Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2250 matches for "brasil".
2018 Apr 27
install dovecot 2.2.35 debian jessie
Got 2.2.34 running using debian strech image + strech-backports repos!
Webert Lima
DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
*Belo Horizonte - Brasil*
*IRC NICK - WebertRLZ*
On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 9:37 PM, Webert de Souza Lima <webert.boss at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Oh thank you Cedric, I hadn't check that. So 2.2.35 is unstable, huh?
> I'll deploy 2.2.34 instead.
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Webert...
2018 Apr 26
install dovecot 2.2.35 debian jessie
...18-04-26 16:43 GMT-04:00 Webert de Souza Lima <webert.boss at gmail.com>:
> hmm I think I should use stretch instead of jessie, OR I should use a
> stretch-backport repos, right?
> Regards,
> Webert Lima
> DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
> *Belo Horizonte - Brasil*
> *IRC NICK - WebertRLZ*
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 5:39 PM, Webert de Souza Lima <
> webert.boss at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I can't figure how to install latest stable dovecot version 2.2.35 in
>> Debian Jessie
>> If I follow this guide <...
2006 Jul 20
Confirmação de pedido para entrar no grupo python-brasil
On 20 Jul 2006 02:05:32 -0000
Yahoo! Grupos <confirm-s2-pywddWlXNxf=67g6yNq6a5yrLpQ-savio.outros=oi.com.br em yahoogrupos.com.br> wrote:
> Ol? savio.outros em oi.com.br,
> Recebemos sua solicita??o para entrar no grupo python-brasil
> do Yahoo! Grupos, um servi?o de comunidades online gratuito e
> super f?cil de usar.
> Este pedido expirar? em 7 dias.
> 1) V? para o site do Yahoo! Grupos clicando neste link:
> http://br.groups.yahoo.com/i?i=pywddWlXNxf-...
2009 Aug 26
Multiple user registration ...
...the same demand and, maybe, have
found any viable solution to it.
Thanks and best regards,
*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro S?rgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572
2006 Jun 17
Vamos fazer o lançamento do livro? (Brazil)
...inalmente terminei de escrever o livro e entreguei o material
para a editora esta semana, agora resta esperar at? que eles nos digam
quando ser? a data do lan?amento. Sendo otimista talvez seja daqui um
m?s, talvez um pouco mais. Manterei todos informados.
Como ser? o primeiro livro sobre Rails no Brasil seria uma ?tima
id?ia reunir todos os que ap?iam a plataforma em um evento de
lan?amento do livro, o que acham?
Por?m, precisamos reunir pelo menos 100 pessoas para que valha a pena
patrocinar uma noite de lan?amento. Como n?o tenho id?ia do
interesse da comunidade, criei esta enquete
2018 Apr 27
install dovecot 2.2.35 debian jessie
...will take the opportunity to ask you a question: would you recommend me
to update director instances too? They run on separate containers. I
haven't upgraded them and it all seems to be working just fine in
Webert Lima
DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
*Belo Horizonte - Brasil*
*IRC NICK - WebertRLZ*
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:10 AM, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi at dovecot.fi> wrote:
> Hi!
> 2.2.35 is not unstable, but apparently it is in debian distribution, which
> is called 'unstable'.
> Aki
> On 27.04.2018 06:16, Webert de Souza L...
2009 Aug 18
Platform decision ...
Asterisk, so this item isn't a difference any more. Right ?
Thanks and best regards,
*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro S?rgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572
2009 Sep 02
Does L(x:y:z) "Dial" option work on Asterisk version 1.4 ?
...missing something ?
Does it only work with Asterisk version 1.6.X ?
Thanks and best regards,
*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro S?rgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572
2004 Aug 29
Hi everyone,
some time ago, i has testing icecast, streaming in ogg, and i found fantastic the quality at 32 kbps.
I have a web radio in Brasil, and today i am using the shoutcast. I has loved icecast, but today i can+ALQ-t use it. i explain:
I have djs in every part of Brasil... when one of then disconnect from the server, other connect. I has tried do this in icecast, but, when the dj disconnect, all my listeners are disconnect from th...
2004 Aug 29
Hi everyone,
some time ago, i has testing icecast, streaming in ogg, and i found fantastic the quality at 32 kbps.
