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2009 Apr 13
Question on zero-inflated Poisson count data with repeated measures design - glmm.ADMB
Dear R community, I have some questions regarding the analysis of a zero-inflated count dataset and repeated measures design. The dataset is arranged as follows : Unit of analysis: point - these are points were bird were counted during a certain amount of time. In total we have about 175 points. Each point is located within a certain habitat fragment (here: "site"= A-B-C-D-..., in
2013 Jan 16
Samba AD Auth Stops After Patches
Hello, I have an issue that I can't sort out. Issue: Just applied the latest round of patches that brought me up to this Samba version and suddenly end-users are being prompted for authentication when attempting to access shares on this CentOS box from their Windows Vista, 7x86, and 7x64 workstations. Problem: I am new to Samba and seem to not be connecting the dots Layer 1: I can ping
2007 Dec 11
matrix graph
Hi All, simple question: do you know how to graph the following object/matrix in a 'surface manner': [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] -0.154 -0.065 0.129 0.637 0.780 0.221 [2,] 0.236 0.580 0.448 0.729 0.859 0.475 [3,] 0.401 0.506 0.310 0.650 0.822 0.448 [4,] 0.548 0.625 0.883 0.825 0.945 0.637 [5,] 0.544 0.746 0.823 0.877 0.861 0.642 [6,] 0.262 0.399
2013 Mar 11
Issue with Oplocks
I've been using Samba for a number of years and suddenly Samba started throwing oplock errors and I simply can't figure out why. I've not changed any config parameters in some time, but have updated my version of samba as new packages become available for my distro. I'm running Centos 5.9 and the following versions of samba from stock Centos: samba3x-common-3.6.6-0.129.el5
2013 Feb 01
winbind not returning uid/gid
Really sorry to re-post but it looks like my thread has been buried and had no responses. I am using samba3.6 winbind to connect a RHEL5.8 linux box to a new Windows Server 2012 Active Directory which has Unix Identity Mapping installed. So I have all the uidNumber/gidNumber stuff in the windows schema. I am able to log in but I am not getting the right uid/gid. My AD uids start at around 800.
2005 Mar 29
strange error with rw2010dev
With rw2010dev I get a strange protect(): protection stack overflow error with a small data frame which otherwise is usable: If anybody wants to have a look I can provide an RData file with the problematic data frame. Doesn't seem to be necessary, the following simulated example generates the error: > testmat <- matrix(1:80, 20,4) > dim(testmat) [1] 20 4 > str(testmat) int
2013 Jan 30
uid/gid not being used when logging into RHEL -> Windows Server 2012 Active Directory
I am using samba/winbind to connect a RHEL5.8 linux box to a new Windows Server box which has Unix Identity Mapping installed. So I have all the uidNumber/gidNumber stuff in the windows schema. I am able to login but I am not getting the right uid/gid. My AD uids start at around 800. FYI I am new to winbind. Apparently the ID mapping has changed again in samba 3.6 but I'm not really
2004 Oct 20
Drawing multiple line plots
Hi All: Greetings, and best wishes from the festive times here at Kolkata, India -- the time of Durga Puja celebrations. I seek your advice as I try plotting lines for my data. The problem: I have created a dataframe that looks like this (name: myFrame): lowest second third fourth highest significance INAS 0.107 0.115 0.123 0.115 0.166 0.000 MMA 0.091 0.107 0.115
2008 Nov 19
Bucketing/Grouping Probabilities
I have a list of entrants (1-14 in this example) in a competitive event and corresponding win probabilities for each entrant. [(1, 0.049), (2, 0.129), (3, 0.043), (4, 0.013), (5, 0.015), (6, 0.040), (7, 0.066), (8, 0.038), (9, 0.204), (10, 0.022), (11, 0.234), (12, 0.044), (13, 0.068), (14, 0.035)] So, of course Sum(ps) = 1. In order to make some subsequent computations more
2000 Dec 20
Question about coplot() ...
