Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "adegenet".
2011 Jul 28
Good afternoon.
I am a master student in University of Porto in Portugal. At this moment I’m
starting to use R, so I have some doubts.
The aim of my analysis is: calculate a pairwise FST matrix from fasta file
and creat a principal component analyses with adegenet package (I use seqinr
and ape package to read this file, then I convert this file into a genind
object with DNA2genind function provide in adegenet package). After convert
my file the pairwise.fst function is not found.
If you could help me would be great.
Greetings: Rui Oliveira
2010 May 21
S4 method defined but not used
Dear R developers,
I am having a slightly weird issue with a S4 method defined in my package adegenet 1.2-4, with R 2.11.0. As far as I know, the problem is new, and the code implementing the method has not changed for more than a year and worked well so far.
The problem is the following. I define, in the package, a method "[" for the S4 class 'genind'. The method's definitio...
2015 Apr 11
'Nancycats' en R
Buenas tardes,
Estamos intentando hacer un estudio sobre diversidad en gatos callejeros
('stray cats') de la base de datos 'nancycats' (librería 'adegenet') de R.
Sin embargo, no entendemos muy bien los datos. ¿Alguien puede explicarnos a
qué corresponde la variable respuesta?
Entendemos que las filas son los 237 gatos (observaciones), y las columnas
se corresponden con los 9 microsatélites (¿dentro de los que hay las 17
colonias de gatos?)
2015 Apr 11
'Nancycats' en R
Estimado Gemma Ruiz Olalla
De curioso miré una búsqueda en internet, y se la comparto, de esta observe
la página 8
Estoy de acuerdo con Jorge y Carlos, pero por las dudas, es solo una
codificación, yo sin mirar más no interpretaría que el heterocigota tiene
un "peso" de 0.5, porque si hay sobredominancia, dominancia, etc ...,
aunque desconozco el caso e...
2007 Oct 26
Help needed on calculation of Moran's I
I am trying to calculate Moran's I test for the residuals for a
regression equation, but I have trouble converting my coordinates into
nb format.
I have used the dnearneigh() funtion now with an arbitrarily high upper
distance to make it include all plots. However, when I do the
lm.morantest() I get a Moran's I value which is the same as the expected
value and a P-value of 1.
2018 Mar 15
stats 'dist' euclidean distance calculation
# Locus1 Locus2 Locus3
# Samp1 GG <NA> GG
# Samp2 AG CA GA
# Samp3 AG CA GG
# converts geno matrix to genind object (adegenet)
Mydata1 <- df2genind(locus, ploidy = 2, ind.names = ind[1:SAMPS], pop = population[1:SAMPS], sep="")
Mydata1$tab # get stats on newly created genind object
# Locus1.G Locus1.A Locus2.C Locus2.A Locus3.G Locus3.A
# Samp1 2...
2007 Aug 27
Monmonier algorithm
...95 95 43
> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Basically, Monmonier algorithm aims at finding maximum-difference
boundaries between geo-referenced objects. It requires a set of
georeferenced objects along with matrix of distances among these objects.
Monmonier algorithm is now implemented in the adegenet package
(http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/adegenet/). Main functions are
'monmonier' and 'optimize.monmonier'. Despite the package is devoted to
genetic data analysis, these functions can handle other kind of data as
The main difference I can see between this implement...
2007 Nov 21
problem with nb2listw
I am a new student to R and I was hoping someone could help me with
the error message I keep getting when I try to use the nb2listw()
I have 45 sites and I want to get an autocorrelation value for sites
within 1000m of each other.
then when I try to run the
2008 May 23
seeing an S4 method, not using it
package in which the appropriate method is defined is loaded
automatically when calling the method. The problem is that if the
package is indeed loaded automatically, the appropriate method is not used.
An example using the package pixmap (but I obtained similar results with
S4 objects from adegenet and phylobase packages):
##### in one R session
> library(pixmap)
> foo <- new("pixmap")
## here the object is printed with the appropriate show method.
> foo
Pixmap image
Type : pixmap
Size : 0x0
Resolution : 0x0
Bounding box : 0 0 0 0
> setClass("myClass",...
