Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "age2".
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2008 Jan 15
Looking for simpler solution to probabilistic question
I have two processes which take with a certain probability (p1 and p2) x
number of years to complete (age1 and age2). As soon as thge first
process is completed, the second one begins. I want to calculate the
time it takes for the both processes to be completed.
I have the following script which gives me the answer, butI think there
must be a more elegant way of doing the calculations between the #####
2006 May 27
Trouble passing list or non-list to function using ...
...na, but haven't quite figured out how to do this.
Thank you in advance,
##BEGIN TEST CODE ###########################################################
for (i in 1:length(testlist)){
##END TEST CODE #############################################################
##BEGIN RESULTS #############################################################
> testme<-f...
2004 Aug 09
Need help on this problem!
10 2 4 41.353627 74.89508 14.8 -0.331536 5.293478
11 2 5 56.353627 73.40505 14.8 -0.331536 5.293478
12 2 6 64.353627 72.61037 14.8 -0.331536 5.293478
Firstly, I used lme to fit a mixed effects model with
quadratic curve.
> simu1$age2<-simu1$age^2
> mm.lme.2<-lme(gf~age+age2,random=~age+age2|id,data=simu1)
It works well:
> summary(mm.lme.2)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: simu1
AIC BIC logLik
5222.225 5267.193 -2601.113
Random effects:
Formula: ~age + age2 | id
Structure: Gener...
2002 Nov 26
Reshape by multiple variables
Dear list
I'm using the reshape command and want to reshape a wide data set to a
long one
e.g. I have the variables y1,y2,y3,age1,age2,age3,sex,ethnic
I want my new long data set to consist of the variables y (which has
been created from y1,y2,y3), age (which has been created from
age1,age2,age3), sex and ethnic
I have tried to use the command:
2006 Dec 01
Box Tidwell / Error Message
Dear R-Users,
I used the box.tidwell () function of the car Package.
When I used the following formula:
semi.sub.in.mi1.boxtidwell_h<-box.tidwell(RENT_LG ~ I(age+1)+I(age2+1)+X06A
+ I(X08B+1) + I(X22+1) + I(X24+1) + X31A, ~B_YEAR + C_X01 + C_X14 + C_X19 +
C_X29A +C_X21 + C_X23 + D_X12 + D_X17 + D_X18 + D_X25 + D_X27 + D_X30 +
D_X32 + D_X35, data = semi.sub.in.mi1)
everything is fine.
However, when I replaced the time dummy variable:
2010 Feb 17
Ordered Logit in R
I'm trying to run an ordered logistic regression model. I've run the following code, but the output does not provide the p-values. Is there some command to include the p-values in the output.
reg2 <- polr(trade1 ~ age2 + education2 + personal2 + economy2 + partisan2 + employment2 + union2 + home2 + market2 + race2 + income2)
Re-fitting to get Hessian#
polr(formula = trade1 ~ age2 + education2 + personal2 + economy2 +
partisan2 + employment2 + union2 + home2 + market2 + race2 +
2002 Jul 11
nls() singular graident matrix error
I used Proc Model in SAS to fit the following model to data:
proc model data = dbsmv;
a = a1*F**2;
b = b1*F + b2*T + b3*F*T;
tph2 = tph1 *((1 - exp(-a*age2)) / (1 -
fit tph2;
and yielded the following estimated parameters after iterations:
a1 = -0.15943, a2 = -1.8177, b1 = -0.01911, b2 = - 0.01494, b3 =
0.036427 with SEE = 4.7492 and MSE = 0.0111 (427 d.f). The model fits well
to the data.
Trying to duplicate the model in...
2003 Apr 18
Help with nlme--freq weights, logit model, and more
...space restored]
> invisible(options(echo = TRUE))
> library(nlme)
Loading required package: nls
Loading required package: lattice
> fm1<-nlme(model=plfp ~ (exp(-1+bm + bmxd +
+ wm + wmxd +
+ bf + bfxd +
+ wf + wfxd +
+ yrsed + age + age2)) / (1+exp(-1+bm + bmrd +
+ wm + wmxd +
+ bf + bfxd +
+ wf + wfxd +
+ yrsed + age + age2)),
+ fixed=list(bm ~ 1, bmxd ~ 1,
+ wm ~ 1, wmxd ~ 1,
+ bf ~ 1, bfxd ~ 1,
+ wf ~ 1, wfxd ~ 1,
2008 Nov 06
unlist & dataframes
Name Age
1 A 1
2 B 2
Name Age
1 C 3
2 D 4
I would like to unlist l to create a dataframe with 2 columns and 4 rows but
keeping the format of Name (character) and Age (numeric).
Now when I unlist l, I obtain :
Name1 Name2 Age1 Age2 Name1 Name2 Age1 Age2
1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4
Is there a way to at least obtain something like
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 as result from the unlist??
Thanks a lot for your replies
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/unlist---dataframes-tp20358993p2035899...
2013 Jan 10
Semi Parametric Bootstrap
...data and a Binomial distributed data. The main challenge am facing is
the fact that the residual variance depends on the mean (if I am correct).
