Displaying 20 results from an estimated 385 matches for "barked".
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2000 Dec 10
basic plot() question
Dear all,
I try to plot a logstic regression model as follows:
Valkror<- read.table("Valkror.txt", header=T)
np.bark<- glm(Npinc~bark, family=binomial, data=Valkror)
plot.formula(np.bark$fitted.values~ Valkror$bark)
The above looks nice but I want to connect the points with a line so I try:
plot.formula(np.bark$fitted.values~ Valkror$bark, type="b")
but it gives a
2004 Dec 16
Qyery on bark equation in floor0 code
Hi All,
I need some clarifications regarding the mismatch I found in the code
and the specification.
(a) In the specification, the bark(x) equation is given as:
bark(x) = 13.1 atan(.00074x) + 2.24 atan(.0000000158(x^2)) + .0001x
whereas in the code it is given as:
#define toBARK(n)
Which one of these is the proper one ?
2000 Nov 26
References for the BARK/MEL stuff
Could someone point me to the BARK/MEL tables that these macros (from vorbis/scales.h) are trying to approximate?
#define toBARK(f) (13.1*atan(.00074*(f))+2.24*atan((f)*(f)*1.85e-8)+1e-4*(f))
#define fromBARK(z) (102.*(z)-2.*pow(z,2.)+.4*pow(z,3)+pow(1.46,z)-1.)
#define toMEL(f) (log(1.+(f)*.001)*1442.695)
#define fromMEL(m) (1000.*exp((m)/1442.695)-1000.)
I was wondering if I could come
2006 Jan 10
IP Address
There''s got to be a simple answer: how do you get the IP address of a
visitor in Ruby? Any help would be appreciated!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2014 Mar 20
BARK implementation (or specification) error
In the course of some work which I describe below, I have found a very significant difference between the BARK function described in the Vorbis specification and its implementation in libvorbis.
In the specificationhttp://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/Vorbis_I_spec.pdf
bark(x) = 13.1arctan(.00074x) + 2.24arctan(.0000000185x**2 + .0001x)
In the libvorbis code
2010 Aug 29
match default verb
The default verb for match is :any. This means for:
match ''dog/bark(/:num)'' => ''dogs#bark'' # get 3 barks
match ''dog/eat'' => ''dogs#eat'' # post breakfast
someone could post on dog/bark with :louder or get on dog/eat
with :breakfast. This is annoying and messy, and definitely not
In moving to Rails 3,
2002 Oct 31
Which tree should I be barking up?
Running Samba 2.2.6 on RedHat 7.2 in a Microsoft NT4 Domain, trying to
create or copy a text file to a share from a MS Windows 2000 Professional
workstation (client2k) gives 'Access denied'
Reading the log file (level 3) for samba.client2k (not an activity I feel
much comfort in doing correctly) it looks like I am being recognized as a
'guest user' which is a problem but for
2008 Feb 19
Patch for Analog Devices compiler & fixed-point AGC
Hi Jean-Marc,
As I told you, bank is a reserved keyword in Analog Devices compiler for
Blackfin architecture.
So we need to change the variables named bank to something else.
Here's a patch that changes bank to bnk in the 3 concerned files.
(Hope the format is OK)
About my previous problems with the Blackfin:
-> strange block repetition that could be cancelled by the AEC
I was busy
2011 Nov 30
MS Exchange IMAP Proxy
I need to make the IMAP interface of an Exchange 2000 server available
on the net, however I would like to give it a little protection, and
believe Dovecot's IMAP proxy might be appropriate.
Does anybody have a *really simple* config that would allow IMAP
pass-through to a single Exchange server?
The examples I've seen all assume some sort of load balancing, which
isn't an
2008 May 07
IE barks at getInlineOpacity, makePositioned and a catch
Hi fellow sufferers of IE''s JS hell
I''m working on this little JS animation here, works just fine on Foxy,
Opera, Safari and friends:
Then comes IE7:
Object doesn''t suppot this property or method (line 530) (effects.js):
var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity();
Object doesn''t suppot this property or method (line 597)
2006 Feb 28
ex-Gaussian survival distribution
Dear R-Helpers,
I am hoping to perform survival analyses using the "ex-Gaussian"
I understand that the ex-Gaussian is a convolution of exponential and
distributions for survival data.
