ignazio.cassano at provincia.torino.it
2009-Sep-22 13:38 UTC
[Ovirt-devel] ovirt node 1.0.3 nfs error
Good Morning, I have successfully deployed Ovirt manager and 1 node (1.03 version). All networks interfaces work fine. When I try to configure a NFS storage, the web interface gives a timeout agent error and on the node in /var/log/messages I read the following lines: FATAL: Error inserting nfsd (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) FATAL: Error running install command for nfsd Starting NFS services: exportfs: can't open /var/lib/nfs/rmtab for reading in dmesg: nfsd: Unknown symbol exportfs_decode_fh nfsd: Unknown symbol exportfs_encode_fh nfsd: Unknown symbol exportfs_decode_fh nfsd: Unknown symbol exportfs_encode_fh