I am trying to get this Windows ACLs to work on Samba. Basic changes
on "Permission for user" done via the "Security" tab seems
to map
properly to Linux ACLs. But there is a problem when I want to add a
special permission to deny file execution when myself or someone
doubleclicks on an executable file. The new entry shows up and quickly
disappears then. I did look at the file's ACLs info: although setting
deny permission's not successful, but my own permission has been
changed from rwx to rw- , as shown below. Any idea why adding Deny
type permission to the file doesn't work? I should say there's no
"permission denied" kind of message pops up either. Many thanks.
getfacl pageant.exe
# file: pageant.exe
# owner: MYDOMAIN\134foobar
# group: MYDOMAIN\134domain\040users
getfacl pageant.exe
# file: pageant.exe
# owner: MYDOMAIN\134foobar
# group: MYDOMAIN\134domain\040users
nt acl support = yes
map acl inherit = yes
store dos attributes = yes
inherit acls = yes
dos filemode = yes
acl group control = yes
#acl map full control = true