Displaying 20 results from an estimated 971 matches for "formuls".
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2007 Sep 06
The variables combined in a table from other table and combination questions
Dear All:
I need to have some data frame objects.
First aa object:
pH Formulation time Subject
[1]1.2 F 0 1
[2]7.4 S 1 2
[3] MF 2 3
[4] 3 4
[5] n i
Then, I need to produce 2*3(pH*formulation) different
tables. This table includes column of (pH,
Formulation, time S1 S2 S3 ?K..Si) and S1=
2010 Dec 06
How to formulate constraint like abs(x) = y in constrOptim (or other)
Hello list reader,
I am trying to form some constraints for an optimization I am working on.
I think I have understand the use of the constraints in matrix form. I use
them like:
constr_mat<- -diag(2)
constr_vec<- rep(-0.05,2)
constr_mat<- rbind(constr_mat, diag(2))
constr_vec<- c(constr_vec, rep(-1, 2))
To get parameters in the interval [-1, 0.05]. (And this works so far)
Now I
2007 Dec 28
How to catch data from the different dataframes and lm problem?
Dear all:
I am a new R-user and I have 2 questions
about it.
1) I have a dataframe. Based on ?formulation? and ?subject?, a
dataframe is split into 4 dataframes. The
example is as follows. Moreover, I want
to calculate ?test? value for these 4 dataframes. My question is that the ?test? values not
correct and I do not know where the problem is.
2) There are 12 ?test? (y) values from
2004 Jul 13
help with as.function
HI, sorry but i don't understand how to make a function with as.function()
> formu
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
x and y lengths differ
> typeof(formul)
[1] "closure"
and not plot the curve function, Why?
2010 Dec 01
problems formulating arguments to lme()
this is a clearer (I hope) version of an earlier post -
My problem is formulating the random = argument to give estimates
of all 9 random components for this kind of setup where there are
(I think) 9 variance/covariance components ...
Study.1 Study.2 ... Study.5
Treatment T1: subject: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 13 14 15
Treatment T2: subject: 16 17
2006 Dec 28
lmer: Interpreting random effects contrasts and model formulation
I'm trying to fit a nested mixed model using lmer and have some
questions about the output and my model formulations.
I have replicate measures on Lines which are strictly nested within
(a) So if I want to fit a model where Line is a random effect and
Populations are fixed and the random Line effect is constant across
Populations, I have:
measure_ijk = mu + P_i + L_ij +
2017 Jul 12
How to formulate quadratic function with interaction terms for the PLS fitting model?
Dear all,
I am using the pls package of R to perform partial least square on a set of
multivariate data. Instead of fitting a linear model, I want to fit my
data with a quadratic function with interaction terms. But I am not sure
how. I will use an example to illustrate my problem:
Following the example in the PLS manual:
## Read data
gasTrain <- gasoline[1:50,]
## Perform
2002 Jun 07
Hope fo help - functions, fits and for cycles
I need a little piece of advice concerning passing data frames
into the functions. As I do a lot of similar fits at a time, I'd like to
write a small function doing the fits for all relevant variables
automatically. However, I usually get error messages of the
following kind:
(I present here a part of a test code).
# Data set:
2005 Jan 03
LME-glmmPQL formulation
Hi all -
R2.0.1 on OSX;MASS library;nlme library
I am trying to emulate the solution to a problem set that has normally
been run in Genstat, using R. The problem that I am having at the
moment is with the following glmm question (using glmmPQL from the MASS
"We have two different forest habitats (first rotation thicket, and
high forest) which we want to survey for the
2011 Jun 13
How to formulate an (effect-modifying) interaction with matching variable in a conditional logistic regression?
I would like to see if a matching variable is an effect-modifier in a
conditional logistic regression. Naturally, the matching variable
can't enter directly in the model but as an interaction with terms
that are in.
