Displaying 20 results from an estimated 63 matches for "bancos".
2008 Dec 19
svyglm and sandwich estimator of variance
I would like to estimate coefficients using poisson regression and then get
standard errors that are adjusted for heteroskedasticity, using a complex
sample survey data. Then I will calculate prevalence ratio and confidence
Can sandwich estimator of variance be used when observations aren?t
independent? In my case, observations are independent across groups
(clusters), but
2015 Jun 12
RES: Banco de dados interno no Asterisk e variáveis em SIP HEADERS
Prezado Fernando,
Muito obrigado por sua complementa??o na resposta!
Surgiram algumas d?vidas agora:
A ?nica forma de retornar os dados num header field, como o Rafael dos Santos Saraiva sugeriu envolve criar outro channel?
Ou seja, o que eu preciso ? que a mesma execu??o do dia plan obtenha um valor recebido do Sip Client, execute uma query num banco de dados e em seguida inclua a resposta
2004 Jul 20
Some users cannot read mail: assertion failed
...a recent user of dovecot. First of all, the migration from UW-IMAP was definitely
worth it. But now I've run into some troubles. Two of my users complain that they
can't read their Inboxes, but other folders work fine. The error message I get in the
logs look like:
lynx imap(gheorghe.bancos): file buffer.c: line 357 (buffer_set_start_pos): assertion
failed: (abs_pos <= I_MIN(buf->used, buf->limit))
lynx dovecot: child 1823 (imap) killed with signal 6
The problems have been reported with both MS Outlook and SquirrelMail.
What causes this problem and how can I fix it?...
2009 Oct 22
Help regarding removing Inf from dataframe, creating new dataframe with selected variables, count function
Following is my query:
1. Removing Inf from one column of dataframe.
2. out of 10 available dates, count how many times a security is present. (repeat for each security)
3. Out of dates, the security is present, I want to read latest status of market cap.
4. Change in market cap represent by 0/1 so even if market cap status changed once, take value 1.
5. create output file containing some already
2006 Feb 02
Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2
Hello list,
I'm trying to get some old windows Win95/98 games to run without too
much luck. This example is a Sierra Hoyle Classic Games CD from 1998,
which should be enough to keep my wife happy without having to reboot my
computer back into windows...if I can get it to work. The installer
itself runs fine, and even plays a sample sound clip to test the sound
before installing. After
2016 Mar 02
nueva distribución de R y problema solucionado
Hola, ¿qué tal?
El 2 de marzo de 2016, 11:06, <miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en sergas.es>
> Que Microsoft tenga su propia versión de R y (si es el caso) su propia
> versión de los paquetes... con lo dados que han sido en el pasado a
> "tirar por su cuenta".. no sé yo...
> Opiniones?
creo que, en primer lugar, deberíamos felicitarnos con
2005 Mar 18
Basic questions about RMySQL
Please forget me if I am asking something that is well documented. I have read documentation but there are points that are not clear for me. I am not expert in R nor Databases, but if someone direct me to a tutorial, I will appreciate it..
1. In my understanding, I can install and use RMySQL withouth having to install MySQL in my PC, to have access to and to create new tables . Is this
2006 Jun 16
Change the range of a 'ternaryplot'
Hi all
Does someone know how can I alter the range of some variables in a 'ternaryplot' of the 'vcd' package, with the aim of make a zoom in some region of the plot?
Thank you in advance
Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos Mart?nez Ovando
Banco de M?xico
Direcci?n General de Investigaci?n Econ?mica
Cinco de Mayo No. 18, 4? Piso A
2006 Jul 03
Link Wine application to open Linux Application
Hi again !
Like i said before, i use Lotus 6.5.1 under wine 0.9.16. When i
receive pdf or .doc file, Lotus Note try to open apprioriate program but
he doesn't find ... How could configure wine to link pdf and doc to
open apprioriate Linux application (like Openoffice and Acroread) ?
Thanks in advance !
2017 Mar 16
Pregunta (debate) sobre licencia R
Hola, ¿qué tal?
¿Qué significa "basado en R"? ¿Modificando el código fuente de R? No te
refieres a "un programa escrito en R", ¿verdad?
