I am using samba 4.1.x using the samba internal dns. I want to make the samba dns authoritative our our zone -- ha.net -- I'm not finding any docs on how to do that. Is it possible to? The issue we have is that if samba gets a query for a system in ha.net that doesn't exist -- it forwards and then we get a response from another dns that we don't want. -- David Bear mobile: (602) 903-6476
On Sat, 2014-08-09 at 15:15 -0700, David Bear wrote:> I am using samba 4.1.x using the samba internal dns. I want to make the > samba dns authoritative our our zone -- ha.net -- I'm not finding any docs > on how to do that.Not sure what you want to do. Guessing, ha.net is your company domain and you want to forward to that? So what is your AD domain? Assume, ad.ha.net the the internal dns is (automatically when you provision) authoritative for ad.ha.net and forwards anything for the 'net/mail etc to ha.net. ? It's easy to set the forwarder in smb.conf on the DC. Cheers, Steve
On Sat, 2014-08-09 at 15:15 -0700, David Bear wrote:> I am using samba 4.1.x using the samba internal dns. I want to make the > samba dns authoritative our our zone -- ha.net -- I'm not finding any docs > on how to do that. > > Is it possible to? The issue we have is that if samba gets a query for a > system in ha.net that doesn't exist -- it forwards and then we get a > response from another dns that we don't want.This looks like an interesting bug, please file it. In the meantime, probably the best option is to move to using BIND9 and the DLZ module. Andrew Bartlett -- Andrew Bartlett http://samba.org/~abartlet/ Authentication Developer, Samba Team http://samba.org Samba Developer, Catalyst IT http://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba