search for: estbbo_m

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "estbbo_m".

2009 Jul 12
Heckman Selection MOdel Help in R
...R, I have to do a 2 step Heckman model, my selection equation is > below which I was successful in running but I am unable to proceed further, > > > > I have so far used the following command > > glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + > ??? imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit")) > > My question is > 1. How do i discard the non significant selection variables (one out of the > seven variables above is non-significant) and calculate the Inverse Mills > Ratio of the significant variables > > 2. I need the inv...
2009 Jul 12
ERROR message while using <-invMillsRatio()
..." "nbgoodc" "nbstatus" [16] "sunowjob" "suyr5job" "omnowjob" "omyr5job" "gemwork3" [21] "suboanw" "babybuso" "estbbuso" "suboan_m" "babybo_m" [26] "estbbo_m" "es_gdppc" "ief_fisc" "yearctry" "ief_ipr" [31] "wb_law" "wb_corr" "imf_pop" "imf_pgro" "es_gdpch" [36] "sq_gdppc" "ln_oy5" "gemedu" "gemh...
2009 Jul 16
...uot;yearctry" with each "yearctry" having 2000 observations roughly. Hence I use the glm/probit to look into the selection bias where all my dependant variable "s" are either 0 or 1. The formula *myProbit<- glm(s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = adpopdata)* is the Heckman selection equation based on all observations without taking into account the fact that each "yearctry" is unique, I want the selection equation to recognise the uniqueness of each "yearctry" value...
2009 Jul 11
Heckman Selection Model/Inverse Mills Ratio
I have so far used the following command glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit")) My question is 1. How do i discard the non significant selection variables (one out of the seven variables above is non-significant) and calculate the Inverse Mills Ratio of the significant variables 2. I need the inverse mills ratio from the above t...
2009 Oct 17
how to cluster data for use with lmer
...t;gemeduc" "gemhhinc" "ref_group" "fearfail_ref" "knowent_ref" "nbgoodc_ref" [11] "nbstatus_ref" "estbbuso_ref" "lngdp" "lngdpsq" "es_gdppcppp" "sq_gdppcppp" "estbbo_m" "es_gdpchg" hear I have variables representing two levels, namely individual level and country level. My data is thus a 2 level data. the country level variables (level-2) are "lngdp" "lngdpsq" "es_gdppcppp" "sq_gdppcppp" &qu...
2009 Oct 18
How to create MULTILEVELS in a dataset??
Dear R users I have a data set which has five variables. One depenedent variable y, and 4 Independent variables (education-level, householdincome, countrygdp and countrygdpsquare). The first two are data corresponding to the individual and the next two coorespond to the country to which the individual belongs to. My data set does not make this distinction between individual level and country
2009 Jul 10
GLM for Probit for Panel Data
...y = 2000001), I have 65 different countries in the survey and time span from 2000-2008 ie 9 years. My question is: How do I make R recognise yearctry as my panel variable when I am running a glm like the one below: > glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit")) What changes/additions do I make to this above probit regression command such that the variable "yearctry" could be passed/assigned as the panel variable? Kindly help Thanks in advance Saurav -- Dr.Saurav Pathak PhD, Univ.of.Florida Mecha...
2009 Jul 15
...panel data, my data are clustered/grouped by the variable "yearctry", I am running the regression below, but I cant make the regression recognise "yearctry" as the panel variable in the regression myProbit<- glm(s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = adpopdata) Can anyone help me do this please??? Thanks Saurav -- Dr.Saurav Pathak PhD, Univ.of.Florida Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Imperial College Business School 0044-77...