Un saludo,
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
El 16 de marzo de 2017, 17:43, Francisco Rodríguez <fjroar en hotmail.com>
> Hola buenos días, una pregunta que quiero realizar de R sobre el tema de
> la
2003 Apr 12
De um amigo
Prezado(a) Amigo(a):
Esta carta/e-mail nada tem de semelhante As muitas "aldrabices" que circulam
pela Internet.
Ela ? uma mensagem rara que tem um conteUdo que pode modificar a sua vida
para melhor.
Assim, peCo-lhe um pouco de paciencia, e que a leia com atencao, muita atencao,
e no final, muito provavelmente, se sentira recompensado(a).
Este e
2005 Jun 09
Linux apps from inside Wine (was:Re: Problems with Lotus Notes R5.0.12 under Wine 20050524)
Hi Andreas,
I saw someone (Mike or Joachim, I think) at the list saying you
have to shutdown the wineserver. It will overwrite the system.reg as soon
it goes down. So before you make the changes be sure there is none wine*
process running.
Hope this helps. If not, write us again and we'll help you
(sometime ago I run into the same problem but I can't remember the
2012 Oct 05
Dúvida função Anova pacote car - Medidas repetidas
Olá pessoal, estou realizando uma ANOVA com medidas repetidas e estou
utilizando a função "Anova" do pacote "car".
Medi o biovolume de algas a cada dois dias durante 10 dias (no banco de
dados abaixo só coloquei até o 4° dia). Tenho 2 tratamentos ("c","t") e o
experimento foi realizado em tréplicas ("A","B","C").
> Pa2
2017 Apr 07
problema con wb del paquete wbstats
Estimado Javier:
No se que pasaría.
¿Cual librería usa para descargar los datos del BM?
El 7 de abril de 2017, 12:07, Javier Marcuzzi<
javier.ruben.marcuzzi en gmail.com> escribió:
> Estimado Sebastian Kruk
> Yo no uso esa librería, pero ¿Qué pasa si en la lista de países que envía
> en la consulta, hay uno que no da resultados? Por decir
2015 Jun 10
Duda glmer
Tengo una base de datos con estructura jerárquica en la que quiero
clasificar observaciones en distintas categorías.
En el caso más simple, tengo una variable con dos categorías (variable
Y1) y dentro de cada una de ellas hay otras dos categorías (variable
Y2). Además tengo una variable explicativa cuantitativa discreta X.
El banco de datos sería de este tipo:
X Y1 Y2
5 0 1
9 0 0
2010 Jul 05
Help - Google Charts on Rails Plugin
I''m starting at the RR, and I''m trying to use google charts to generate some
graphs in a single plugin in rails. But I''m testing the samples that are
giving errors. I think it must be configuration error. Someone who has used
google charts on rails help me?
Since already thank you!
2002 May 10
Help Improve the Shorewall Docs
At Tom Eastep''s request, an informal Shorewall Documentation Support =
Group (DSG) is hoping to relieve some of the writing and editing burdens =
that come with maintaining and improving the Shorewall documentation. =
The DSG welcomes and needs your suggestions and contributions about all =
aspects of the documentation, including structure, content, references, =
style, grammar --
2008 Mar 13
Application registration on Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6?
Hi, I have implemented a custom application module based in some esqueletone code I will provide below. I have tested it with asterisk 1.2.23 and it works fine. But when I tested the same application with a newest version of asterisk like 1.4.* it always returns an error trying to load the module or more specific, trying to register the application.
here is the code:
int load_module(void){
2004 Oct 12
covariate selection?
I am hoping someone can help me with the following multivariate issue:
I have a model consisting of about 50 covariates. I would like to
reduce this to about 5 covariate for the reduced model by combining
cofactors that are strongly correlated. Is there a package or function
that would help me with this in R? I appreciate any suggestions.
2012 May 21
Contactos en Madrid-ayuda con instalación
Hola a todos,
Mi nombre es Juanjo. Llevo un tiempo intentado hacer funcionar un programa
que necesita de la instalación de RPROJECT y REXCEL. He mirado varias guías
e instalado los programas pero obtengo varios errores.
El principal es que tras instalar RProject, Rexcel y statcon y al intentar
correr esta macro desde Visual Basic…
Sub Start()