Le Lundi 16 Mai 2005 22:54, Rex Dieter a ?crit?:> Here's another client whose
> net ads join
> command "works" but doesn't really, with winbind.log entries
> libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_passwword(146)
> kerberos_kinit_password host/SAMBA-CLIENT@DOMAIN.LOCAL failed: Client
> not found in Kerberos database
> nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c: ads_cached_connection(81)
> ads_connect for domain DOMAIN failed: Client not found in Kerberos
> database
I have similar issues with 2 computers.
The scenario seems to be:
* Computer running windows join the domain with the name "comp"
* The computer runs linux (or another compter is set to replace the first)
and "net ads join" is made to make it join the domain as
"comp" This
causes probably errors (normal)
* after a "net ads leave" succesfull, a "net ads join" is
succesfull too
(No errors). "net ads status" works, but with winbind I always get
"kerberos_kinit_password host/COMP@DOMAIN.LOCAL failed: Client not found in
Kerberos database"
* Looking the AD, the computer is present. but errors are reported in the
"Event report":
"They are multiple account withs name host/COMP@DOMAIN.LOCAL of type
Source: KDC, ID Event 11
IUT R.Schuman, (+33) 388 676 394