I just found the '' folder happens because it tries to *find*
'etc' inside
pwd, but it isn't there. Does this etc refer to /etc?
Moving /etc/samba to /var/lib/samba/etc and synlinking /etc/samba to
/var/lib/samba/etc should work and allow samba_backup to work?
2014-05-15 10:01 GMT+02:00 Llu?s Forns <enboig at gmail.com>:
> I just installed samba4 on ubuntu 14.04 from de repositories:
> # samba --version
> Version 4.1.6-Ubuntu
> I wanted to make a backup but *samba_backup* was missing, so I download
> 4.1.7 using Git and configured it.
> The problem is it isn't working, tar is stopping because it refuses to
> create and empty file. I tracked it to the second *tar* in the script,
> and *echoed* it:
> # samba_backup
> realitvedirname: ./private
> if: tar cjf /root/backup/samba4_private.2014-05-15.tar.bz2 ./private
> --exclude=*.ldb --warning=no-file-ignored --transform s/.ldb.bak$/.ldb/
> realitvedirname:
> else: tar cjf /root/backup/etc.2014-05-15.tar.bz2
> --warning=no-file-ignored
> tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
> Try 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.
> Error while archiving /root/backup/etc.2014-05-15.tar.bz2 - status = 2
> In the second loop $realivedirname is empty; how should I solve this? the
> 3 folders it tries to backup are './*private*', '' and
> thanks
> --
> *Ser freak no ?s imprescindible per ser inform?tic, per? ajuda.
> *La vida no ha de ser feli?, ha de ser plena.
> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.
*Ser freak no ?s imprescindible per ser inform?tic, per? ajuda.
*La vida no ha de ser feli?, ha de ser plena.
*Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.