,
to have a unique ID and thus it
2005 Dec 18
Invoking Rails from an API
I am trying to use ruby int an embedded web server. The environment
does not have the luxury of CGI or WebBrick. I find limited
documentation on how to get this to work. As a test program on windows,
I tried the code in the section below.
I have the issues.
1. Is public/dispatch.rb the right script to invoke a rails app? If
so, what is the right way to invoke dispatch.rb?
2006 Jan 30
RoR admin system
I''m preety new at RoR (and programming), I tried a few tutorials, and
really like the RoR simplicity, but my knowledge of the framework still
isn''t very good (to be true, i understand the basics, but not everything
that''s in the tutorials).
But still I''d like to create a website which has:
- front end interface (with no edit functions)
- admin interface
2006 Feb 24
store rhtml in database
Has anyone done this? I want to store the rhtml (template) in the
database, but not sure how I can code the controller to generate the
file html and send it to the user.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2011 May 16
Fwd: adding GPLv3 to unicorn license
...hoping this works
since ian at inspir.es doesn''t.
----- Forwarded message from Eric Wong <normalperson at yhbt.net> -----
From: Eric Wong <normalperson at yhbt.net>
To: mongrel-unicorn at rubyforge.org
Cc: Hongli Lai <hongli at phusion.nl>, Augusto Becciu <augusto at jadedpixel.com>,
I?aki Baz Castillo <ibc at aliax.net>, Wayne Larsen <wayne at larsen.st>,
Andrey Stikheev <andrey.stikheev at gmail.com>,
"Suraj N. Kurapati" <sunaku at gmail.com>,
Luis Lavena <luislavena at gmail.com>, Ian Ownbey <ian at inspir.es>
2005 Oct 29
Navigating Rails Projects
I''m finding my larger rails project increasing difficult to navigate.
Model,. controller, view, and helpers being seperated, as well as
there being so many small fragments, it can be awkward to find a
partial on a complex page, and awkard to move among all the compents
that need to be touched for a non-trivial change.
Just wondering if anyone had any tips regarding this.
2006 Jan 09
AR: Quoting in Join Model Test
Greetings made men of rails!
I am presently writing a new database adapter for rails to bring the
OpenBase community on board. In working through the rather extensive
AR tests (which I very much appreciate), I have come across a
question I can''t seem to answer on my own.
In the test_has_many_with_piggyback(AssociationsJoinModel) the result
is expected as a quoted integer
2006 Jan 21
Ruby processes consuming 1,000 megs of swap space
Hi all. The subject pretty much says it.
I''m running on a VPS-style shared server at pipespring.com. I''ve got Typo
setup, and have been running it fine for about a month.
However, today I got an e-mail from my host saying they disabled Ruby (chmod
000) because it was using waaay too much swap space.
I haven''t changed anything with my server at all (Rails or otherwise)
2006 Jan 05
Ruby OpenID library and OpenIDLoginGenerator
Version 0.9.2 of the Ruby OpenID library has been released. This latest
release contains a port of the rails LoginGenerator (OpenIDLoginGenerator)
that uses OpenID for authentication.
Read more and download the library:
A bit about OpenID:
OpenID is a URL based identity system. An OpenID identity is
2006 Feb 14
SSL and domain as account key
Say I have an hosted application which allows the user to use their own
domain name (company.com) to access it, and that application must be
accessed over SSL, how do you go about our SSL certificate not being
registered to their domain. Sure the connection will be safe but the
browser will pop up a warning saying the certificate is invalid for this
I dont think this problem occur
2006 Jun 13
RJS Templates for Rails
I''m happy to announce the availability of RJS Templates for Rails
published by O''Reilly.
The book covers all aspects and features of RJS that are included in
Rails 1.1. It also walks through a few examples, debugging with
FireBug, and finishes off with some reference material.
The book is 56 pages and is available in PDF format. I''m really happy
with how the book has
2005 Dec 18
Testing against 1.8.4
So apparently 1.8.4 is soon forthcoming. We need testing against it.
Could someone help out with that? I believe Ara already checked into
some of the issues, do you know if those are resolved, Ara?
David Heinemeier Hansson
http://www.loudthinking.com -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com -- Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com -- Personal information manager
2006 Jan 17
Prototype Size?
There''s a good article at
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4616700.stm that says, in a
nutshell, that people form their impression of a Web site in 50
milliseconds. With an 80K download for prototype, that leads me to ask:
"how can page sizes be trimmed and still use cool features"?
I recognize that browsers may feel free to download these scripts
asynchronously, but
2006 Jan 18
RForum Software Sucks?
(Donning flameproof suit)
Am I the only person who thinks that the Ruby forum software sucks?
E.g. search only for a word. Can''t search for new posts, can''t search
by date, topic list doesn''t indicate when I''ve already read a post,
there can be several independent replies to a topic, just to name a few.
There are lots (admittedly not Ruby based) of good
2006 Jan 17
MVC design good/bad
I am curious what you find is good and bad MVC design.
Let''s use the find and find_by_sql methods as examples.
Currently I have these spread out all over the place...
View: here I have some find methods when I am for example populating a
select list with choices in a form.
Controller: here I have the simpler find methods.
Model: here I have the more complicated find methods (usually