Displaying 20 results from an estimated 99 matches for "dbsendquery".
2013 Jul 15
Serialize data.frame to database
Dear R-Users,
I need a very fast and reliable database solution so I try to serialize a data.frame (to binary data) and to store this data to an SQLite database.
This is what I tried to do:
con <- dbDriver("SQLite")
db <- dbConnect(con, "test")
dbSendQuery(db, 'CREATE TABLE frames("simID" INT, "data" BLOB)')
data.bin <- serialize(iris, NULL, ascii = FALSE)
dbSendQuery(db, paste("INSERT INTO frames VALUES(1, X'", data.bin, "')", sep = ""))
data.bin2 <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT...
2010 May 10
dbSendQuery with R variables
I'd like to modify this RSQLite statement:
rs_stations<-dbSendQuery(con_stations, "select * from stations")
so that stations is actually an R variable, e.g.:
How would I modify the above statement to query from stations[[1]]
(aka "stationA")?
2009 May 06
rmysql query help
format in a mysql table is pretty standard
Any ideas?
startdatetime<-"2009-04-04 01:00:00"
connect <-
forecast <- dbSendQuery(connect, statement=paste("SELECT ICE FROM table1
WHERE BEGTIME >= 'startdatetime'")) # doesnt read variable
forecast <- dbSendQuery(connect, statement=paste("SELECT ICE FROM table1
WHERE BEGTIME >="startdatetime)) # space error
but this seems to work
2009 Jan 10
...ipant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033'
AND timeseries_run = '2';")
8 > temp3 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable3 SELECT *
FROM tvalFDR_small WHERE participant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND
nogestureFDR > 1.95;")
9 > dbSendQuery(con, temp1)
10 > dbSendQuery(con, temp2)
11 > dbSendQuery(con, temp3)
12 > query.string1 <- paste("SELECT t.timeseries_id, t.timeseries_signal
FROM MyTemporaryTable1 t, MyTemporaryTable3 v...
2006 Nov 17
Forming SQL Query at run-time
I am trying to get data from mysql database using a couple of queries.
I do one query to find out the indexes. Then i need to use these
indexes in another query, but i keep getting errors.
Here is something:
numb <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select distinct(comparison) from table1")
count <- fetch(numb, -1)
my.matrix <- as.matrix(count)
rs <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select A.comparison,A.id, A.q_value,
B.q_value from table1 as A, table1 as B where A.comparison =
'my.matrix[11481]' AND B.comparison =...
2009 Jun 04
RPostgreSQL segfault with LEFT JOIN
...n_id ~~ '%SJER%'
ORDER BY deb_lab_data.pedon_id, deb_lab_data.top ASC "
# create an PostgreSQL instance and create one connection.
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, host="localhost", dbname="XXX", user="XXX")
query <- dbSendQuery(conn, q)
x <- fetch(query, n = -1) # extract all rows
Here is the error message in R:
row num...
2001 Mar 19
generic database access methods
# Returns TRUE if the connection object is valid and the connection
# can be used to communicate with the database backend.
dbConnectionOK.default <- function(conn) FALSE
# User passed something other than a defined connection class
# Rdbi: ioMethods.R
dbSendQuery <- function(conn, ...) UseMethod("dbSendQuery")
# This function submits a query string to the backend. If the query
# generates any results, they should be returned in a data frame;
# otherwise the function returns NULL. Printing error messgages is
# left to the implementation, but...
2002 Dec 01
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 13:23:04 -0600
...QL library. I've
been attempting to create a temporary table in a MySQL database and then
perform a SELECT with a WHEREs clause on the table. In effect perform a
SELECT with a subSELECT.
The problem is that it never seems to be able to find the table after I
create it. I've been using the dbSendQuery method to create the table
since this seems to be the one too use for sending all forms of SQL
Is it possible that MySQL is dropping the temporary table every time a
new dbSendQuery is run? Or (more likely) am I using the library
... asset pricing is paradoxi...
2017 Jul 17
dbplyr error updating database
I am trying to use a shiny app to update records in an sqlite database. I keep running into the following error:
unable to find an inherited method for function 'dbSendQuery' for signature '"src_dbi", "character"'
The query I am trying to send is:
[1] "update kpquestions set mrisupercat = 'Demographics - Respondent' , set mricategory = 'Respondent - Age' , where VariableNumber = 2;"
Then I get this in my conso...
2008 Sep 25
Saving R-objects to a database
Someone solved the problem of saving R-objects to a database?
These are the two varaints I've tried so far without success:
ser = rawToChar(serialize(obj, NULL, ascii=TRUE))
dbSendQuery(link, paste("insert into table values(1, '",ser,"')",sep=''))
The field to save the object in the MySQL Database is of type text.
unser = dbGetQuery(link,"select * from table where id=1")
Warning message:
In mysqlFetch(res, n, ...) :
RS-DBI driver...
2018 Mar 02
Problemas de conexion con base de datso
No entiendo muy bien porque me salta ese error, ya que desde SQL si que puedo acceder a dicha tabla...
