search for: deeplys

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1347 matches for "deeplys".

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2003 Sep 28
infinite recursion during package installation with methods, setAs
I ran into a problem recently trying to update a package which uses S4 methods using a recent beta of R. I think I can reproduce it with a simple example. I have package called `testpkg' in directory testpkg/. In the R/ subdirectory of testpkg/ I have a file called testpkg.R which contains the following two lines: setClass("testpkg", representation(pts = "list"))
2011 Mar 09
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?
Hi, I am processing tick data and my code has stopped working as I have increased the size of data being processed. Now I am receiving error for basic tasks in RConsole: > a = c(1:1000) Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? My R code worked fine with 50 stocks and 500,000 rows per stock, but when I increased this to 50 stocks and 5,000,000 rows per
2001 Sep 04
evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion?
I recently started using R (Version 1.3.0 on a Dell machine). After using R for about a week, I started receiving the error message shown below. I can't even run simple commands that I know should work. Is this a bug or did I just mess something up? I've uninstalled and reinstalled R but continue to receive the same errors. The errors are shown below: R : Copyright 2001, The R
2007 Jul 19
Error: evaluation nested too deeply when doing heatmap with binary distfunction
Hi netters, I have a matrix X of the size (1000,100). The values are from -3 to +3. When I tried heatmap(X, distfun=function(c),dist(c,method="bin"),hclustfun=function(m),hclust(m,method="average")) I got the error message: Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? However, if I used default parameters for distfunction:
2009 Oct 28
'R CMD check' fails with "evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion"
I get the error Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? during a 'R CMD check ...' on one of my packages. The reason seems to be that this package is mutually dependent on another one (i.e. the DESCRIPTION files of package A lists package B under "Depends" and vice versa). this might be bad design (having bits in both packages needed
2004 Jan 03
error "evaluation nested too deeply" {was "Heatmap"}
I'm diverting this to the more appropriate mailing list, R-help, since heatmap() is standard R function. >>>>> "Johan" == Johan Lindberg <johanl at> >>>>> on Fri, 02 Jan 2004 10:04:14 +0100 writes: Johan> I am trying to plot a matrix of m-values in a heatmap Johan> with "average linkage". The rows
2011 Aug 31
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?
Hi all, Why I am getting, Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? Thanks in advance! func <- Vectorize(function(x, a, sad, trunc=0, ...) { result <- function(x) { f1 <- function(n) { dcom <- paste("d", deparse(substitute(sad)), sep="") dots <- c("n"), list(...)) f <-
2010 Aug 12
Error: evaluation nested too deeply
Hi guys, I have a code in R and it was work well but when I decrease the epsilon value (indicated in the code) , then I am getting this error Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? any help please y = 6.8; w = 7.4; z = 5.7; muy = 7; muw = 7; muz = 6; sigmay = 0.8; sigmaz = 0.76; sigmaw = 0.3; betayx = 0.03; betayz = 0.3; betayw = 0.67 s =
2013 Feb 28
data grouping and fitting mixed model with lme function
Dear all,   I have data from the following experimental design and trying to fit a mixed model with lme function according to following steps but struggling. Any help is deeply appreciated.   1) Experimental design: I have 40 plants each of which has 4 clones. Each clone planted to one of 4 blocks. Phenotypes were collected from each clone for 3 consecutive years. I have genotypes of plants. I
2000 Mar 15
evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion?
hello R-users, I'm trying to port from S+4 a library called S2HTML. generic function HTMLExport, when called for a lm object, uses HTMLExport.lm which itself calls HTMLExport.list to export the summary. My problem is that HTMLExport.list may itself call HTMLExport (and so HTMLExport.list) for components of the lists that are lists themselves (like "terms" component of an lm object).
2020 Aug 12
CVE-2020-12100: Receiving mail with deeply nested MIME parts leads to resource exhaustion.
