Hello, I have a samba client with a working winbind uid/gid mapping. But the ACL check give me strange results with mount.cifs. The folder /uhomes/2de1 have the following ACL : $ getfacl /uhomes/2de1 # file: /uhomes/2de1 # owner: root # group: 2de1 user::rwx group::r-x group:teachers:rwx mask::rwx other::--- The user "pellegrb" is a member of the "teachers" group. $ id pellegrb uid=3000137(pellegrb) gid=3000038(teachers) groups=3000038(teachers),100(users),3000037(fichusers),5000001(BUILTIN\users) 1) If from a windows client I mount the share as "pellegrb", I can access the files. No problem. 2) If from a linux client I mount the share with the "noperm" flag : mount -t cifs //fichdc/uhomes/ /uhomes/2de1 -o user=pellegrb,uid=3000137,gid=3000038,noforceuid,noforcegid,noperm No problem the user can access the files. 3) But If the "noperm" flag is not set the access is denied ! However the ACls seems corrects ! $ id uid=3000137(pellegrb) gid=3000038(teachers) groupes=3000038(teachers),100(users),3000037(fichusers),5000001(BUILTIN\users) $ getfacl /uhomes/2de1 # file: /uhomes/2de1 # owner: root # group: 2de1 user::rwx group::r-x group:teachers:rwx mask::rwx other::--- $ mount //fichdc/uhomes/ on /uhomes/2de1 type cifs (rw,relatime,sec=ntlm,unc=\\fichdc\uhomes,username=pellegrb,uid=3000137,noforceuid,gid=3000038,noforcegid,addr=,unix,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=1048576,wsize=65536,actimeo=1 4) The same ACL applied directly on a ext4 file system let access to the user "pellegrb". I don't understand where the problem come from ... Thanks !