Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "agglom".
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2005 Jan 25
agglomerative coefficient in agnes (cluster)
I haven't read the book, but could anyone explain more
about this parameter?
help(agnes) says that ac measures the amount of
clustering structure found. From the definition given
in help(agnes.object), however, it seems that as long
the dissimilarity of the merger in the final step of
algorithm is large enough, the ac value will be close
1. So what does ac really mean?
2016 Mar 09
Introduction and Doubts
...ferent is
different from what taught in theory.I am also working on R&D on "Hybrid
Techniques for Intrusion Detection using Data Mining and Clustering on
Newer Datasets".
Taking initial look at the docsim folder in xapian-core.
These are my insights
The clustering used is Single Link Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering.
Its Time Complexity is O(n^2) for n=number of documents.
At first Choosing K-means seems to be viable solution as K-Means has O(n)
Time Complexity.
But it has various Shortcomings
1) The learning algorithm requires apriori specification of the number of
cluster cente...
2008 Feb 11
Dendrogram for agglomerative hierarchical clustering result
Hey group,
I have a problem of drawing dendrogram as the result of my program
written in C. My algorithm is a approximation algorithm for single
linkage method. AS a result I will get the following data:
[Average distance] [cluster A] [cluster B]
For example:
42.593141 1 26
42.593141 4 6
42.593141 123 124
42.593141 4 113
74.244206 1 123
74.244206 4 133
74.244206 1 36
So far I have used C to
2011 Jun 09
k-nn hierarchical clustering
Hi there,
is there any R-function for k-nearest neighbour agglomerative hierarchical
By this I mean standard agglomerative hierarchical clustering as in hclust
or agnes, but with the k-nearest neighbour distance between clusters used
on the higher levels where there are at least k>1 distances between two
clusters (single linkage is 1-nearest ne...
2001 Aug 21
difference between trees in R?
I am wondering if anybody has studied and/or written code in R to
calculate the distance between 2 "trees". For example, if one does a
hierarchical agglomerative clustering and say, a hierachical divisive
clustering (represented as trees) and wishes to compute a metric on
them. I am thinking of something like the symmetric difference as
mentioned in Margush and McMorris (1982).
My application is actually a bit different than that above so I'll...
2016 Mar 10
Introduction and Doubts
...o xapian project.
sorry if that was against the rules
The algorithm is not developed by me but after having much research on
various clustering techniques.
I found that there is a new algorithm called CLUBS(Clustering Using Binary
Splitting) which gives better results than kmeans++ and hierarchical
agglomerative clustering.
It is faster and produces good results based on various metrics of cluster
the algorithm works in following way
The first phase of the algorithm is
divisive, as the original data set(in this case, set of search documents to
cluster) is split recursively into minicluste...
2003 Dec 03
non-uniqueness in cluster analysis
I'm clustering objects defined by categorical variables with a hierarchical
algorithm - average linkage.
My distance matrix (general dissimilarity coefficient) includes several
distances with exactly the same values.
As I see, a standard agglomerative procedure ignores this problems, simply
selecting, above equal distances, the one that comes first.
For this reason the analysis in output depends strongly on the orderings of
the objects within the raw data matrix.
Is there a standard procedure to deal with this?
2009 Mar 12
Time-Ordered Clustering
...orms constraint-based clusters?
Ideally the package could perform "Time-Ordered Clustering", a technique
applied in a recent journal article by Runger, Nelson, Harnish (using MS
Excel). Quote, "in our specific implementation of constrained
clustering, the clustering algorithm remains agglomerative and
hierarchical, but observations or clusters are constrained to only join
if they are adjacent in time." CRAN searches using variants of
"cluster" and/or "constraint" and/or "time" etc. didn't yield anything I
could recognize.
Thank you,
2006 Feb 28
creating dendrogram from cluster hierarchy
Dear R users,
I have created data for hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis
which consist of the merging pairs and the agglomeration heights, e.g.
something like
my.merge <- matrix(c(-1,-2,-3,1), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
my.height <- c(0.5, 1)
I'd like to plot a corresponding dendrogram but I don't know how to
convert my data to achiev...
2007 Jul 23
Cluster prediction from factor/numeric datasets
Hi all,
I have a dataset with numeric and factor columns of data which I developed a
Gower Dissimilarity Matrix for (Daisy) and used Agglomerative Nesting
(Agnes) to develop 20 clusters.
I would like to use the 20 clusters to determine cluster membership for a
new dataset (using predict) but cannot find a way to do this (no way to
"predict" in the cluster package).
