search for: exmaples

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 97 matches for "exmaples".

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2012 Feb 06
[Bug 1977] New: ProxyCommand seems to no execute shell commands Bug #: 1977 Summary: ProxyCommand seems to no execute shell commands Classification: Unclassified Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 5.9p1 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: ssh
2004 Jun 03
Detail on Samba 3 By Exmaple (comments).
Hi! I have been reading the Samba 3 by example avaible on the web site (samba-guide.pdf), I think it is very good, but have a question: - In section 6.3.5 (page 150, numerated), there is a note wich says that the computers account must be inside the People container due to an error in samba. Is this true?, or can it be due to the config of the nss-ldap and the pam-ldap modules wich is on
2010 May 22
exmaple problems
I do not know if this has been reported already (I searched the headers of the recent messages to r-devel) It seems that 'example' in R 2.11.0 has a problem when the help file does not contain any example. This is what happens on R 2.11.0 on Windows XP. > library(tools) > example(Rdiff) Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In
2003 Sep 16
Retrieve ... argument values
Dear R users, I want to retrieve "..." argument values within a function. Here is a small exmaple: myfunc <- function(x, ...) { if (hasArg(ylim)) a <- ylim plot(x, ...) } x <- rnorm(100) myfunc(x, ylim=c(-0.5, 0.5)) Error in myfunc(x, ylim = c(-0.5, 0.5)) : Object "ylim" not found > I need to retrieve values of "ylim" (if it is defined
2008 Jan 25
How to execute R code
Hi, I have 'R' code in file. saved it as exmaple.r here is the code....... library("hopach") GSE <- read.table("gene_expression_data",sep="\t",header=TRUE,row.names=TRUE) gene.dist <- distancematrix(t(GSE),d="euclid") gene.hobj <- hopach(t(GSE), dmat=gene.dist, mss="med") labelstosil(gene.hobj$cluster$label,gene.dist) I dont
2008 Apr 17
How to deal with mail to unknown virtual recipients?
Hello list, I am not quite sure whether this is a questions for Dovecot or Postfix. I have set up, virtual hosting for one domain (for test purposes) using a passwd-file as passdb and a static userdb (see dovecot -n at the end) along with Postfix in a manner described in [1], i.e. a non-Postfix mail store. Other than that I also do hosting for the canonical domain which is for users with a
2011 May 14
changing the day of the week in dates format
Dear all, I have a question related to the POSIXlt function in R. I have a set of dates and times, for exmaple: startx <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-01 00:00:00") finx <- as.POSIXct("2011-12-31 00:00:00") daysx<- seq(startx, finx, by="24 hours") I want to change the dates of all the days falling on a Saturday to the next working day (i.e. Monday). So I
2006 Aug 11
Subversion: 400 Bad request error
Here is my problem, On my network there is a subversion server to which everybody connects to and checks in/out code and documents. The workstations on the network are all based on Fedora core 3. And everybody's home directory is on a nfs share. This nfs share is mounted via the fstab. So no matter to which box a user logs in, his/her home dir is gonna be the same. Again, /home is a nfs
2011 Feb 27
regularized dfa rda (Klar): problems with predictions
Dear all, I am trying to do a n-fold cross-validation for a regularized discrimant function analysis using rda from the package klaR. However, I have problems to predict the groups from the test/validation sample. The exmaples of the R documantation and some online webpage also do not work. Does anybody know what I have done wrong? Here my code # I want to use the first 6 observations for validationg the model, case 7 to 36 are # used for the trianing: n_fold<-sample(1:36,36) testset<- n_fold[1:6] trainset&lt...
2008 Jan 25
About wxRuby
Hi All! I am beginner to Ruby and much interested to learn wxRuby, but still not able to find some useful tutorial for this topic. I have installed wxRuby but not able to run its a single exmaple yet. I will be thankful, if some one guide me on Ruby Wx as I have to develop a final thesis in wxRuby. Bye /Muzaffar -- Posted via
2014 Aug 11
Options mail_nfs_storage and mail_nfs_index not in 2.2(.13) example config anymore?
