Hi, I use RMySQL to connect to MySQL server where I have a couple of stored procedures. I know that the function for the stored procedures "is not yet implemented", but I was trying to get around the problem connecting like that: drv <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect(drv,user=MyUser, password=MyPasswd, dbname=MyDBName, host=MyHost, client.flag="196608" ) where 196608 is a combination of CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS and CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS as mentioned in the mysql_real_connect() documentation. Without these flags stored procedures calls do not run at all. I also do fetching the results in a loop - as suggested in the doc, so: doStoredProcedureFetch <- function( connection, sql ) { res <- dbSendQuery( connection, sql ) data <- fetch( res, n=-1 ) repeat { fetch( res, n=-1 ) if( dbHasCompleted( res ) ) break ; } data } However, sometimes I get the error message: "RS-DBI driver: (could not run statement: Lost connection to MySQL server during query)" and the connection has been lost indeed. Sometimes it does not happen and I may run yet another query. Looks that happens with specific queries only - plain SELECTs run ok, some CALLs for procedure, too. Some don't. I'm seriously confused :| Could you give ant hints why it happens, how to fix it and what is the problem with stored procedures? Cheers, Michal -------------------------------------------------------- This email is confidential and intended solely for the use o...{{dropped}}