ITPFS oota
2009-Oct-05 01:23 UTC
[Samba] TOSHAG-VFS.xml translate finished and is this bug?
Now, TOSHARG-VFS.xml translate to Japanese finished(3.4.0 base). and is this bug? The modules are used in the order in which they are specified. Let's say that you want to both have a virus scanner module and a recycle bin module. It is wise to put the virus scanner module as the first one so that it is the first to get run and may detect a virus immediately, before any action is performed on that file. <smbconfoption name="vfs objects">vscan-clamav recycle</smbconfoption> ---------------------------------------------------------------------?????? -- --- Oota Toshiya --- t-oota at NEC Systems Software Operations Unit Shiba,Minato,Tokyo IT Platform Solutions Division Japan,Earth,Solar system (samba-jp/ldap-jp Staff,mutt-j/samba-jp postmaster)