search for: ignazio

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2009 Sep 11
ovirt ace error
...rt on fedora 11 but running ace -d l /tmp/ace.log install ovirt I got en error (I think it is krb5 issue). My server was not a kerberos server before installing ovirt, so I think ace procedure has installed it. Attacchede here there is the ace.log file. Could anyone help me ? Thanks & Regards Ignazio -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ace.log Type: text/x-log Size: 190359 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2009 Sep 16
[Fwd: Re: [PATCH node-image] keep NIC and HBA firmwares]
Forwarding to the list for Jay or Scott to have a look. Ignazio, do you see any more details (traceback or something) in the rails log? -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: ignazio.cassano at Subject: Re: [Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node-image] keep NIC and HBA firmwares Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:48:47 +...
2008 Dec 31
xen hvmloader gpxe
I am testing several Operating System Streaming products to streams virtual desktops. They always requires pxe boot but xen seems to have a pxe which is not suitable. I got the same problem with kqemu and kvm and I solved it using gpxe. With xen I tried to chainloading gpxe (following gpxe wiki) but hvmloader fails to load it (memory problem?). Any workaround
2006 Nov 16
Network card full virtualized windows
Good morning, I installed on xen a windows XP and a Windows 2003 domU. Windows operating system does not know the real network card but it setup up an AMD pcnet card 10mbps. Is it possible to setup a full virtualized domU with a real network card ? I installed also windows on a trial xen enterprise and real network card seeems to work fine. What differences between xen and xen entrprise as far
2009 Sep 29
Error in host-register
Good morning, I have compiled an installed ovirt . I started i physical node and it appears on web interfaces as enabled and available but without CPUS and NICs. I restarted matahari on node but on ovirt server in the file host-register.log appears the following error: ERROR Tue Sep 29 11:57:28 +0200 2009 (7335) Error in hostregister: #<SystemExit:0x7fb658b3a518> ERROR Tue Sep 29
2009 Sep 30
Few questions about oVirt install.
Hi. I have successfully installed ovirt. Boot 2 nodex throught PXE boot, and added to pool. Whe i try to create NFS storage, they in state: pending setup. How to add NFS storage? taskomatic.log INFO Wed Sep 30 16:59:09 +0300 2009 (1991) starting task_refresh_pool INFO Wed Sep 30 16:59:09 +0300 2009 (1991) storage_find_suitable_host: host node3.ovirt.priv uuid 30303234-3144-3832-4638-3931FF
2009 Sep 03
ovirt documentation
Good morning, I am following instruction on to install ovirt. I read I must run: yum install --enablerepo=rawhide ovirt-server ovirt-server-installer ovirt-node-image ovirt-node-image-pxe but ovirt-node-image and ovirt-node-image-pxe are not on rawhide repo. Where can I find them ? Thanks
2009 Sep 08
ovirt web interface
Good morning, I build ovirt following instruction o but when I try to connect to the web interface the following error is reported: Redirect Loop I think the problem is first lines in ovirt-server.conf under /etc/httd/conf.d: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> <Location /ovirt> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^.*$
2009 Sep 17
adding a user
Good morning, I' d like to know how add users to ovirt mgmt interface. Thanks
2009 Sep 22
node resources are not reported
...e boots up it creates automatically a bridge on admin network. On my node I have also a network interface on storage network and a network interface on guest network. How can I configure interface on storage network (I thing I must assign am ip address to it etc etc)? Many thanks & Regards Ignazio
2009 Oct 14
ovirt web interface 500 Internal Server error
Hello, I built ovirt this morning and ovirt web interface does not work anymore. I am able to login but only dashboard and networks are visible... no default hardware pool is visible. On /var/log/httpd/error.log I read: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:212:in `log': PGError: ERROR: relation "pools" does not
2008 May 13
3dscatterplot -different colors for different factors of the same variable
Dear R users, I was trying to do a 3d scatterplot for the following set of datas: "obj" "time" "X" "Y" "1" "yellow" "333" "388.7" "492.3" "2" "yellow" "567" "388.7" "492.3" "3" "green" "621" "135.5"
2008 May 28
heatmap-changing column or row names
Dear R Community, I am trying to create an heatmap for the following set of data: ##example of data matrix o4 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 green 27 28 29 29 28 28 26 25 25 23 23 22 22 21 21 22 22 22 yellow 6 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 red 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 12 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 8 9 pink
2009 Dec 10
updating arguments of formulae
Dear R-Community, I am relatively new with R, so sorry for things which for you might be obvious... I am trying to automatically update lmer formulae. the variables of the model are: depM= my dependent measure Sb2= a random factor OS = a predictor VR= another predictor So, I am building the first model with random intercept only: model = lmer(depM ~ (1 |Sb2)) then I update the formula
2007 Jul 02
xen 3.1 live migration
Good morning, I installed 3 fedora core 7 machines with xen 3.1 Two machine (hp dl 360) are identical and windows guest live migration works fine. One of them is a HP dl 580 and live migration from/to hp 360 does not work. Stopping and restarting guests works in any case also if hardware is non identical. I read somewhere machine must be identical for live migration: is it true ? Why live
2009 Sep 10
f11 ovirt build fails
Good morning, I read on to send information about installation procedure issues to this mailing list. I followed ovirt building instructions but "make build" reports the following error on fedora 11: Error creating Live CD : Unable to download from repo : Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: f11. Please verify its path and try again Could not
2009 Sep 22
ovirt node 1.0.3 nfs error
Good Morning, I have successfully deployed Ovirt manager and 1 node (1.03 version). All networks interfaces work fine. When I try to configure a NFS storage, the web interface gives a timeout agent error and on the node in /var/log/messages I read the following lines: FATAL: Error inserting nfsd (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or