I know I can use "predict" in cclust, kcca, and f...
2008 Mar 20
How to plot the dendrogram or tree for kmeans ?
How to plot the dendrogram or tree for kmeans, like we do for hclust ?
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2011 May 11
hierarchical clustering within a size limit
Hello List,
I am trying to implement a hierarchical cluster using the hclust method
agglomerative single linkage method with a small wrinkle. I would like to
cluster a set of numbers on a number line only if they are within a distance
of 500. I would then like to print out the members of this list.
So far I can put a vector:
> x<-c(2,10,200,300,600,700)
into a distance matrix:
2017 Mar 09
GSoC 2017 Project Proposal
Hello devs.
I would like to propose how I plan to go about improving and getting a
system that can be integrated into Xapian in this GSoC for the clustering
I have identified three areas of work which were not touched last time.
1) Automated Performance Analysis
I had roughly implemented 2 evaluation techniques previously (Distance b/w
document and centroids within clusters and
2007 Oct 16
doubts about Silhouette
...to try to explain myself.
I have fitted a spline to my data, I have fitted a spline, filled in
the missing data by replicating the spline coefficients associated to
the last node. I obtained a number of dendograms by different
combination of distance and link-method by calling DIST and AGNES.
The agglomerative coefficient is very high (~ 0.99) for some
combinations, and is generally around 0.5 for the remaining cases.
As recommended, I ran the SILHOUETTE at different cuts (CUTREE) for
some of the cases. Irregardless of the AC value the highest silhouette
width I get is ~ 0.4 or lower, which is...
2004 Feb 04
Clustering with 'agnes'
...was wondering if anyone knew how I can identify cluster points after running the agnes function.
For example, I created a dataset with points randomly scattered around (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0). After clustering, the dendrogram shows all the clustered points and I get the ordering and height and the agglomerative coefficient. But nowhere do I see the three actual points listed. Although agnes clusters until there is one main cluster, it is clear that at three clusters, each of the clusters consist of points around the three main points. I was wondering if there was any way in which I can have R give...
2005 Nov 02
x/y coordinates of dendrogram branches
Dear R-users,
I need some help concerning the plotting of dendrograms for hierarchical
agglomerative clustering.
The agglomeration niveau of each step should be displayed at the
branches of the dendrogram.
For this I need the x/y coordinates of the branch-agglomerations of the
The y-values are known (the heights of the agglomeration), but how can I
get the x-values?
> my...
2011 Jan 27
agnes clustering and NAs
In the documentation for agnes in the package 'cluster', it says that NAs are allowed, and sure enough it works for a small example like :
> m <- matrix(c(
1, 1, 1, 2,
1, NA, 1, 1,
1, 2, 2, 2), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
> agnes(m)
Call: agnes(x = m)
Agglomerative coefficient: 0.1614168
Order of objects:
[1] 1 2 3
Height (summary):
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.155 1.247 1.339 1.339 1.431 1.524
Available components:
[1] "order" "height" "ac" "merge" "diss" &...
2008 Dec 22
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.8 Gb
> dim(data)
[1] 22283 19
> dm=dist(data, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, p = 2)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.8 Gb
Hi Guys, thank you in advance for helping. :-D
Recently I ran into the "cannot allocate vector of size 1.8GB" error. I am
pretty sure this is not a hardware limitation because it happens no matter I
ran the R code in a
2002 Apr 29
cluster analyses
...ather large data sets and would like to cut the dendrograms
to get a better view of specific components. I calculate the dissimilarity
matrix using daisy() because I have a mixture of variable types: factors,
ordered factors and numerical variables. If I want one dendrogram, I use
agnes() for the agglomerative nesting and pltree() to draw the dendrogram.
That way, I get the row names as labels, but I can't cut the tree.
Alternatively, I use hclust() on the dissimilarity matrix from daisy().
This allows me to cut the dendrogram with cutree(), but I loose the labels,
so that isn't much use....
2007 Nov 14
Question about AGNES by Rousseeuw et al. in the package "cluster": How many clusters?
...am no stat wiz and I am just trying to use the AGNES algorithm at my
very modest level of statistical of understanding. I have difficulties
understanding the ouput from AGNES. My question is: how to interpret
the output, especially how do you I know which cluster solution is the
best? In SPSS, an Agglomeration Schedule table is produced and I used to
look at the biggest jump between the error coefficients for each
agglomerative steps in order to find where to stop clustering. But with
the Agnes output I don't know what I should be looking at.
Thanks so much for your help,
Aude Plontz