search for: addmethods

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "addmethods".

2008 Feb 13
Element.focusFirstElement() causing issue with Element.addMethods()
Prototype Internet Explorer 7 I''ve found that when I call $(''myform'').focusFirstElement(); to set focus on the first field in my form, that this statement "wrecks" the extensions I''ve added using Element.addMethods() if it executes before Element.addMethods(). When I try to call one of my exenstions, the IE7 JavaScript interpreter throws an error as follows: "Object does not support this property or method." It works fine in Firefox 2.x Here''s an actual example... <html> <head&...
2007 Sep 20
Element.addMethods functions swallowing exceptions (IE6 + 7)
IE6 and IE7 are not correctly handling the ''throw'' command for functions attached to Element via Element.addMethods. Firefox and Safari are fine. See the example below. For IE6: functions called with no attributes (ie: funcName()) correctly handle thrown errors. Funcions called with attributes (ie: funcName("foo")) will respond to the throw command and pass execution back to the calling function, but...
2006 Nov 28
Extending Element with getTop, getWidth, getLeft problem
Hi, I need to extend the Element object with getTop, getWidth, getLeft . I wrote something like this in an js file and loaded it after the prototype.js . ---------------------------------------------------- Object.extend(Element, { getWidth: function(element) { element = $(element); return element.offsetWidth; }, getTop: function(element) { element = $(element); var curtop
2007 Aug 29
Element.addMethods vs extending prototype.
Hi. I''m using prototype.js V1.6.0_rc0. I''ve successfully used Element.addMethods() to add some additional functionality to my forms ... Element.addMethods(''FORM'', { ... }); So far so good. I now want to add a new property to all forms. Is there an equivalent Element.addProperty(''FORM'', { ... }); technique I could use? As readAttribute /...
2008 Feb 07
Adding my own extensions with Elements.addMethods()
When I add my own extensions to DOM elements, is there a way to only add my extensions to the specific types of DOM elements (e.g. SELECT) to which my extensions apply or are intended to operate? Based on the Prototype API documentation ( extensions), it appears that anytime I extend an element, all the extensions (Prototype''s and my own) are copied to that
2007 Feb 21
Element.addMethods() is not a function after upgrade to 1.7.0
After upgrading to prototype 1.5.0 and scriptaculous 1.7.0 my autocompleter.local died... firebug reports that effects.js is to blame calling Element.addMethods(); I can not find out why cause as far as I can see it does exist in prototype.js. Any pointers anyone :( --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this gr...
2005 Apr 21
[LLVMdev] Using LLVM for a dynamically typed language
On Thursday 21 April 2005 18:28, Vyacheslav Akhmechet wrote: > Evan, > > The problem is that I do not know the type of a target function at > compile time. If you consider my code example, I don't know the type > of 'i' until runtime (in fact, I can't even know a possible range of > types 'i' may assume). But... in a dynamic language each variable must
2008 May 19
obtaining table cell text data
I''m writing some code to subset a table based on the contents of particular columns. My event handler starts off like this: subsetChange: function(e) { var subset = $F(''subsetSelector''); var rows = $$(''.content-row''); rows.each(function(row) { var value = row.down(''.Platform_Category'').childNodes[0].data;
2005 Apr 21
[LLVMdev] Using LLVM for a dynamically typed language
Evan, The problem is that I do not know the type of a target function at compile time. If you consider my code example, I don't know the type of 'i' until runtime (in fact, I can't even know a possible range of types 'i' may assume). Thanks, - Slava. On 4/21/05, Evan Jones <ejones at> wrote: > On Thu, 2005-21-04 at 09:31 -0400, Vyacheslav Akhmechet
2004 Jul 05
how to personalize split function in rpart
Hallo! I am a student of the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, italy) and I'm working on CARTs. I'm trying to use the R rpart function with a personalized splitfunction... but I'm not able to do it! More precisely, I would like to know what is the meaning of the function 'init', 'split' and 'eval' named in the help page.I can't find any answer in
2008 Jan 14
prototype/ ecosystem
Recently errtheblog ( put up a nice post about jQuery. Putting aside all the assertions about cleaner code and fewer lines of code than with Prototype, the one thing that struck me from his (and others'') writing and from direct inspection is this: jQuery seems to have a more of an ecosystem surrounding it. That is, more plugins, widgets, locked-and-loaded
2007 Nov 04
Extending DOM elements addressed by "this"
I have a function that needs to be attached to a bunch of text fields when the page loads. I would like to use the Prototype methods that are added to DOM elements by using the $() function, but I in the function it refers to things with "this". For example, Is there a way to extend elements from the kind of scope I am looking at? For example, is there a way to
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
...fect[effect.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + effect.substring(1)](element, options); return element; - } + }; } ); @@ -1117,4 +1125,4 @@ $w('getInlineOpacity forceRerendering setContentZoom collectTextNodes collectTex function(f) { Effect.Methods[f] = Element[f]; } ); -Element.addMethods(Effect.Methods); +Element.addMethods(Effect.Methods); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/public/javascripts/prototype.js b/src/public/javascripts/prototype.js index 9f6c857..dfe8ab4 100644 --- a/src/public/javascripts/prototype.js +++ b/src/public/javascripts/prototype.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@...
2009 Jul 20
Upgrade server to run on Rails 2.3.2/F11
Note that one of the 8 patches (#6) will be sent separately in reply to this email, as some of the replaced lines are too long, so git won't let me send the email. However, there is nothing wrong with that patch, and it should be applied in the sequence listed below. Note also that I assume this will be tested on a clean f11 install, rather than an upgrade of an existing ovirt server
2007 May 11
Simulating onmouseleave and onmouseenter with Prototype
Hello. I spent an hour or three chasing down a desired effect that mootools implements, namely the simulation of onmouseleave and onmouseenter events. Why? Lets say you have a Menu. A ul element that contains many li elements. If you want to have a function (maybe an effect) fire when the mouse moves outside of the ul, you are out of luck. Observe the mouseout function like so: