John Schmerold
2016-Mar-10 13:26 UTC
[Samba] [ISC Crosspost] Novel method for slowing down Locky on Samba server using fail2ban
From: bounces at To: sbradcpa at <sbradcpa at> Novel method for slowing down Locky on Samba server using fail2ban Google Translate version of above: If you teach the Samba server to monitor and write Rename actions, you can start fail2ban on Locky activities and shut infected computers before they can cause great harm. The following lines do in the /etc/samba/smb.conf in section [global] full_audit: failure = none full_audit: success = pwrite write rename full_audit: prefix = IP =% I | USER =% u | MACHINE =% m | VOLUME =% S full_audit: facility = local7 full_audit: priority = NOTICE and to be monitored at every [Volume] vfs objects = full_audit This leads to such a line in the log: 2016-02-29T11:07:36.162528+01:00 hort smbd_audit:IP=|USER=dha|MACHINE=win7dha|VOLUME=dha|pwrite|ok|bla/ 2016-02-29T11:08:43.945654+01:00 hort smbd_audit:IP=|USER=dha|MACHINE=win7dha|VOLUME=dha|pwrite|ok|bla/ganzböserverschlüsselungstrojaner.locky apt-get install fail2ban with filter definitions in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/samba.conf as [Definition] failregex = smbd.*\:\ IP=<HOST>\|.*\.locky$ smbd.*\:\ IP=<HOST>\|.*_Locky_recover_instructions\.txt$ ignoreregex The jump to the typical Locky files ending .locky and the ransom _Locky_recover_instructions.tx t on. It can, however, easily extend to other ransomware typical files. When creating new messages you have to note the indentation; fail2ban is a Python script and accordingly fussy about leading spaces and tabs are concerned. It becomes difficult for files like .mp3, as it applies the latest version of TeslaCrypt. 3 You have to decide whether music files have to look on the server rather then as Admin. fail2ban locked out Arm the filter with a config file named samba.conf in /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ [samba] filter = samba enabled = true action = iptables-multiport[name=samba, port="135,139,445,137,138", protocol=tcp] mail[name=samba, dest=admin at MYDOMAIN.DE] logpath = /var/log/syslog maxretry = 1 #block after first attempt findtime = 600 #always look at the last 10 minutes bantime = 86400 #24 hour ban [samba] filter = samba enabled = true action = iptables-multiport [name = samba, port = "135,139,445,137,138" protocol = tcp] mail [name = samba, dest=admin at MYDOMAIN.DE] logpath = / var / log / syslog maxretry = 1 #Schon the first attempt is punishable find time = 600 #Schaut always the last 10 minutes bantime = 86400 #ban for a whole day This ensures that a Locky-infected client via iptables disconnected for 24 hours and the Admin via mail will be notified.