On Monday 19 December 2005 22:17, David Highley wrote:> We have Dell Quad Xeon server that we end up rebooting about every 2-3
> weeks when the number of open samba files sky rockets. The system is a
> ClearCase server system. We have been monitoring this system for a few
> months now and are not able to pin down a cause to this issue. The
> system keeps a pretty constant number of samba open files until what
> ever triggers the issue and then the number of file opens climbs at a
> steep exponential rate.
> We have an excel graph, but the moderator rejected the large e-mail.
> RedHat Advanced Server 3 update 3
> Linux quinault 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 23:35:44 EST 2005 i686
> i686 i386 GNU/Linux Samba version=3.0.4
Please file a bug report on https://bugzilla.samba.org an attach your graph to
the bug report.
- John T.