I checked the "survreg.distributions" help and saw that it is possible to
pre-defined distributions. Am I correct to think that the following code
2011 May 13
using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed response variable
Sub: using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed
response variable
I'm currently trying to fit a mixed effects model , i.e.:
> burnedmodel1.2<-glmer(gpost.f.crwn.length~lg.shigo.av+dbh+leaf.area+
bark.thick.bh+ht.any+ht.alive+(1|site/transect/plot), family=gaussian,
na.action=na.omit, data=rws30.BL)
If I run this code, I get the error below:
2014 Sep 30
[LLVMdev] Barking Up The Wrong Tree?
I'm trying to port a bunch of code from MacOS X to Windows. The code is
a mixture of C, C++11 and Objective-C. (Some of the C++ code has bits of
Objective-C mixed in, just for spice ;-) Since it builds on the Mac with
clang, I thought that building on Windows with clang would mean that I
wouldn't have to make a bunch of changes just related to a different
compiler. For example, if I
2014 Sep 30
[LLVMdev] Barking Up The Wrong Tree?
Hi Reid,
Thanks for the reply. Comments inline below.
On 9/29/14, 5:51 PM, Reid Kleckner wrote:
> I think any port will involve some changes, but it's really hard to
> say which porting approach will be the least painless beforehand.
> Aside from _MSC_VER incompatibilities messing up portability headers,
> I think any changes you make to support clang on Windows
2007 Sep 18
Cox regression and p-values
I might be barking up the wrong tree here, but I want to make sure I
have a full understanding of this. What I would like to know is what
tests are performed to give the p-values for each variable in the table
that is the result of coxph regression when the variables are
categorical only.
More specifically, when expected counts are less than 5 is the Fisher's
exact test used instead
2015 Apr 02
Dovecot Oy merger with Open-Xchange AG
Am 2015-04-02 um 17:49 schrieb Reindl Harald:
> Am 02.04.2015 um 14:30 schrieb Edwardo Garcia:
>> On 4/1/15, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
>>> Am 01.04.2015 um 14:33 schrieb Bernd Petrovitsch:
>>>> On Mit, 2015-04-01 at 13:07 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>>> Am 01.04.2015 um 13:04 schrieb Bernd Petrovitsch:
2006 Jul 26
A Struct inside of a Struct
I really need some help on something I am working on... I am trying to
create an XML-RPC webservice that sends the following as a response...
As you can see it looks like I can use a Struct with a boolean: member
but I don''t seem to be able to have another Struct as a member? Am I
barking up the wrong tree trying to do it this way? Should I try
something else?
I would really
2006 Nov 09
Qpopper migration?
As this is my first post to the list, first and foremost I'd like to
thank Timo for writing great software; we've successfully moved to
Dovecot for over 10,000 users from UW-IMAP and get great performance.
On our overloaded staff POP3/IMAP server, we are looking at replacing
qpopper+uw-imapd with dovecot, as an interim before moving them to the
main Unix mailstore. The system is
2008 Mar 31
log_buddy released - your helpful dev and debug buddy
LogBuddy is your friendly little log buddy at your side, helping you
dev, debug, and test. It plays well with Rails and plain old Ruby
projects. To use it, sudo gem install log_buddy, then require
''log_buddy'' and call LogBuddy.init. It will add two methods to object
instance and class level: "d" and "logger". You probably only want to
use these in non-prod
2017 Jan 04
bug in smbclient (?) 4.2.x
On Wed, 2017-01-04 at 23:07 +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger via samba
> Am 2017-01-04 um 22:40 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger via samba:
> >
> > I currently compile (gentoo linux) samba-4.2.14 and will test
> > backing up
> > the problematic shares asap.
> still problems with samba-4.2.14:
> ? smbclient: tar:943 Fatal: Can't translate