Open-Xchange Security Advisory 2020-08-12 Affected product: Dovecot IMAP server Internal reference: DOP-1849 (Bug ID) Vulnerability type: Uncontrolled recursion (CWE-674) Vulnerable version: 2.0 Vulnerable component: submission, lmtp, lda Fixed version: Report confidence: Confirmed Solution status: Fix available Vendor notification: 2020-04-23 CVE reference: CVE-2020-12100 CVSS: 7.5
2020 Aug 12
CVE-2020-12100: Receiving mail with deeply nested MIME parts leads to resource exhaustion.
Open-Xchange Security Advisory 2020-08-12 Affected product: Dovecot IMAP server Internal reference: DOP-1849 (Bug ID) Vulnerability type: Uncontrolled recursion (CWE-674) Vulnerable version: 2.0 Vulnerable component: submission, lmtp, lda Fixed version: Report confidence: Confirmed Solution status: Fix available Vendor notification: 2020-04-23 CVE reference: CVE-2020-12100 CVSS: 7.5
2004 Jul 21
error "evaluation nested too deeply" {was "Heatmap"}
Hi, Trying to plot a large dendrogram, I get the recursion limit error Error in : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expression=)? but setting options(expressions = 10000) or something large enough to solve the infinite recursion limit problem, I get Error: protect(): stack overflow Is there anything that can be done? Thanks Claudio Donati
2009 Jan 22
error using heatmap :"evaluation nested too deeply....."
Hi, I get following error when trying to plot a heatmap on a very large matrix (808 x5000). heatmap(ctab) Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? Call to heatmap function is not contained within any other function or so. Upon searching the R mailing list, I found that someone had the same problem and the suggested solution was to set an option using
2010 Feb 11
Recall function: "evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
hello all i searched the archives and couldn't get a solution to the following question. i have the following function: F=function(z,v) { if (v==-.5) return(1) else return(2*v/z + 1/Recall(z,v-1)) } and while testing whether it works (ie F(z,v) is approx = besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V). the recursion formula allows one to calculate besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V) for large values of z )
2010 Feb 11
Fwd: Recall function: "evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
hello all i searched the archives and couldn't get a solution to the following question. i have the following function: F=function(z,v) { if (v==-.5) return(1) else return(2*v/z + 1/Recall(z,v-1)) } and while testing whether it works (ie F(z,v) is approx = besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V). the recursion formula allows one to calculate besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V) for large values of z )
2016 Feb 03
CentOS 7, NSF, "feature" [SOLVED]
The issue: NFS fails to start in CentOS 7 if it cannot resolve any of a list of hosts. Well, my manager had to google to find the *truly* obscure solution that uses a deeply oddball syntax. In /usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service, you edit the following line so that it looks like this: ExecStartPre=-/usr/sbin/exportfs -r Notice the *deeply* weird syntax of "=-<cmd>". This
2009 Jun 05
Problem with generic methods
Hi I want to create a new generic method, but I end up with an error (evaluation nested too deeply). see the transcript below. The function beginYear.Fun() works, but not beginYear. I have no idea why. Any ideas welcome, Rainer > setClass("fun", representation(x = "numeric")) [1] "fun" > new("fun") An object of class ?fun? Slot "x":
2010 May 06
Problem with nested functions - functions nested too deeply in source code
Hi all! I¹m just implementing the Ullmann¹s algorithm for searching subgraph isomorphisms in graphNEL objects. The algorithm is running with smaller graphs, but when I¹m calling it i get an R error message saying that functions are nested too deeply in source code. I found out that the problem is in the so called refinement procedure of the algorithm which consists of 10 different functions,
2008 Jan 23
Worth upgrading desktop to 5.1?
I am using CentOS 5.0 on my desktop workstation. Are there any deeply compelling reasons to upgrade to version 5.1? I read through the release notes but didn't see any whiz-bang new features. Perhaps some of you can share your personal experience letting us know if you have noticed any differences, etc.