search for: centres

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4383 matches for "centres".

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2013 May 21
keep the centre fixed in K-means clustering
Dear R users I have the matrix of the centres of some clusters, e.g. 20 clusters each with 100 dimentions, so this matrix contains 20 rows * 100 columns numeric values. I have collected new data (each with 100 numeric values) and would like to keep the above 20 centres fixed/'unmoved' whilst just see how my new data fit in this groupi...
2007 Apr 19
Error with strptime
Dear All, I am trying to convert to POSIXct after pasting a date and a time in character format with strptime. It is probably obvious but I don't understand why I get an error message after bsamp$spltime<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M") whereas I can get what I want if I do it in 2 steps and rbinding ? Thanks and best regards, Jean-Louis This is the R console output
2010 Jun 18
Drawing sample from a circle
Hi, I would like to draw 10 uniformly distributed sample points from a circle with redius one and centered at (0,0). Is there any R function to do that?   Thanks, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 22
scale,centre,and get more interactions
Hi folks, I am new to lme in R, and I have a question regarding to the effect of scale function on the lme. When I use the function to scale and centre the levels of the fixed effects (e.g., X and Y; both have two levels) and write them to new columns: ex: dat$cX<-scale(as.numeric(dat$X),center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) dat$cY<-scale(as.numeric(dat$Y),center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) and compare
2018 Mar 02
Variable centring within "predict.coxph"
Dear R-help, I am using R-3.3.2 on Windows 10. I teach on a course which has 4 computer practical sessions related to the development and validation of clinical prediction models. These are currently written for Stata and I am in the process of writing them for use in R too (as I far prefer R to Stata!) I notice that predictions made from a Cox model in Stata are based on un-centred variables,
2010 Mar 10
pie EPS BB
Greetings all! I'm facing a puzzle I have not been able to solve. I need to make an EPS of a pie-chart (Yes, I know; please don't bother to tell me! I just need to ...). I'm trying to do it with pie(), and I want to have just the plain pie-chart with no annotations. So far so good: "labels=rep(NA,...)" will do it. But I want to have it output to an EPS file with the
2008 Mar 05
coxme - fitting random treatment effect nested within centre
Dear all, I am using "coxme" function in Kinship library to fit random treatment effect nested within centre. I got 3 treatments (0,1,2) and 3 centres. I used following commands, but got an error. > ugroup=paste(rep(1:3,each=3),rep(0:2,3),sep='/') > mat1=bdsmatrix(rep(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),3),blocksize=rep(3,3),dimnames=list(ugroup,ugroup)) > mat2=bdsmatrix(rep(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),3),blocksize=rep(3,3),dimnames=list(ugroup,ugro...
2009 Apr 15
How to apply a function to all combinations of the values of 2 or more variables?
Hi, All Forgive me if this is a stupid newbie question. I'm having no luck googling an answer to this, probably because I don't know the right R terminology to frame my question. I want to know how to run an R function on each combination of the values of 2 or more variables. In SAS-speak this is multiple "BY variables" or "CLASS variables". In R I've figured
2005 Mar 31
Using kmeans given cluster centroids and data with NAs
Hello, I have used the functions agnes and cutree to cluster my data (4977 objects x 22 variables) into 8 clusters. I would like to refine the solution using a k-means or similar algorithm, setting the initial cluster centres as the group means from agnes. However my data matrix has NA's in it and the function kmeans does not appear to accept this? > dim(centres) [1] 8 22 > dim(data) [1] 4977 22 > x <- kmeans(data,centres) Error in kmeans(data, centres) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)...
2006 Feb 14
Developing a call centre app. Communication with asterisk?
