Camelia Botez
2012-Apr-04 08:56 UTC
[Samba] difefrent logon and samba logon home directories
I'm running samba3 configured to with ldap authentication. I added in ldap 2 more attributes sambaHomeDrive and sambaHomePath. Now for user test : Home is /home/test and sambaHomeDrive is H: sambaHoemPath is \\smbserver\srv\test<file:///\\smbserver\srv\test>. In smb.conf we use: Logon home = \\%H\%U<file:///\\%25H\%25U> Logon path = \\%H\%U<file:///\\%25H\%25U> And in [homes] paragraph we use Path = %H Valid user = %U But when we login via samba using this test user , it goes to his /home/test directory and not to \\server\srv\test<file:///\\server\srv\test> (samba home). How can I configure samba to use as home directory another uer's directory different from his default home directory. Thank you