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2006 Jun 14
data managment
First I would really like to thank the mailing list for help I got in the past, as a new to R I am really needing some support on hoe to code the following problem. I am trying to sort some data I have in a big file. The file has 4 columns and 19000 rows. An example of it looks like this:- G 0.892 A 0.108 G 0.883 T 0.117 T 0.5 C
2008 Dec 29
Merge or combine data frames with missing columns
Hi R-experts, suppose I have a list with containing data frame elements: [[1]] (Intercept) y1 y2 y3 y4 -6.64 0.761 0.383 0.775 0.163 [[2]] (Intercept) y2 y3 -3.858 0.854 0.834 Now I want to put them into ONE dataframe like this: (Intercept) y1
2013 Mar 31
Skewness of fitted mixture not correct?
I fitted a gaussian mixture to my financial data. The data can be found here: I look at the density with plot(density(dat),col="red",lwd=2) this has a skew of library(e1071) skewness(dat) -0.1284311 Now, I fit a gaussian mixture according to: f(l)=πϕ(l;μ1,σ21)+(1−π)ϕ(l;μ2,σ22) with:
2024 Aug 02
Good Morning. Below I like statement like j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful. Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks. dstat is just my own descriptive routine. > x ?[1] "age"????????? "sleep"??????? "primary"????? "middle" ?[5]
2024 Aug 02
?s 02:10 de 02/08/2024, Steven Yen escreveu: > Good Morning. Below I like statement like > > j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j > > with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful. > > Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks. > > dstat is just my own descriptive routine. > > > x > ?[1]
2007 Mar 29
ccf time units
Hi, I am using ccf but I could not figure out how to calculate the actual lag in number of periods from the returned results. The documentation for ccf says:"The lag is returned and plotted in units of time". What does "units of time" mean? For example: > x=ldeaths > x1=lag(ldeaths,1) > results=ccf(x,x1) > results Autocorrelations of series 'X', by lag
2005 Sep 02
C-index : typical values
I am doing some coxPH model fitting and would like to have some idea about how good the fits are. Someone suggested to use Frank Harrell's C-index measure. As I understand it, a C-index > 0.5 indicates a useful model. I am probably making an error here because I am getting values less than 0.5 on real datasets. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong please ? Here is an example using
2008 Mar 25
Subset of matrix
Dear R users I have a big matrix like 6021 1188 790 290 1174 1015 1990 6613 6288 100714 6021 1 0.658 0.688 0.474 0.262 0.163 0.137 0.32 0.252 0.206 1188 0.658 1 0.917 0.245 0.331 0.122 0.148 0.194 0.168 0.171 790 0.688 0.917 1 0.243 0.31 0.122 0.15 0.19 0.171 0.174 290 0.474
2010 Nov 29
accuracy of GLM dispersion parameters
I'm confused as to the trustworthiness of the dispersion parameters reported by glm. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Context: I'm interested in using a fitted GLM to make some predictions. Along with the predicted values, I'd also like to have estimates of variance for each of those predictions. For a Gamma-family model, I believe this can be done as Var[y] =
2002 Oct 24
glm and lrm disagree with zero table cells
I've noticed that glm and lrm give extremely different results if you attempt to fit a saturated model to a dataset with zero cells. Consider, for instance the data from, Agresti's Death Penalty example [0]. The crosstab table is: , , PENALTY = NO VIC DEF BLACK WHITE BLACK 97 52 WHITE 9 132 , , PENALTY = YES VIC DEF BLACK WHITE BLACK 6 11
2006 Oct 13
nontabular logistic regression
Hi. I'm attempting to fit a logistic/binomial model so I can determine the influence of landscape on the probability that a box gets used by a bird. I've looked at a few sources (MASS text, Dalgaard, Fox and google) and the examples are almost always based on tabular predictor variables. My data, however are not. I'm not sure if that is the source of the problems or not because the
2008 Aug 08
Dear All- I have a dataset that is comprised of the following: doy yr mon day hr hgt1 hgt2 hgt3 co21 co22 co23 sig1 sig2 sig3 dif flag 244.02083 2005 09 01 00 2.6 9.5 17.8 375.665 373.737 373.227 3.698 1.107 0.963 -0.509 PRE 244.0625 2005 09 01 01 2.6 9.5 17.8 393.66 384.773 379.466 15.336 11.033 5.76 -5.307 PRE 244.10417 2005 09 01 02 2.6 9.5 17.8 411.162 397.866 387.755 6.835 5.61 6.728
2009 Apr 02
Sparse PCA problem
Dear R user, I want to do sparse principal component analysis (spca). I am using elastic net package for this and spca() and the code is following from the example. My question is How can I decide the *K =? *and *para=c(7,4,4,1,1,1)) . So, here k=6 i.e the no of Principal Components. and each pcs say , * ** pc1 number of non zero loading is 7 pc2 number of non zero loading
2002 Dec 04
dum is a simple data frame transferred to Splus using the dump() command in Splus and the source() in R. All fields are numeric. There are no missing data. The data frame looks like it is should: > apply(dum,2,mode) yrcl sland s02 s234 "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" > apply(dum,2,is.vector) yrcl sland s02 s234
2015 Jan 15
Request to speed up save()
In addition to the major points that others made: if you care about speed, don't use compression. With today's fast disks it's an order of magnitude slower to use compression: > d=lapply(1:10, function(x) as.integer(rnorm(1e7))) > system.time(saveRDS(d, file="test.rds.gz")) user system elapsed 17.210 0.148 17.397 > system.time(saveRDS(d,
2010 Feb 17
extract the data that match
Hi r-users,   I would like to extract the data that match.  Attached is my data: I'm interested in matchind the value in column 'intg' with value in column 'rand_no' > cbind(z=z,intg=dd,rand_no = rr)             z  intg rand_no    [1,]  0.00 0.000   0.001    [2,]  0.01 0.000   0.002    [3,]  0.02 0.000   0.002    [4,]  0.03 0.000   0.003    [5,]  0.04 0.000   0.003    [6,] 
2007 Jul 19
Can I test if there are statistical significance between different rows in R*C table?
Dear friends, My R*C table is as follow: better good bad Goup1 16 71 37 Group2 0 4 61 Group3 1 6 57 Can I test if there are statistical significant between Group1 and Group2, Group2 and Group3, Group1 and Group2, taking into the multiple comparisons? The table can be set up using the following program: a<-matrix(data=c(16,71,37,0,4,61,1,6,57),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE) Thanks
2013 Mar 28
using cvlm to do cross-validation
Hello, I did a cross-validation using cvlm from DAAG package but wasn't sure how to assess the result. Does this result means my model is a good model? I understand that the overall ms is the mean of sum of squares. But is 0.0987 a good number? The response (i.e. gailRel5yr) has min,1st Quantile, median, mean and 3rd Quantile, and max as follows: (0.462, 0.628, 0.806, 0.896, 1.000, 2.400) ?
2018 May 15
... and the mailing list is picky about attachments... whatever you attached did not conform to the stringent requirements mentioned in the Posting Guide. Pasting the code right into the email is usually safest, though you DO have to post using plain text (as the Posting Guide indicates) or your code may get mangled by the automatic html format removal. On May 15, 2018 7:04:31 AM PDT, Bert Gunter
2018 May 15
OK, Let's try this again! Here is the reproducible script; it is long because I had to copy the panel dataset here. My question is related to systemfit; I don't know how to get the result for the entire panel. #Reproducible script Empdata<- read.csv("/Users/ngwinuiazenui/Documents/UPLOADemp.csv") View(Empdata) install.packages("systemfit")