La base de datos ahora mismo esta casi vacia...(2 registros como mucho)
Lo que hago para ver el codigo de la tabla es pinchar en View de Rstudio, pero haciendo l aconsulta con
dbSendQuery(conexion,"SELECT * FROM Tabla1;")
tb me da el mismo error.
?Qu? puede estar pasando?
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2011 Jan 04
Print plot to pdf, jpg or any other format when using scatter3d error
#database connection
mycon <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
#distinct sessions
rsSessionsU01 <- dbSendQuery(mycon, "select distinct sessionID from
actiontimes where userID = 'ID01'")
sessionU01 <-fetch(rsSessionsU01)
#user01 data
mycon <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
rsUser01 <- dbSe...
2009 May 16
Fwd: Cannot allocate a new database connection error
...R-prompt and then run the
*Error in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (ì8@`qE@°
cannot allocate a new connection -- maximum of 16 connections already
Error in is(object, Cl) :
error in evaluating the argument 'conn' in selecting a method for function
Error in is(object, Cl) :
error in evaluating the argument 'res' in selecting a method for function
*this is my DB connection function*
*myDbConnect <- function (dbName, hostName) {
con <- dbConnect(drv, user="xyz", passw...
2003 Jul 15
dbApply (R newbee)
calculate the 85% quantile of AvgSpeed for each LinieID. Looking through
documentation of the RMySQL Package, I guessed that dbApply would do the
trick due to this example
## compute quanitiles for each network agent
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), group="vitalAnalysis")
res <- dbSendQuery(con,
"select Agent, ip_addr, DATA from pseudo_data order by Agent")
out <- dbApply(res, INDEX = "Agent",
FUN = function(x, grp) quantile(x$DATA, names=FALSE))
But when I try I get this:
> con = dbConnect(MySQL(),group="Speed")
2007 Dec 10
Sweave : change value in rnw file to generate multiple "single" reports ?
I'm still trying to make the life of my colleagues easier. Nice, isn't it ?
At the moment, I'm looking for a way to generate multiple "single report".
In fact I have a .rnw file which send a query to a MySQL database
(rs<-dbSendQuery(con, statement="select * from treatdata where
But of course my colleagues have many devices and don't want to enter the
rnw file to change the name of the device.
Is there a way to pass arguments to Sweave like Sweave("myfile.rnw",
2007 Jun 05
multiple plot in odfWeave
...drv <- dbDriver("MySQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, user="lamilhat", password="******",
dbname="Aquagenome", host="mymachine.toulouse.inra.fr")
Liste des projets:
<<carte2, echo = FALSE, results= verbatim, fig = TRUE>>=
lp <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT nom FROM projets")
projets <- fetch(lp)
for (i in 1:nbr)
myquery=paste("SELECT s.longitude, s.latitude, o.orgashort FROM
organisme o JOIN scientist s ON o.codeorga=s.codeorga JOIN partenaire p
ON p.codescientist...
2004 Dec 09
ROracle/DBI problem with dbExecStatement on RH Linux
> con <- dbConnect(ora, user = USER, password = PWD, dbname = DBNAME)
> rs <- dbExecStatement(con, "select * from USER_TABLES")
Error in .class1(object) : No direct or inherited method for function
"dbExecStatement" for this call
dbSendQuery/dbGetQuery work fine. I've reinstalled ROracle 0.5-5 and DBI
0.1-8 from source on RH Linux Enterprise WS release 3 Taroon update;
kernel 2.4.21-9.0.1; Oracle; R 1.9.1.
Any suggestions on resolving this would be much appreciated.
2010 Sep 22
agregar valores a una tablea de SQL
...L, y a la vez con bases SQL,
así que a lo mejor no es tan complicado.
Quiero agregar valores, que genero en R, a una tabla de SQL más o menos la idea
> ssql<-"INSERT INTO tabla1 (variableA, variableB) VALUES
> dbSendQuery(conec, ssql)
pero entonces se incertan ceros en tabla1, siendo que valor1 y valor2, son las
variables que me guardan el numerito que generé en R... cómo le hago para que
SQL así lo entienda??
Muchas gracias
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2014 Oct 20
dbHasCompleted() always returns TRUE for POSTGRES Database with RJDBC?
...else have or had this problem?
All the best
######## adapted Example from help (?dbHasCompleted ), Works #######
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars)
# Fetch all results
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM mtcars WHERE cyl = 4")
# Fetch in chunks
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM mtcars")
dbHasCompleted(res) ## RETURNS FALSE !!!
while (!dbHasCompleted(res)) {
chunk <- fetch(res, 10)
2005 Apr 02
RMySQL question
Dear List,
I have this little problem:
I work with adiacency matrix like:
data me you
me 0 1
you 1 0
I store those matrix in a mysql database
actually I use RMySQL with:
res<-dbSendQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM table")
to retrive the table, and I have
data me you
1 io 0 1
2 tu 1 0
I would like the first column to be seen not as data, but as label,
data me you
io 0 1
tu 1 0
should I change...