search for: dbhascomplet

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "dbhascomplet".

Did you mean: dbhascompleted
2014 Oct 20
dbHasCompleted() always returns TRUE for POSTGRES Database with RJDBC?
Hello Simon, Hello everyone, I have a problem with retrieving database-queries chunkwise. In my query (Postgresql-Database, Postgres-Version 9.1) dbHasCompleted seems to always return TRUE. dbGetQuery works for smaller tables, but not for the whole query, since then a Heap-Overflow-Error will occur (and a Error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" when trying to set a larger size). Does anybody else have or had this prob...
2003 May 22
Question on dbHasCompleted(...)
All, In the following, when I just enter R from UNIX and make a connection to Oracle database, dbHasCompleted(rs) is TRUE. This shouldn't have happened since I haven't fetched any thing. Help will be appreciated. -MY --------------------------------------------------------------------- MyUnixMachine% R R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) R is free softw...
2003 May 12
Problem in fetching from Oracle
...all, I tried the following in R: >library(ROracle) >ora <- dbDriver("Oracle") >channel <- dbConnect(ora, user = "scott", password="tiger",dbname="abcdef") >rs <- dbSendQuery(channel, "select * from USArrests") >while(!dbHasCompleted(rs)) { xxx <- fetch(rs, n = 5000) } + + + > xxx Error: Object "xxx" not found If I changed xxx to df and typed df, I got + + + > df function (x, df1, df2, log = FALSE) .Internal(df(x, df1, df2, log)) <environment: namespace:base> > Please help. Thanks. Minghu...
2005 Dec 15
Why is bubbles() creating empty png graphs?
...', progress_end, " | ", fn, " | ") flush.console() if (!file.exists(fn)) { q <- paste("select X,Y,RX from", tn, "where (_run=", run, ") AND (_Year=", year, ")") rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q) positions <- fetch(rs, n = -1) while (!dbHasCompleted(rs)) { cat(".") flush.console() } cat(length(positions$X), "points") png(filename=fn) bubble(positions, do.sqrt=FALSE, main=q) #plot(positions) pause() cat(" | Done \n") } } } } -- -- Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation Biology (UCT)...
2010 Aug 01
How to create ff objects from database connection
Hi Does anybody know how to create ff objects with data reading from stream objects, such as data reading from PostgreSQL database through RPostgreSQL. For this purpose although we can save the data to a csv file through external tools and then read it through csv readers, but it requires one more data read and write operation, which is of high I/O cost for large datasets. Xiaobo.Gu
2010 Jun 21
RSQLite and fetching rows from multiple tables
...ector,UWIND_NARR.data_vector,VWIND_NARR.data_vector,PPT_PRISM.date_vector,TMIN_PRISM.date_vector,TMAX_PRISM.date_vector,RAD_RSUN.date_vector,DEM_25M.date_vector,UWIND_NARR.date_vector,VWIND_NARR.date_vector FROM PPT_PRISM,TMIN_PRISM,TMAX_PRISM,RAD_RSUN,DEM_25M,UWIND_NARR,VWIND_NARR") while(!dbHasCompleted(climate_query)){ climate_data_fetch <- fetch(climate_query, n = db_fetch_n) print(climate_data_fetch[1,1] print(dbGetRowCount(climate_query)) # I want to do something with the climate_data_fetch "chunk" here, write out the results to a new table, a...
2006 Oct 27
RMySQL and stored procedures
...lags stored procedures calls do not run at all. I also do fetching the results in a loop - as suggested in the doc, so: doStoredProcedureFetch <- function( connection, sql ) { res <- dbSendQuery( connection, sql ) data <- fetch( res, n=-1 ) repeat { fetch( res, n=-1 ) if( dbHasCompleted( res ) ) break ; } data } However, sometimes I get the error message: "RS-DBI driver: (could not run statement: Lost connection to MySQL server during query)" and the connection has been lost indeed. Sometimes it does not happen and I may run yet another query. Looks that happen...
2005 Apr 04
mysql retrive question
hello R-Users, I have this simple but not for me question: I do: > res<-dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM tabellaProva") > myDataFrame<-fetch(res) > myDataMatrix<-as.matrix(myDataFrame[,-1]) > namerows(myDataMatrix)<-as.character(myDataFrame[,1]) and I have: io tu io "0" "1" tu "1" "0" my problem is that the
2007 Mar 20
RMySQL load error
...1] "MySQLResult" [1] "dbClearResult" [1] "fetch" [1] "fetch" [1] "dbGetInfo" [1] "dbGetStatement" [1] "dbListFields" [1] "dbColumnInfo" [1] "dbGetRowsAffected" [1] "dbGetRowCount" [1] "dbHasCompleted" [1] "dbGetException" [1] "summary" [1] "dbDataType" [1] "make.db.names" [1] "SQLKeywords" [1] "isSQLKeyword" [1] "dbApply" [1] "dbApply" ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package &...
2003 Nov 11
Installing and Loading RMySQL on OS X 2.8
...oc" [1] "MySQLResult" [1] "dbClearResult" [1] "fetch" [1] "fetch" [1] "dbGetInfo" [1] "dbGetStatement" [1] "dbListFields" [1] "dbColumnInfo" [1] "dbGetRowsAffected" [1] "dbGetRowCount" [1] "dbHasCompleted" [1] "dbGetException" [1] "summary" [1] "dbDataType" [1] "make.db.names" [1] "SQLKeywords" [1] "isSQLKeyword" [1] "dbApply" [1] "dbApply" ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'RMyS...
2005 Mar 09
RMySQL installed but not availalable
...t;dbClearResult" > [1] "fetch" > [1] "fetch" > [1] "dbGetInfo" > [1] "dbGetStatement" > [1] "dbListFields" > [1] "dbColumnInfo" > [1] "dbGetRowsAffected" > [1] "dbGetRowCount" > [1] "dbHasCompleted" > [1] "dbGetException" > [1] "summary" > [1] "dbDataType" > [1] "make.db.names" > [1] "SQLKeywords" > [1] "isSQLKeyword" > [1] "dbApply" > [1] "dbApply" > > ** help > >>&...
2002 Oct 16
Database newbee problem...
Hi all, This is a potentially very stupid question about MySQL <-> R interaction, but I have not been able to solve it. I'm just trying to connect R to my MySQL databse, and gets this: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: methods > m <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(m,group="testdb") Process R segmentation fault at Wed Oct 16 07:04:30
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
The subject of your email is missing. Perhaps you need to read the Posting Guide (again?) about attachments. Embedding your example directly in the body of the email is generally more accessible in archives than attaching it. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On April 27, 2016 1:14:17 PM GMT+01:00, G.Maubach at wrote: >Hi All, > >I am addressing this post to all
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
Hi All, I am addressing this post to all who are new to R. When learing R in the last weeks I took some notes for myself to have code snippets ready for the data analysis process. I put these snippets together as a script template for future use. Almost all of the given command prototypes are tested. The template script contains snippets for best practices and leaves out the commands that