search for: 0.852

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2012 Jul 23
3D scatterplot, using size of symbols for the fourth variable
Dear R fans, I would like to create a scatterplot showing the relationship between 4 continuous variables. I thought of using the package "scatterplot 3d" to have a 3-dimensional plot and then using the size of the symbols to represent the 4th variable. Does anybody know how to do this? I already tried to create this graph using the colour of the symbols, but I was unable to generate
2008 Sep 03
R puts '+' within my numbers
Hello, my test.R file contains two huge arrays (>3000 entries), from which R needs to calculate the Pearson Correlation, if I look at the file the numbers look correct. if I run R R < test.R --no-save I see things like this: 0.723, 0.838, 1.002, 0.364, 0.357, 0.227, 0.982+ , 0.963, 0.535, 1.214, 1.270, 0.832, 1.033, 0.632, 2.482, 1.239, 0.743, 1.077, 0.962, 1.052, 1.075, 1.427, 1.395,
2011 Mar 07
Associating the day of week to a daily xts object
I have the following xts objetct "temp" > str(temp) An ?xts? object from 2010-12-26 to 2011-03-05 containing: Data: num [1:70, 1] 2.95 0.852 -0.139 1.347 2.485 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : NULL ..$ : chr "t_n" Indexed by objects of class: [POSIXct,POSIXt] TZ: GMT xts Attributes: NULL > temp t_n 2010-12-26
2006 Mar 08
RES: survival
Dear Thomas, The head of my dataset > head(wsuv) parcel sp time censo treatment species 1 S8 Poecilanthe effusa ( Hub. ) Ducke. 1 1 1 1 2 S8 Poecilanthe effusa ( Hub. ) Ducke. 1 1 1 1 3 S8 Poecilanthe effusa ( Hub. ) Ducke. 1 1 1 1 4 S8 Poecilanthe effusa ( Hub. ) Ducke. 1 1 1
2012 May 07
Can't find the error in a Binomial GLM I am doing, please help
Hi all, I can't find the error in the binomial GLM I have done. I want to use that because there are more than one explanatory variables (all categorical) and a binary response variable. This is how my data set looks like: > str(data) 'data.frame': 1004 obs. of 5 variables: $ site : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": NA NA NA
2012 Jun 02
mgcv (bam) very large standard error difference between versions 1.7-11 and 1.7-17, bug?
Dear useRs, I reran an analysis with bam (mgcv, version 1.7-17) originally conducted using an older version of bam (mgcv, version 1.7-11) and this resulted in the same estimates, but much lower standard errors (in some cases 20 times as low) and lower p-values. This obviously results in a larger set of significant predictors. Is this result expected given the improvements in the new version? Or
2008 Jun 24
logistic regression
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this turns out to be more a statistical question than one specifically about R - but would greatly appreciate your advice anyway. I've been using a logistic regression model to look at the relationship between a binary outcome (say, the odds of picking n white balls from a bag containing m balls in total) and a variety of other binary parameters:
2008 Feb 12
Finding LD50 from an interaction Generalised Linear model
Hi, I have recently been attempting to find the LD50 from two predicted fits (For male and females) in a Generalised linear model which models the effect of both sex + logdose (and sex*logdose interaction) on proportion survival (formula = y ~ ldose * sex, family = "binomial", data = dat (y is the survival data)). I can obtain the LD50 for females using the dose.p() command in the MASS
2011 Jun 14
About 'hazard ratio', urgent~~~
Hi, I am new to R. My question is: how to get the 'hazard ratio' using the 'coxph' function in 'survival' package? thanks, karena -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Jan 11
R CMD check pkg and 32/64 bit.