I strongly feel that the script below may be wrong due to mean-variance
#####R code#######
fit1s <-glm(mydata$vzv~mydata$age.c+mydata$age2+mydata$sex1,
for (i in 1:b){
b.i <- sample(index, size=n, replace=T)
mydata1 <-data.frame(age,age2,sex,bst1)
2010 Apr 23
help with plotting lines linking two sets of points?
...oded by density). Any
I'm hoping to see what the effect of density is on growth, and there are 4
replicates for each density. The initial and final sizes are staggered, 1/2
were measured at age 7.3 and 11, and the other 1/2 were measured at age 8.5
and 12.
here's a sample
pool age age2 density body_length body_length2
1 1 7.4 11.3 25 0.887 1.322550
2 2 7.4 11.3 100 0.921 1.152000
3 3 7.4 11.3 250 0.896 1.136300
4 4 7.4 11.3 75 0.723 0.955950
5 5 7.4 11.3 500 0.755 1.113300
6 6 7.4 11.3...
2008 May 12
Standard error of combination of parameter estimates
Is there a simple command for computing the standard error of a
combination of parameter estimates in a GLM?
For example:
riskdata$age1 <- riskdata$age
riskdata$age2 <- ifelse(riskdata$age<67,0,riskdata$age-67)
model <- glm(death~age1+age2+ldl,
And we want to find the standard error of the partial linear predictor
for the combination of the two age parameters, age1+age2, at some age X,
without needing...
2011 Sep 26
Dragon Age2 (need help installation)
Hi, i'am with Wine 1.3.15 and i had install Dragon Age 2 succesful, but the game didn't want start, Wine crash.
I make some search and i found that, the folder "actvation.exe" tell
:Runtime Error!
Program: C:Program Files/Core/activation.exe
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
I want to know if i can do something with this?
2008 May 09
how to check linearity in Cox regression
Hi, I am just wondering if there is a test available for testing if a linear fit of an independent variable in a Cox regression is enough? Thanks for any suggestions.
John Zhang
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
2007 Mar 05
Matrix/dataframe indexing
Hi all,
I am hoping someone can help me out with this:
If I have dataframe of years and ages and the first column and first row
are filled with leading values:
Df<- age1 age2 age3
Yr1 1 0.4 0.16
Yr2 1.5 0 0
Yr3 0.9 0 0
Yr4 1 0 0
Yr5 1.2 0 0
Yr6 1.4 0 0
Yr7 0.8 0 0
Yr8 0.6 0 0
Yr9 1.1 0 0
Now the rest of the cells need to be filled according to the previous
year and age cell so arbitrarily, cell [2,2] should be value in cell
[1,1] * exp(0.3), and cell [...
2005 Aug 12
coercing created variables into a new data frame using na.omit()
...trate this problem I will give the example I am working on
and the approah I have been using:-
#create a new variable using a function
for (x in 1:length(new.variable))
#then bind it into the existing old data frame
#everything o.k. so far but now the pro...
2011 Oct 05
calling a variable which in turn calls many more variables
...g regressions with many covariates, most of which remain the same
each time (control variables). Instead of writing 30 demographic variables
every regression, is there a way I could call them all at once using a
variable called, perhaps "demog"?
I have tried:
> demog <- list(age1, age2, age3) but I get an error when I try to call a
list in a regression.
I also tried:
> demog <- cbind(age1, age2, age3) which allows me to run a regression, but
this is not practical because when I subset the original data set and run a
regression, this new matrix demog doesn't get subsett...
2003 Dec 17
beginner programming question
...(rather theoretical) programming problem for which I have found
a solution, but I feel it is a rather poor one. I wonder if there's some
other (more clever) solution, using (maybe?) vectorization or
A toy example would be:
rel1 rel2 rel3 age0 age1 age2 age3
sex0 sex1 sex2 sex3
1 3 NA 25 23 2 NA
1 2 1 NA
4 1 3 35 67 34 10
2 2 1 2
1 4 4 39 40...
2005 Dec 13
what does this warnings mean? and what should I do?
I use lmer to fit a mixed effect model.It give some warnings.what does this warnings mean? and what should I do?
> (fm2.mlm <- lmer(qd ~ edu + jiankang + peixun +hunyin + cadcj + age + age2 + sex + dangyuan + Comp.1 + Comp.2+trust.cz1 +(trust.cz1|commid), data = individual,na.action = "na.exclude",family="quasibinomial"))
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
Formula: qd ~ edu + jiankang + peixun + hunyin + cadcj + age + age2 + sex + dangyuan + Comp.1...
2010 Apr 21
problem on semiparametric single index estimator
...d results for single bandwidth and when I set bandwidth
computation to "FALSE" mode, R is not optimizing anything. Here is the code
I am using:
rp_ksbw<-npindexbw(bws=c(1, -0.1, -0.08, 0.06, -0.14, -0.02, 0.3),
formula=(rp$participation ~ (AGE + rp$CHILD + rp$YCHILD + rp$HW + rp$EDU +
AGE2)), bandwidth.compute=FALSE, optim.method="Nelder-Mead",
and it is giving me exactly the same values I specified. Here is the result
I got:
Single Index Model
Regression data (2339 observations, 6 variable(s)):