On Thu, 07 Jun 2018 08:54:51 +0200 Henry Jensen wrote:>
> Am 6. Juni 2018 19:55:52 MESZ schrieb Mark Foley via samba <samba at
> >I am running Samba 4.4.16 on Slackware64 14.2. I have a domain member
> >Windows 7 workstation. I
> >upgraded the hardware on this computer a couple of weeks ago. I deleted
> >the computer from
> >the domain, the re-joined after finishing the upgrade.
> >
> >This computer show in the list with 'samba-tool group listmembers
> >"Domain Computers"', but does
> >not show up in ADUC > Computers. I've removed and re-joined the
> >domain, but that didn't fix
> >the problem.
> Samba 4.4.x is EOL as far as Samba is conerned. Also Slackware doesn't
have PAM.
> You may want to consider my up-to-date Samba and PAM packages for
> 14.2 at connochaetos.org/slack-n-free/pam64-14.2
> Kind regards,
> Henry
Well, I'm having a number of problems including Group Policies not working,
loss of redirected
desktop and so on. I'd really like to get these resolved as I need to
connect more domain
member workstations.
So, I guess I'll upgrade to a more current version of Samba and see if that
helps. The version
I'm using is the most recent available for my Slackware distribution. The
next version in the
pending Slackware release is 4.8.2. I may try that first. Actually, I may try
your package as
it is targeted to Slackware. I am using Ivandi's PAM on the Linux domain
I had no problems with the initial 4.1 version and Group Policies when installed
back in 2014.
Still had no problem in 2016 with Samba 4.2.12 when the most recent user was
added. That user
was able to log on the first time and get her redirected desktop. We've not
added new users or
workstations since then until starting last November/December when we upgraded
workstations and
in some cased created new Windows workstations from scratch with the
installation DVD. Since
that time none of the existing users logging onto their workstations can get
their redirected
desktops. I have to manually change the desktop location. Nor do they get their
own desktops
when logging into workstations other than their own. It "feels" like
something bad happened to
Group Policy management between 4.2.12 and 4.4.16.
When the workstation tried to connect I get the Event Log error:
'General' error: "The processing of Group Policy Failed. Windows
could not apply the
registry-based policy settings for the Group Policy object
Group Policy settings will not be resolved until this event is resolved. View
the event details
for more information on the file name and path that caused the failure."
Event details says, "Access is denied". However, the Domain
Administrator *is* able to get its
redirected desktop regardless of which workstation it logs into. If anyone has
any insight
into this, please reply. Meanwhile, I'll update Samba.