Hi, I have recently upgraded from Redhat 9.0 / Samba 2 to Centos 4.2/ Samba 3. The upgrade went smoothly enough with exception to the roaming profiles which required modifying the SID with the profiles tool. The problem is I have a winXP service running on one of the machines which recieves confirmation files from a reservations system. All the useres require access to these files but winXP has a limit of a maximum of 10 connections to a share. Previously I had mounted the winXP share on the linux box using (mount -t smbfs //xpmachine/tairs /home/tairs/ -o umask=777,gid=selsdon,uid=habib,fmask=777) and set the mounted directory as a samba share. This worked fine if the xp machine was turned off the share would become inaccessible but would reconnect as soon as the machine was up again. Now however if the xp machine is turned off or restarted the mount seems to hang. I then have to force unmount it and then remount. Is there some option that needs to be set to get it working the old way again. Habib