Dear R-friends, For the following data: > xy x y i 1 731 0.313 2 2 739 0.340 2 3 790 0.373 2 4 855 0.451 2 5 980 0.608 2 6 575 0.156 1 7 608 0.207 1 8 630 0.249 1 9 670 0.332 1 10 838 0.377 1 11 964 0.466 1 > coplot(y ~ x|i, data=xy) coplot gives 3 panels, rather than 2, namely one for i=1 and one for i=2. Futhermore, when I extand data fram xy to have i=3 as follows:
2004 Jan 12
extract data from a data.frame
Hi, I'm reading part of a table from postgres, so I'm getting a data frame. how can I extract the numerica values so I can operate on them. > res <- dbGetResult(mydata) > str(res) `data.frame': 5 obs. of 8 variables: $ cyx.1: num 0.149 -0.278 0.114 0.060 0.109 $ cyx.2: num 0.158 -0.070 0.063 0.149 0.150 $ cyx.3: num 0.052 -0.350 0.114 0.126 0.238
2005 Apr 05
extracting Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values from factanal
Hi R users, I need some help in the followings: I'm doing factor analysis and I need to extract the loading values and the Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values one by one. Here is what I am doing: > fact <- factanal(na.omit(gnome_freq_r2),factors=5); > fact$loadings Loadings: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5 b1freqr2 0.246 0.486 0.145
2005 Jun 01
Problem with fPortfolio
Hello, I hesitate to call this a bug, because I could have forgotten something important, but the MarkowitzPortfolio example in fPortfolio does not work for me. Here's my code: > library(fPortfolio) > >xmpPortfolio("\nStart: Load monthly data set of returns > ") > data(berndtInvest) > # Exclude Date, Market and Interest Rate columns from data
2011 May 18
logistic regression lrm() output
Hi, I am trying to run a simple logistic regression using lrm() to calculate a odds ratio. I found a confusing output when I use summary() on the fit object which gave some OR that is totally different from simply taking exp(coefficient), see below: > dat<-read.table("dat.txt",sep='\t',header=T,row.names=NULL) > d<-datadist(dat) > options(datadist='d')
2007 Jul 19
Can I test if there are statistical significance between different rows in R*C table?
Dear friends, My R*C table is as follow: better good bad Goup1 16 71 37 Group2 0 4 61 Group3 1 6 57 Can I test if there are statistical significant between Group1 and Group2, Group2 and Group3, Group1 and Group2, taking into the multiple comparisons? The table can be set up using the following program: a<-matrix(data=c(16,71,37,0,4,61,1,6,57),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE) Thanks
2007 Aug 10
Help wit matrices
Hello all, I am working with a 1000x1000 matrix, and I would like to return a 1000x1000 matrix that tells me which value in the matrix is greater than a theshold value (1 or 0 indicator). i have tried mat2<-as.matrix(as.numeric(mat1>0.25)) but that returns a 1:100000 matrix. I have also tried for loops, but they are grossly inefficient. THanks for all your help in advance. Lanre
2012 Sep 14
when to use "I", "as is" caret
Dear community, I've check it while working, but just to reassure myself. Let's say we have 2 models: model1 <- lm(vdep ~ log(v1) + v2 + v3 + I(v4^2) , data = mydata) model2 <- lm(vdep ~ log(v1) + v2 + v3 + v4^2, data = mydata) So in model1 you really square v4; and in model2, v4*^2 *doesn't do anything, does it? Model2 could be rewritten: model2b <- lm(vdep ~
2013 Jan 25
upgrade samba
Hello to all, is the first time I write to this mailing list, I wanted to ask you a hand about an upgrade of samba I did on a centos 5.5 i386 with kernel 2.6.18-308.24.1.el5, which I updated with yum samba3x-3.3. 8-0.52.el5_5.2 bringing it to samba3x-3.6.6-0.129.el5. Now I can not put the computer to the domain, the error is that I find myself Jan 24 17:53:03 VmPDC smbd[15115]: [2013/01/24
2013 Feb 25
samba + nfs locking doesn't work
this is the case: serverA [ CentOs 5.6 kernel, Samba ver. 3.5.21 ] serverB [ CentOS 5.6 kernel, Samba ver. 3.6.6-0.129.el5 ] clientA [ WindowsXP ] clientB [ WindowsXP ] The serverA shares via Samba the resource [test] [global] workgroup = DMIT netbios name = SAMBA server string = DMIT domain server interfaces = eth0
2012 Aug 03
Multiple Comparisons-Kruskal-Wallis-Test: kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess} don't yield the same results although they should do (?)
Hi there, I am doing multiple comparisons for data that is not normally distributed. For this purpose I tried both functions kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess}. It confuses me that these functions do not yield the same results although they are doing the same thing, don't they? Can anyone tell my why this happens and which function I can trust? kruskalmc() tells me that there are no