I have a web radio in Brasil, and today i am using the shoutcast. I has loved icecast, but today i can+ALQ-t use it. i explain:
I have djs in every part of Brasil... when one of then disconnect from the server, other connect. I has tried do this in icecast, but, when the dj disconnect, all my listeners are disconnect from th...
2011 Mar 17
[XCP] - XCP -> HCL
ps: I had a RTL-8169 but stopped working with update 0.5 for 1.0. It seems
that this happened also with those who have upgraded from 5.6.0 to 5.6.0 FP1
I tried to modify /etc/modprobe.conf inserting "options r8169 use_dac=1",
but without effect.
Roberto - São Carlos - SP - Brasil
Xen-users mailing list
2012 Dec 29
Problem to load a shape file
...y I not able to load a shapefile from a
connection. Does anyone here can give a reasonable answer?
When I try the following script I got this error:
Error in getinfo.shape(fn) : Error opening SHP file
temp <- tempfile()
shp.br <- readShapePoly(unzip(temp, "Brasil.shp"))
Just for acknowledgement, I successful can load the file whenever I open
it from the disk.
2013 Feb 10
SMS Brasil driver. new beta version available for testing.
The new version of smsbrasil driver for NUT is available for testing, at
I'm waiting feedback, suggestions and bug reports.
The file includes the source code (smsbrasil.c) and the text file smsbrasil.txt.
This last one must be converted to smsbrasil.8 (manpage).
2009 Feb 09
dynamic constant assignment
...quot;=>"Deutsch", "en-
GB"=>"English (UK)", "es"=>"Español (España)", "pt-PT"=>"Português",
"pl"=>"Polski", "en-US"=>"English (US)", "pt-BR"=>"Português
my locale is set : I18n.locale
=> :"en-US"
based on the current locale , dynamically changed, I would like to
define a new constant, AVAILABLE_LOCALES which would be the
ALL_LOCALES minus the current locale...
=> {"it"=>"Italian"...
2018 Apr 26
install dovecot 2.2.35 debian jessie
...it ends up installing either 2.2.13 if I use "stable" or 2.2.36 alpha if I
use "jessie"
I see that 2.2.35 seems to be missing here too:
Webert Lima
DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
*Belo Horizonte - Brasil*
*IRC NICK - WebertRLZ*
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2004 Aug 11
GLM with binomial distribution: a bug?
...ll. Could it
be some kind of bug or am I missing some step?
Thanks and all the best.
Andr?? Tavares Corr??a Dias
Laborat??rio de Ecologia Vegetal
Departamento de Ecologia - IB
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Ilha do Fund??o, CCS
Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil
CEP 21941-590 CP 68020
Tel. (21)2562-6377
Andr?? Tavares Corr??a Dias
Laborat??rio de Ecologia Vegetal
Departamento de Ecologia - IB
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Ilha do Fund??o, CCS
Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil
CEP 21941-590 CP 68020
Tel. (21)2562...
2009 Aug 25
Realtime with "rtcachefriends=no" problems...
...s on CLI).
Does anyone had this problem ?
What Am I missing here ?
Thanks and best regards,
*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro S?rgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572
2012 Aug 08
Permisson Denied ao accces home dir
I make a samba server + ldap.
I create some users and get login in mydomain with success.
After login I can't write in paste user.But is denied.
#some users created
brasil:x:1012:513:Brasil Telhados:/dev/null:/bin/false
atleticomg:x:1013:513:Clube Atletico MG:/home/atleticomg:/bin/bash
#groups crated
root at debian-ldap:~# ls -las /ho...
2009 Aug 20
Call routing between two Asterisk boxes using SIP not working ...
Has anyone had this problem ?
Can anyone help me out on that ?
Thanks and best regards,
*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro S?rgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572
2004 Aug 06
custom playlists -- radio brasil
i've been thinking .. what is to be said about generating custom playlists
for users ondemand (, i know i had got this working successfully
previously ) .
i don't know how andre has his mountpoints set up , but assuming they are
not set in stone , couldn't a lengthy playlist be sent with an
intro/outtro stream pause inbetween , wouldn't winamp simply cycle through
until it found