Hi there. We're going to develop a call centre app for internal use in our office. The call centre is probably going to be a java-based client installed on a windows machine that our secretary can use. Features should be a way to see incoming calls, answer them, and then transfer the calls to our different users/groups/divisions. If it also could be possible to have a way to see if the user
2004 Nov 22
How to correct this
Hi there, I tried to add a few circles on an existing figure using the following codes, y=0.5, r=0.1, draw=TRUE, gp=gpar(col=5)), y=0.5, r=0.3, draw=TRUE, gp=gpar(col=5)), y=0.5, r=0.5, draw=TRUE, gp=gpar(col=5)) points(0.5, 0.5, col = 5) # centre of the circle , but all circles moved away from the centre. Could we do any
2013 Mar 11
Optimization in R similar to MS Excel Solver
Dear all, I am trying to find the solution for the optimization problem focused on the finding minimum cost. I used the solution proposed by excel solver, but there is a restriction in the number of variables. My data consists of 300 rows represent cities and 6 columns represent the centres. It constitutes a cost matrix, where the cost are distances between each city and each of six centres. ..+ 1 column contains variables, represents number of firms. I want to calculate the minimum cost between cities and centres. Each city can belong only to one of the centres. A model example: c...
2007 Nov 22
Solaris 9 Winbind "ls -l" hangs - group mapping
OS Solaris 5.9 (9) Generic_122300-13 (clean build) nscd daemon has been disabled and is not running No NIS or NISPLUS Samba Version 3.0.26a Complied using the following options --with-acl-support -with-winbind -with-pam smbd, nmbd & winbind daemons are all started [global] workgroup = MTCB2 security = domain log level = 3 log file =
2008 Jul 01
Are centre coordinates or upper left corners used of x, y for SpatialPixels?
Dear all, I'm working with satellite images in R and plotting them via the code below. I was wondering whether coordinates (spatial["x"], spatial["y"]) are used as centre coordinates of the pixels in the GRID? In this script; spatial["x"] & spatial["y"] are the centre coordinates of the satellite image pixels. I'm asking this because some
2010 Nov 10
Centring titles for pairs of plots.
I would like to centre titles for pairs of plots in a 3-x-2 array. Each row of the array corresponds to a calendar year and I would like to have the year value centred between the two plots in the row, and just above their upper edges. I have attached an example in "demo.pdf" showing roughly what I want. I managed to produce the example using
2006 Apr 04
Auto Attendant Question
Hi Folks I have had a look through the Features list, and I see that the system does support an auto attendant, however is it possible to have say 5 telephone numbers that a person would dial and have 5 different messages I.e Dial 555-1121 and you get a message for companyA call centre Dial 555-1131 and you get a message for companyB call centre Dial 555-1141 and you get a message for companyC
2011 Feb 20
libxapian1.2.4 breaks synaptic quick search; breaks software centre search
[Cc-ing xapian-discuss as other people may be able to help] On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 11:45:20PM +0000, francis wrote: > I installed xapian1.2.4 on Lucid; libxapian1.2.4 seems to be > incompatible with synaptic quick search - typing two or more chars > produces a segmentation fault. The synaptic search(find) button works > ok. Software Centre search is also broken. I guess you're
2011 Jun 29
centre two graphs on one plot
Hi, I am trying to put together a biplot using symbols and different colours instead of text as points. Someone has previously suggested using this code: PC <- prcomp (iris[,1:4]) lambda <- PC$sdev * sqrt(nrow(PC$x)) plot (t(t(PC$x)/lambda),pch=16,col=as.numeric(iris[,5])) par (new=T) Rot <- t(t(PC$rotation)*lambda) XLIM <- c(-max(abs(Rot[,1])),max(abs(Rot[,1]))) XLIM <-
2003 Jul 31
Mac OS 10 (not X11) failure to rotate symbols (PR#3602)
In the following code the arrow symbols do not rotate with the text on the Mac OS window, however the do rotate on X11 port on Mac OS. (R version 1.71) x <- c(0,10.) y <- c(0,10.) offset <- 3 centre <- 5 plot(x,y, xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y),type="n", xlab="",ylab="", main="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n") for (i in (seq(0, 340,
2004 Jun 24
More problems with lattice and postscript
Dear List members, I am trying to produce some trellis graphics and to save them in a postscript file but I only get blank files. R behaviour is certainly strange because I use a loop to generate the graphics (see code below). When I change the loop variable myself the postscript graphics are OK. I am using R 1.9.1 (2004-06-21) on Debian GNU/Linux which I try to keep updated on a daily basis. I