Florian Götz
2012-Oct-19 11:42 UTC
[Samba] Problem shutting down Win7 Clients with net rpc
Hi everybody, I used to shutdown our workstation pools with the net rpc command. Something like this: net rpc SHUTDOWN -t 300 -f -C "Nice closing message" -W MYDOMAIN -U WORKSTATION_NAME\\administrator%localadminpasswd -S Could not connect to server Connection failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME This worked perfectly with Windows XP, but now all workstations were freshly installed with Windows 7. After a long google session I tried all different kind of solutions (no firewall, regedit LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, etc) But I still don?t get it to work. When the Windows 7 Clients is running, some user is logged in and working I get the following result to the net rpc command above: Could not connect to server Connection failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME If the Client is in the sleep mode (seems to be standard in Win7) after some minutes doing nothing the message changes to: Could not connect to server Connection failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME Has anyone got a solution for this? I would turn of the sleep mode, that is no problem, but even if the client is awake....I have no solution yet to shutdown the client. Best regards Florian G?tz -- Mit freundlichen Gr??en Florian G?tz ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Florian G?tz Rechenzentrum Hochschule Mannheim Paul-Wittsack-Stra?e 10 68163 Mannheim Tel: 0621/292-6232 EMail: f.goetz at hs-mannheim.de Internet: rz.hs-mannheim.de -----