Hey dovecot-users, did I miss anything anywhere about the configuration variables "nfs_storage" and "mail_nfs_index" being removed from the example configuration in 2.2? In 2.1 they where both in 10-mail.conf commented out and set to their default "no". But with 2.2 they are not in any of the exmaple config files anymore. doveadm is still showing the variables and
2005 Apr 15
how can get rid of the level in the table
hello, 1. when i get a column data from a table, it always follows with the level. for exmaple if i have a table = (v1, v2), and table$v1 = (1, 2, 3); and col1 <- table$v1; then there is level assign to the table, with 1 is level1 and 2 is level2 3 is level3 ect. however, when are want to get col1[3], which is 3, by when i add the col1[3] to a list, the is actually appears as 33 instead of
2012 Feb 20
the probelm in using libvirt to connect esx server
hi, I am a new user of libvirt ,i really appreciate libvirt?and want to use it in my work.I want to use it to conncet to a ESXi server.when I try to connect to the server ,I use the command :virsh -c esx://name at,And I get an 1.error :error: internal error curl_easy_perform() returned an error: Couldn't connect to server (7) : couldn't connect to host so I think maybe
2005 Apr 23
tclServiceMode: stop Tcl/Tk from updating
In Windows, Tcl/Tk programs running under the tcltk package can update too frequently: for exmaple, we might go through a long sequence of operations to construct a complex display, and in Windows each addition will be shown separately. To work around this, I've added a function "tclServiceMode" which serves as an R interface to the "Tcl_SetServiceMode" function in the
2010 Mar 09
[LLVMdev] Find all backedges of CFG by MachineDominatorTree. please look at my jpg.
Thank you, Nick. Yes, I have add getAnalysisUsage. As I know, some CFG is irreducible. At this time, Dominator Tree can not find some backedge. Is it means some MachineLoop is not be found? dominatorTree.jpg is a previous exmaple. best regards! renkun --- 10年3月9日,周二, Nick Lewycky <nicholas at> 写道: > 发件人: Nick Lewycky <nicholas at> > 主题: Re: [LLVMdev] Find
2006 Aug 09
has_many through delete issue
I have the following many-to-many relationships defined in my model code to model a many to many relationship between Media and PriceCode with Price being the association table: class Media < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :prices has_many :price_codes, :through => :prices end class Price < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :media belongs_to :price_code end class PriceCode <
2017 Aug 30
Segmentation fault with doveadm search
Hi, We have a Ubuntu 14.04 server with dovecot 2.2.9 If I try to run /usr/bin/doveadm search -u email at mailbox Junk savedbefore 30d It will dump a core file. We have a similar config on an other server and there is no problem there. Any ideas how to prevent the core dump? root at triws2:~# gdb --args doveadm search -u email at mailbox Junk savedbefore 30d Reading
2003 Jul 08
Questions about corARMA
Hi, I'm a new member here in the list. I am a graduate from University of Georgia. Recently in doing analysis using lme on a dataset, I found several questions: 1. How to express the equation when the correlation structure is very complicated. For exmaple, if the fixed is y(t)=0.03x1(t)+1.5x2(t)(I omitted "hat" and others). And the model with corARMA(p=2,q=3) is proper. What will be
2008 Jun 18
problems trying the "getting started" demo
I have installed on a VirtualBox vm the crossbow ISO Now I''m trying to create the network map described in the "getting started" pdf I have this situation: On global zone, I have the real NIC: e1000g0 with ip (VirtualBox NAT this IP, I can get web access with it) I have created an etherstub (etherstub n?2) with 2 vnics (vnic5 and vnic6), I''ve plumbed
2018 Feb 05
Using Samba AD for NFSV4 Kerberos servers and clients
Hello Kevin, We have a  Samba/Windows20008R2 domain that's been running a few years now. Here are the details: * clients auth with SSSD (ldap, kerberos, ldap_schema=rfc2307bis) * idmap * samba on clients/server for joining domain We have scripts that automatically create users with UnixHomeDir, UID and GUID numbers within AD. I don't know about using WInbind...  I dropped that