On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:08 AM, ARPAV\atomelleri in locale <
atomelleri at arpa.veneto.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> We've a Samba server as purely fileserver in AD windows enviroment with
> a 2k3 server as bdc.
> Our goal is implement quote to manage disk space usage on samba server.
> Is it supported by samba ?! if not, which is the best way to approach it ?
> I did a little search on google but I've not found a clear way or
> documentation about it, so any advice is really appreciated.
> thx in advance, Alessio
We do exactly this in our area. Using the linux quota commands enforce
quotas for Samba as well. We wrote a pam_exec script to set default quotas
for people on our server. We also wrote a quota script (specified in
smb.conf) to return the quotas to Windows so that it shows their quota and
not the entire disk when they look at the mount point in detail view.
Robert LeBlanc
Life Sciences & Undergraduate Education Computer Support
Brigham Young University