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2012 Jul 30
distance matrix and hclustering
Dear R Users,i am very new to R. I want your help on an issue regarding distance matrix and cluster analysis i had discharge data of 4 rivers(a,b,c,d) in 4 vectors each having 364 values > dput(qmu)structure(list(a = c(0.26, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.24, 0.23, 0.22, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.2, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17,
2007 Apr 25
Hi all, I have 2 questions: 1)How do I calculate the mean on an imported txt file? I've imported the file below and that's what it looks like imported. How do I then calcuate the mean, median, or mode on the column LeafArea using the desktop R package? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Nat LeafType Leaflets LeafArea ShapeRatio LeafWeight LeafThickness 1 1
2009 Oct 06
how to output profile plots for groups using lattice package
Dear R users, I am trying to have an xyplot of a data set which has the following variables: case (n=10,20,30) parameter (parm=a,b) group (grp=g1,g2) y (y values) x (x=2,4,8) My plot should be parameter by case such that I have 2 rows (each row= each parameter) and 3 columns (each column=each case). My R-code is as follows but I am not able to get what I want to: tp1.sim <- xyplot(y~ x | case
2013 Mar 06
About basic logical operators
Hello everyone,           I have a basic question regarding logical operators. > x<-seq(-1,1,by=0.02) > x   [1] -1.00 -0.98 -0.96 -0.94 -0.92 -0.90 -0.88 -0.86 -0.84 -0.82 -0.80 -0.78  [13] -0.76 -0.74 -0.72 -0.70 -0.68 -0.66 -0.64 -0.62 -0.60 -0.58 -0.56 -0.54  [25] -0.52 -0.50 -0.48 -0.46 -0.44 -0.42 -0.40 -0.38 -0.36 -0.34 -0.32 -0.30  [37] -0.28 -0.26 -0.24 -0.22 -0.20 -0.18 -0.16
2012 Jun 01
Fit lines in intxplot
Dear R help, I tried to add linear fit lines in intxplot by adding "index.cond = function(x,y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1]" inside the intxplot().? It didn't help.? I would appreciate any help. My dataset and codes are pasted below. Thanks, A.K. datGreen<- read.table(text=" Time,??? DarkSt,??? LightSt 0,??? 0,??? 1 1,??? 0.03,??? 0.82 2,??? 0.06,??? 0.91 3,??? 0.12,??? 0.64 4,???
2020 Jun 30
opusfile 0.12 release
I'm pleased to announce the release of opusfile 0.12 The opusfile library provides seeking, decode, and playback of Opus streams in the Ogg container (.opus files) including over http(s) on posix and windows systems. opusfile depends on libopus and libogg. The included opusurl library for http(s) access depends on opusfile and openssl. Changes since the v0.11 release: - Fix stack overflow
2012 Jul 06
estimating NA values against selected slots
Dear R Users, Could you please help me on the following issue? I have a real large yearly data set. For each year I have 365 flow values. Some of the flow values are not known and that’s why you will see NA written in those slots. I wanted to know, is there a way that I can estimate those values? I tried approx command but it seems least helpful for the kind of issue I am up against.
2008 Jan 17
steps to install xen3.1 from source
hi all, i want to install xen3.1 on my system, suse linux enterprise server 10 SP1 (kernel i download the tarball binary file. it contains only "vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen" and "xen-3.1.gz", no initrd. but see the following code in my grub menu.lst, it seems like i need the initrd file. i tried the installation with this binary Tarball, it didn''t work.
