Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "backup"
2014 May 08
Client cannot access Default domain policy
I have just installed samba4, created the domain and users join correctly.
I applied a folder redirection and tested it and it worked; but when I
tried adding more redirections nothing happens.
I have found that when running "gpupdate" in client, it fails telling it
cannot open
I tried to
2008 May 28
WinXP not creating profile
I have just installed a new samba PDC following
but my winXP clients don't save their profile. It is created a
directory /home/samba/profiles/USER with permission 700 but no file is
saved there. The computer I amb testing with was in the old samba PDC
saving the profile with no problem, so I suppose is a samba problem.
Any hint
2009 Feb 26
winXP not uploading profiles
I have installed Samba as PDC, copied "Default User" to samba (from
\Documents and Settings\Default User) and it works (I added some files
to the Desktop and they appear on new computers); but when logout,
just the profile folder of the user is created, no file is upload
Any hint? my smb.conf looks like:
workgroup = MEGOSG
log level = 3
admin users = @admin
2012 Oct 29
How emulate the function 'order' without with the function 'sort' in R
Ol? amigos tudo bem ? Espero que sim.
Sou novo aqui e gostaria muito da ajuda dos senhores para resolver um
pequeno probleminha no R.
Ent?o, estou com um probleminha com uma atividade que relaciona duas fun??es
no R, ? o seguinte:
Primeiro atrav?s da fun??o sample ? criado um vetor aleat?trio:
x <- sample(1:100, 20)
Depois aplico a fun??o sort que tem como objetivo ordenar os elementos em
2005 Apr 27
Question about R initial message
Dear R:
First of all, nothing is wrong!
I just had a question about the following"
"Natural language support but running in an English locale"
What does than mean, please?
Thanks in Advance
R 2.1.0 Windows
Laura Holt
mailto: lauraholt_983 at hotmail.com
2020 Jun 22
SAMBA using existing users and passwords on Linux
On 22/06/2020 14:00, Fernando Gon?alves wrote:
> Good morning Rowland.
> As you may have noticed, I am no expert in deploying SAMBA in an AD
> domain.
> Could you give me a link with a tutorial that explains in a simple way
> the procedure for this?
You could start here:
> Just to not leave
2009 Jun 10
Predict GARCH
i was trying to predict values for a garch, so i did:
predict(fitgarch,n.ahead = 20)
but this doesn't work. Someone can tell me how to get the 20 values ahead of a garch model.
thanks in advance
O Windows Live ajuda-o a manter-se em contacto com todos os seus amigos, num só local.
2005 Jan 02
Can I receive faxes with Fritz card & Asterisk ?
I'm reading that spandsp works only with zaptel channels. What are my
options if I want to receive faxes through ISDN Fritz card with Asterisk and
possibly forward it as emails ?
2009 Apr 01
Erro de update no rails 2.3.2
Pessoal, estou precisando de ajuda...
Estou usando o rails 2.3.2.
Quando tento fazer qualquer update (método save em um registro
existente), recebo o erro abaixo:
ArgumentError in RequisicaosController#enviar_rede
wrong number of arguments (3 for 1)
base.rb:2875:in `attributes_with_quotes''
2018 Jul 23
¿Puedes enviar un ejemplo?
El 23/07/18 a las 21:32, Carlos Córcoles escribió:
> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
> De: Carlos Córcoles <ccbcorcoles en gmail.com>
> Fecha: 23 de julio de 2018, 21:09
> Para: R-help-es en r-project.org
> A quien corresponda:
> Escribo este e-mail porque necesito ayuda con R
2018 Jul 18
Legendas en una gráfica de ggplot2
¡Gracias! Espectacular. Me ha servido mucho.
El mié., 18 de jul. de 2018 1:15 PM, Víctor Granda García <
victorgrandagarcia en gmail.com> escribió:
> Hola Sebastián.