2013 Jun 05
conflicting imports despite using importFrom in NAMESPACE
...Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Imperial College - School of Public Health
St Mary?s Campus
Norfolk Place
London W2 1PG
United Kingdom
Tel. : 0044 (0)20 7594 3658
t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk
2010 Sep 21
partial dbRDA or CCA with two distance objects in Vegan.
I am trying to use the cca/rda/capscale functions in vegan to analyse
genetic distance data ( provided as a dist object calculated using
dist.genpop in package adegenet) with geographic distance partialled out
( provided as a distance object using dist function in veganthis method
is attempting to follow the method used by Geffen et al 2004 as
suggested by Legendre and . FORTIN (2010).
I cannot see how to introduce the Conditioning ( partialled) second dist...
2011 Jul 22
pegas package: Problem using nuc.div and tajima d -> error with dist.dna() -> character variables must be duplicated in .C/.Fortran
...ntaining dna sequences) in
order to be able to read it in with the tools provided by pegas. Here, I
have oriented myself on the description provided by the help-page in
read.loci(). A piece from the dataset is displayed further below. Here
my code:
load with no problem.
/the command: /
> data.loci <- read.loci(file
header = TRUE,
col.loci = seq(1,200),
col.pop = TRUE)
/seems to work./
/in fac...
2007 Oct 22
Spatial autocorrelation
I have collected data on trees from 5 forest plots located within the
same landscape. Data within the plots are spatially autocorrelated
(calculated using Moran's I). I would like to do a ANCOVA type of
analysis combining these five plots, but the assumption that there is no
autocorrelation in the residuals is obviously violated. Does anyone have
any ideas how to incorporate these spatial
2007 Nov 21
shrink a dataframe for plotting
I get tables with millions of rows. For plotting to a screen-size
jpg, obviously just about 1000 points are enough. Instead of feeding
plot() the original millions of rows, I'd rather shrink the original
dataframe, using some kind of the following interpolation:
-- split dataframe into chunks of N rows each, e.g. 1000 rows each
-- compute average for each column
-- issue one new row
2011 Jan 18
error message
I was running a sampling syntax based on a data frame (ago) of 160 rows and
25 columns. Below are the column names:
> names(ago)
[1] "SubID" "AGR1" "AGR2" "AGR3" "AGR4" "AGR5" "AGR6" "AGR7"
[10] "AGR9" "AGR10" "WAGR1" "WAGR2"
2007 Nov 23
PCA with NA
Dear all,
(Mac OS X 10.4.11, R 2.6.0)
I have a quantitative dataset with a lot of Na?s in it. So many, that
it is not possible to delete all rows with NA?s and also not
possible, to delete all variables with NA?s.
Is there a function for a principal component analysis, that can deal
with so many NA?s.
Thanks in advance
Birgit Lemcke
Institut f?r Systematische Botanik
2007 Oct 22
grouping rows into bin ranges
Hi everyone,
I have a matrix that contains 1000 replicates of a sample of a list of values. I want to group each row (row=replicate) into my defined bin ranges and then calculate the mean and stdev for each of the bin ranges (so I will have 1000 rows but ncol=number of bin ranges).
I don't know how to group rows in a matrix matrix according to another vector (which is what I think I need to
2007 Nov 02
Sweave, and long lasting scripts
Dear R user,
I am using Sweave to write my reports with R code. Unlucly my code take a
lot of time to run, and I don't want to run it multiple time, if possible,
as I am still developping the tools.
It seems that a sweave run does not save the enviroment at the end of the
process, is there a way to avoid to lunch multiple time the same commands?
maybe it could be possible to store chunck of
2008 Feb 23
Standard method for S4 object
Hi the list,
I am defining a new class MyClass. Shortly, I will submit a package with
it. Before, I would like to know if there is a kind of "non official
list" of what method a new S4 object have.
More precisely, personnaly, I use 'print', 'summary' and 'plot' a lot.
So for my new class, I define these 3 methods. Is there some other
method that a R user can
2008 Mar 12
Spatially Lagged Predictor Variable Models
Hi Everyone,
I am doing a project based on "Spatially Lagged Predictor
Variable Models", I would like to know which package in R would execute this
model. Also, I am new to this field of spatial statistics. Any suggestions
for a good book on spatial regression analysis would be appreciated. Thanks
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