2012 Jun 12
replacing NA for zero
Dear R users, I have a very basic query, but was unable to find a proper anwser. I have the following data.frame x y 2 0.12 3 0.25 4 0.11 6 0.16 7 0.20 and, due to further calculations, I need the data to be stored as x y 1 0 2 0.12 3 0.25 4 0.11 5 0 6 0.16 7 0.20 8 0 How do
2005 Jun 24
Make matrix from SQL query result
Hi, I am trying to form a matrix from a SQL query result. The SQL query result looks like this: equity_id date returns 1 20050619 0.12 2 20050619 0.03 1 20050620 -0.01 2 20050620 0.01 The target matrix looks like this: date 1 2
2006 Nov 30
Quicker way of combining vectors into a data.frame
Hi, In a function, I compute 10 (un-named) vectors of reasonable length (4471 in the particular example I have to hand) that I want to combine into a data frame object, that the function will return. This is very slow, so *I'm* doing something wrong if I want it to be quick and efficient, though I'm not sure what the best way to do this would be. I know it is the combining into data
2008 Feb 13
FTBFS btrfs-progs 0.12 on IA64
Hi, since version 0.12, btrfs-progs fails to build from source (FTBFS) on IA64. I've not looked into the issue yet, but though I'll just let you know about it already. The buildlog can be seen on: Regards, Daniel -- Address: Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist Email:
2011 Jul 08
Getting wrong NA values using "for" cmd
Hi There, I'm facing one problem to construct a vector using the "for" command: I have one matrix named 'dados' (same as /data/ from portuguese), for example: > dados[140:150,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 212.7298 0.14 0.11 [2,] 213.3778 0.14 0.11 [3,] 214.0257 0.15 0.11 [4,] 214.6737 0.15 0.12 [5,] 215.3217 0.15 0.12 [6,] 215.9696 0.15 0.12 [7,] 216.6176 0.16
2008 Oct 15
investigating interaction term for a model of Gross Primary Productivity
I am trying to investigate the interaction term in the below. The paradigm in aquatic systems is that algal production is either nitrogen (TIN) or Phosphorus limited, and I am trying to investigate this- what is the best way to go about investigating the interaction term. I have some thoughts on the above, but I will withhold them to see what others think. Thanks for your help. d <-
2009 Jun 12
Rprof loses all system() time
Rprof seems to ignore all time spent inside system() calls. E.g., this simple example actually takes about 10 seconds, but Rprof thinks the total time is only 0.12 seconds: > Rprof("sleep-system.out") ; system.time(system(command="sleep 10")) ; Rprof(NULL) user system elapsed 0.000 0.004 10.015 > summaryRprof("sleep-system.out")$
2014 Jul 06
qemu-kvm version for CentOS
WHY CentOS still using qemu-kvm 0.12? What I am need is high version of qemu-kvm for CentOS, but seems like they do not officially provide newest qemu, only qemu 0.12 source code with 3522 patched rpm package. Is there any reasonable to keep low version for qemu-kvm ? or what should I do if I need newest qemu-kvm rpm package? ✉ -- 朴元奎 kerwin
2016 Mar 29
USB 3.0 in qemu-kvm-0.12
I suspect I know the answer here, but is qemu-kvm-0.12 simply incapable of passing a USB 3.0 device to a guest? USB 2 devices work fine, but USB 3 -- nothing. USB 3.0 works fine in the host, of course. Currently using qemu-kvm- in CentOS 6.7. I'm guessing I have to upgrade to CentOS 7 to pass USB 3.0 devices to the guest. Hoping to avoid that just now. -- Bob
1999 Jun 02
pgpgpg 0.12 released
pgpgpg 0.12 =============== Pgpgpg is a wrapper arround Gnu Privacy Guard which takes PGP 2.6 command line options, translate them and then call GnuPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) to perform the desired action. With pgpgpg most scripts and applications written to use PGP 2.6 should normally work with GnuPG too. By using pgpgpg these
2004 Oct 25
Kerberos vs NTLM 0.12 in Samba log files...
Hi, I am trying to make Samba 3.0.7 work with ADS security mode. In the Win2K3 server's Event Viewer, I see the client's logon. In that log entry's properties, I see that the "logon process" used is Kerberos. However, in the Samba log files, the protocol selected is "NTLM 0.12" and I see a lot of Samba log entries regarding NTLM authentication, nothing about
2012 Jul 10
estimation of NA by predict command
Dear arun and all R users, I will first of all try to simply define my issue.. I have data in the following format Year Discharge dd/mm/yyyy x .. … … … There are some NA values in the discharge which I would like to predict by using “predict command”. I cant figure out the way to write the coding for that. Could you please help me on that??? I have also ,written