I really hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have a few servers setup with samba 3.0.10 and recently the Windows servers have been upgraded to W2K3. The problem that I am having is since the upgrade users without accounts that are in both windows and ldap, cannot access the samba servers. The windows servers are the only servers that have been updated/changed since the problem started. When trying to connect it will continuously ask for the UN/PW over and over. Currently we would prefer not to setup Kerbose on the systems. As I have found on google many people have gone around the problem by setting this up. I have tried adding users to the smbusers file in both of these formats with no change. root = administrator & root = [DOMAIN]\administrator getent passwd command will give me a list of all users on the domain currently. If anyone can give me a idea here or a link to some documentation that covers what I am trying to get setup that would be perfect. -- Is this thing on!?