Karel Lang AFD
2016-Mar-05 13:02 UTC
[Samba] snooping windows 10 - how to stop it on a linux gateway?
Hi all, guys, first and foremost, i apologize, as this is not really about samba, but i'm basically at 'ground zero' with windows 10 and how to stop them from snooping information of the LAN PC windows users. And i know there is some great people with windows network understanding here on list, that is why i ask here, so please don't stone me :-) I think everyone heard already about how windows 10 badly treat its users privacy (and recently i learned those 'great' features are now backported even to windows 7 so..). I'm now thinking about a way howto stop a windows 10 sending these data mining results to a microsoft telemetry servers and filter it on our linux gateway. I think it could be (maybe?) done via DPI (deep packet inspection). I similarly filter torrent streams on our linux gateway - i use patched standard Scientific linux 6 kernel with 'xtables' (ipp2p enhancement) and it is working extremely well. Also people from scientific linux community suggested it might be filtered via transparent https proxy. Also, i read (not sure if true) that some DNS resolutions to M$ servers are even 'hardwired' via some .dll library, so it makes it even harder. I'm no windows expert, but i'm and unix administrator concerned about privacy of windows desktop/laptop users sitting inside my LAN. The point of what i'd like to do, is to come up is some general idea, be it iptables rules, or general proxy solution, rather than blocking specific IP addresses or names, because, apparently they may change in any incoming windows update ... Anyone gave this thought already? Anyone else's concerned the way i am? cheers -- *Karel Lang* *Unix/Linux Administration* lang at afd.cz | +420 731 13 40 40 AUFEER DESIGN, s.r.o. | www.aufeerdesign.cz
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