> Entiendo que tratas de que aparezca una leyenda con el tipo de curva
> (l,o,u,i). Si quieres aprovechar las ventajas de ggplot (como las leyendas
> automáticas) normalmente tienes que asignar linetype a una
2017 Feb 15
convertir múltiples listas de múltiples dataframes en un único dataframe
Agradecido por tu interés. Adjunto la lista que me solicitas.
El 15/02/2017 17:45, Carlos Ortega escribió:
> Hola,
> ¿Puedes pasar parte de estas listas para no picar un ejemplo desde cero... ?
> Puedes pasarlo en un fichero ".RData" Y si te da problemas el adjuntarlo a toda la
2015 Mar 24
Nuevas versiones y compatibilidad
Hola amigos, de nuevo aquí haciendo preguntas,
Tengo instalada la versión de R 3.1.2 para Windows
veo que está disponible la 3.1.3
Hoy empece a trabajar con la interconexión R con Excel. Quise Instalar el
paquete XLConnect y ya tuve alguna pega porque decía que una parte del
mismo está escrito en la versión 3.1.3. Aquí, en este mundillo, ya veo que
el que no corre vuela porque la 3.1.3 es de
2018 Jun 25
Transformar muchas variables factor en variables binarias de acuerdo a niveles
Por cierto data.table tiene implementadas las funciones de reshape2 melt y dcast pero mucho m?s r?pidasen ejecuci?n
Obtener Outlook para Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>
From: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org> on behalf of V?ctor Granda Garc?a <victorgrandagarcia en gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:23:52 PM
To: Fernando Reche
2009 Feb 04
More complex Xen Networking, with VLANs and maybe with VDE 2... but how?!
--- In english ---
I am to implement a new architecture of the network in my company but I do
not know right where to start ... need help!
Currently 90% of my servers are virtual machines under Xen. I have many
valid IP networks and all Hypervisors are configured in bridge mode, to
simplify. We have 3 VMWare ESX Hypervisor also in bridge mode.
Some networks are exclusive to certain
2008 Oct 21
Question about glm using R
Good morning,
I am using R to try to model the proportion of burned area in Portugal.
The dependent variable is the proportion. The family used is binomial
and the epsilon would be binary.
I am not able to find the package to be used when the proportion (%) has
to be used in glm. Could someone help me?
I am using normal commands of glm.. for example:
glm_5<- glm(formula=p~Precipitation,
2018 Jul 18
Legendas en una gráfica de ggplot2
Buenas tardes, estoy haciendo una gráfica de múltiples lineas pero no he
podido generar las legendas. Alguno de ustedes me podría colaborar.
#### Con b=-2
t=seq (-4, 4, by=0.01)
##con b igual a -1
t=seq (-4, 4, by=0.01)
### Con b igual a 0.7
t=seq (-4, 4, by=0.01)
### Con b igual a 2
2018 Jun 25
Transformar muchas variables factor en variables binarias de acuerdo a niveles
Puedes probar con la función dummy del paquete dummies.
Un saludo
Fernando Reche Lorite
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de Almería
El 25 de junio de 2018, 15:55, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta <cgb en datanalytics.com>
> ¿No te vale model.matrix?
> El lun., 25 jun. 2018 a las 15:49, Juan Abasolo (<juan.abasolo en ehu.eus>)
> escribió:
> > Buenas,
2018 Jul 12
Imposible instalar FactoMineR (KUbuntu 18.04)
Gracias, Carlos.
Lo voy a tener que revisar con ahínco. Lo había visto, pero no entendido. A
ver si va por ahí el problema
2018-07-12 16:52 GMT+02:00 Carlos Ortega <cof en qualityexcellence.es>:
> No es la versión de la librería con la que tienes tú el problema... pero
> puede ayudar...
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47608240/lavaan-
2008 Mar 06
dot matrix POS parallel printer problems
I have a application that writes to the LPT1 directly,
in wine there is a lot of missing characters in the printout,
in the console printing to /dev/lp0 works ok.
I'm using puppy linux.
Any help welcome.
Thank you