However, I have problems in formulating the correct model the term
that's already in the model is a factor. I am using treatment
contrasts and the problem is that if I
2001 Nov 20
Formulating anova for partially nested model
I'm trying to analyse data from an incomplete design with four factor :
- fr : number of the batch
- op : ID of operator
- meth : method used
- mat : nature of the material used
and one variable
- mv : mesure
- trmv : transformed mesure
`data.frame': 120 obs. of 6 variables:
$ fr : Factor w/ 30 levels "1","2","3","4",..:
2013 Oct 18
[LLVMdev] Contribute a new precise pointer analysis to LLVM
Hi Daniel,
I want to clarify that our analysis is not based on CFL-reachability.
We apply CFL-reachability to matching context information where the
exist from a function to a call-site must match
the entry from the corresponding call-site. The problem is a simple
balanced parentheses problem in CFL-reachability, and it can be
The paper you mentioned is a very nice paper
2013 Oct 18
[LLVMdev] Contribute a new precise pointer analysis to LLVM
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:27 AM, lian li <lianli at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I want to clarify that our analysis is not based on CFL-reachability.
> We apply CFL-reachability to matching context information where the
> exist from a function to a call-site must match
> the entry from the corresponding call-site.
Yes, sorry, I pulled the wrong quote, it was late.
2005 Oct 11
Q: Suggestions for long-term data/program storage policy?
Dear list,
we are a statistical/epidemiological departement that - after a few
years of rapid growth - finally is getting around to formulate a
general data storage and retention policy - mainly to ensure that we
can reproduce results from published papers/theses easier in the
future, but also with the hope that we get more synergy between
related projects.
We have formulated what we
2010 Jan 13
Problem fitting a non-linear regression model with nls
I'm trying to make a regression of the form :
formula <- y ~ Asym_inf + Asym_sup * ( (1 / (1 + (n1 * (exp( (tmid1-x)
/ scal1) )^(1/n1) ) ) ) - (1 / (1 + (n2 * (exp( (tmid2-x) / scal2)
)^(1/n2) ) ) ) )
which is a sum of the generalized logistic model proposed by richards.
with data such as these:
x <- c(88,113,128,143,157,172,184,198,210,226,240,249,263,284,302,340)
y <-
2017 Jul 01
How to replace match words whith colum name of data frame?
Dear ?,
I'm sure that there are many ways to do what you want; here's one:
> cbind(concept_df, category=
+ ifelse(apply(
+ sapply(chemical_df$chemical,
+ function(x) grepl(x, concept_df$concept)),
+ 1, any),
+ "chemical", ""))
concept category
1 butan
2009 May 25
inconsistency in ?factor
In the almost current development version (2009-05-22 r48594) and also in
?factor contains (compare the formulations marked by ^^^^^^)
The interpretation of a factor depends on both the codes and the
\code{"levels"} attribute. Be careful only to compare factors with
the same set of levels (in
2010 Jun 11
Skeleton 4.0 final draft
On 06/10/2010 08:16 PM, Chris Pearce wrote:
> I have no plans to change the 'index' packet format further.
I have proposed an alternative formulation of the index packet at
That repository also contains a working implementation of the alternative
formulation. I have reviewed the details with Chris extensively.
2017 Jul 13
How to formulate quadratic function with interaction terms for the PLS fitting model?
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 3:07 AM, Luigi Biagini <luigi.biagini at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have two ideas about it.
> 1-
> i) Entering variables in quadratic form is done with the command I
> (variable ^ 2) -
> plsr (octane ~ NIR + I (nir ^ 2), ncomp = 10, data = gasTrain, validation =
> "LOO"
> You could also use a new variable
2017 Jul 13
How to formulate quadratic function with interaction terms for the PLS fitting model?
I have two ideas about it.
i) Entering variables in quadratic form is done with the command I
(variable ^ 2) -
plsr (octane ~ NIR + I (nir ^ 2), ncomp = 10, data = gasTrain, validation =
You could also use a new variable NIR_sq <- (NIR) ^ 2
ii) To insert a square variable, use syntax I (x ^ 2) - it is very
important to insert I before the parentheses.
iii) If you want to