R gurus: I'm trying to get another round of rconifers out and I need some advice/help crushing differences in the examples test. I'm trying to make sure the max sdi values are being respected. I've added a tests/ (from windows i386-pc-mingw32) and when I ran R CMD check (both R-2.13.0), I got the following results: * using log directory
2004 Sep 09
weird routing(?) problem with 2 Asterisk servers
Hi everyone! situation: Asterisk-server A: Asterisk-server B: server B contains a register => username:password@ But... when I boot it, I get: Registered to '', who sees us as Why doesn't server A see server B as All other traffic going over these lines has no problems with this. The
2013 Apr 25
Vectorized code for generating the Kac (Clement) matrix
Hi, I am generating large Kac matrices (also known as Clement matrix). This a tridiagonal matrix. I was wondering whether there is a vectorized solution that avoids the `for' loops to the following code: n <- 1000 Kacmat <- matrix(0, n+1, n+1) for (i in 1:n) Kacmat[i, i+1] <- n - i + 1 for (i in 2:(n+1)) Kacmat[i, i-1] <- i-1 The above code is fast, but I am curious about
2013 Mar 28
using cvlm to do cross-validation
Hello, I did a cross-validation using cvlm from DAAG package but wasn't sure how to assess the result. Does this result means my model is a good model? I understand that the overall ms is the mean of sum of squares. But is 0.0987 a good number? The response (i.e. gailRel5yr) has min,1st Quantile, median, mean and 3rd Quantile, and max as follows: (0.462, 0.628, 0.806, 0.896, 1.000, 2.400) ?
2008 Mar 04
Network Latency
Hiya, I''m trying to track down some throughput latency that our customer seems to be attributing to our product, I can''t see what he''s talking about, but I want to try and get some deeper granularity than I might get with something like smokeping, and maybe even see if its down to something tunable on our end. I''ve been looking for some examples on how
2007 Dec 31
help with matrix
Hi, dear all: I am a beginner. I appreciate any help or hint from you. I am trying to do calculation with matrices. I have 3 matrices. One is matrixA, 2nd is matrixB, and last is matrixC. Here is matrixA: 1.8511.40.0831.001 0.8771.30.1161.33 1.9021.21.1020.302 0.8640.1261.110.252 1.8230.2161.0020.307 Next is matrixB: 0.8761.770.1930.328 0.8911.0090.2381.004
2000 Jan 11
a +1 shift overlaying lines/points on a boxplot (PR#398)
Full_Name: Adrian Custer Version: 0.90.0 OS: Linux on Thinkpad (pentium) and desktop (K6) Submission from: (NULL) ( When I create a boxplot, and then try to overlay a lowess fit or just the points, the points do not appear in the highest level and the lowess curve does not reach the highest level. However, if I add one to each of the models, the problem is solved. I tried this
2012 Mar 26
Different result with "kruskal.test" and post-hoc analysis with Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test implemented in the help page for oneway_test in the coin package that uses multcomp
Dear Researchers, Sorry for this email but I am not a statistician, and for this I have this problem to understand. Thanks in Advance for help and suggestions. Gianni I have 21 classes (00, 01, 02, 04, ....,020) with different length. I did a kruskal wall test in R with the following code kruskal.test(m.class.l, m.class.length.lf) Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test data: m.class.l and
2006 Dec 31
(no subject)
> > If one compares the random effect estimates, in fact, one sees that > > they are in the correct proportion, with the expected signs. They are > > just approximately eight orders of magnitude too small. Is this a bug? > > BLUPs are essentially shrinkage estimates, where shrinkage is > determined with magnitude of variance. Lower variance more > shrinkage towards
2010 Jul 12
in continuation with the earlier R puzzle
When I just run a for loop it works. But if I am going to run a for loop every time for large vectors I might as well use C or any other language. The reason R is powerful is becasue it can handle large vectors without each element being manipulated? Please let me know where I am wrong. for(i in 1:length(news1o)){ + if(news1o[i]>s2o[i]) + s[i]<-1 + else + s[i]<--1 + } --
2011 May 05
Draw a nomogram after glm
Hi all R users I did a logistic regression with my binary variable Y (0/1) and 2 explanatory variables. Now I try to draw my nomogram with predictive value. I visited the help of R but I have problem to understand well the example. When I use glm fonction, I have a problem, thus I use lrm. My code is: modele<-lrm(Y~L+P,data=donnee) fun<- function(x) plogis(x-modele$coef[1]+modele$coef[2])