On 15/10/24 11:09 am, Carlos Jesus wrote:> Hello again, following on Jennifer's guess,
> #ls -la?/usr/local/backups/samba
> drwxr-sr-x 3 root staff 4096 Oct 14 14:32 samba
> Just in case I
> #chmod 777 /usr/local/backups/samba
> and got the same result. The backup fails in the exact same way.
> Rowland is right of course, and I ran everything as root.
> Running an online backup works as expected. Guess I'll have to go with
> that. Still it would be nice to have some insight on the?matter. Either
> I'm doing something wrong (which is bad) or there is something wrong
> (which is worst...)
> Any more ideas?
> Best regards
> CJ
Hmm, I don?t have any more ideas at present, sorry.
(Adding the samba list again, where I presume you intended to send this.)
Jennifer (she/her)