I am looking to move our current Samba primary domain controller to a new machine. The current machine is EOL, running Fedora 11 (old), and had way too many services on it to start with (mail, dns, samba, mysql replication, primary ldap, etc). I am looking to move to a Xen domu with either Fedora 13 or Centos 5.5. What my question is is this: what should I look for when I migrate the samba install to the new machine. We use OpenLDAP backend for authentication if that matters for anything. I will most likely keep the machine name the same but will change the IP. I know in the other servers that we have that rely on this one as the PDC I will need to change every reference of its IP address. But I am making sure there is not any "gotcha" deals. -- Donny B.
> I am looking to move our current Samba primary domain controller to a new machine. The current machine is EOL, running Fedora 11 (old), and had way too many services on it to start with (mail, dns, samba, mysql replication, primary ldap, etc). I am looking to move to a Xen domu with either Fedora 13 or Centos 5.5. What my question is is this: > what should I look for when I migrate the samba install to the new machine. > > We use OpenLDAP backend for authentication if that matters for anything. I will most likely keep the machine name the same but will change the IP. I know in the other servers that we have that rely on this one as the PDC I will need to change every reference of its IP address. But I am making sure there is not any "gotcha" deals. > --If you use openldap. I suggest you keep the old, add the new as A BDC (replicating the openldap) then test the configuration and only after testing pull the old box and make the new a PDC. John
I apologize for not explaining why I am asking this. Recently we had to move a subset of our users off of the primary server as it houses our administration users home directories and my documents. When we moved these users I had all kinds of trouble with them not pulling the profiles like it should have and from the proper server. But since I am not changing the machines name, I don' think I will have similar issues. Am I correct in assuming this? -- Donny B. On Monday, August 23, 2010 02:23 PM CDT, Donny Brooks <dbrooks at mdah.state.ms.us> wrote:> I am looking to move our current Samba primary domain controller to a new machine. The current machine is EOL, running Fedora 11 (old), and had way too many services on it to start with (mail, dns, samba, mysql replication, primary ldap, etc). I am looking to move to a Xen domu with either Fedora 13 or Centos 5.5. What my question is is this: > what should I look for when I migrate the samba install to the new machine. > > We use OpenLDAP backend for authentication if that matters for anything. I will most likely keep the machine name the same but will change the IP. I know in the other servers that we have that rely on this one as the PDC I will need to change every reference of its IP address. But I am making sure there is not any "gotcha" deals. > -- > > Donny B. > -- > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the > instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Hi, Install ldap and samba on the new machine, move your ldap.conf and slapd.conf, smb.conf to the new machine. Do not start samba or ldap! Make exact the same directories as you did on the old samba, according to your smb.conf slapcat -l master.ldif your ldap on the old machine. Move the ldif to the new machine. According to you new machines IP you have to work you ldap and smb configuration. Do not start ldap! Then on the new machine: slapadd -l master.ldiff Be shure the new databases are owned by ldap. Now smbpasswd -w youldapadminpasswordfromsmb.conf Important: On the old machine fetch the sid: net getlocalsid yourdomain. Copy this sid. On the new machine: net setlocalsid thesidyoucopied. For me on centos5.5 I installed ldap-client to.