Hello All. Samba ver 3.0.25b-1.1.cc SMB.Conf admin users = administrator unix password sync = yes os level = 65 domain master = yes domain logons = yes passwd program = /usr/sbin/userpasswd %u passwd chat = *password:* %n\n *password:* %n\n *successfully.* add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g samba-clients -s /bin/fa$ security = user encrypt passwords = yes smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd syslog = false netbios name = server workgroup = WKGROUP realm = WKGROUP.LOCAL Is there anything in my config thag will lead to this error message? Domain users cant change their password by pressing control alt delete. They get an error message stating the domain doesnt exist. Successful Currency Trading 30 To 1 Gains - Very Limited Risk. Free 25 Page Report. http://a8-asy.a8ww.net/a8-ads/adftrclick?redirectid=aa6ac6ccc0631e0d67eaa2dfb2aa863d -- Powered by Outblaze