Greetings Admins, I'm using the sambafax backend for cups to serve Point'n'Print->Fax to XP clients using samba 3.0.7 and cups 1.1.20. The problem is that the users printjob, converted to postscript from samba/cups, can't be converted to ascii using ps2ascii: <snip> xprint-admin:/SC/ss/cupspykota/spool/fax# ps2ascii %%[ ProductName: ESP Ghostscript ]%% ERROR: rangecheckOFFENDING COMMAND: get STACK: 1 [0 ] true 239 (\Delta \Theta \Lambda \Delta )7134 566 -savelevel- %%[ Error: rangecheck; OffendingCommand: get ]%% ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 </snip> I need the ps file converted to ascii so that I can get the destination fax number from the printfile. I don't know if the problem lies with cups or samba! I am using the adobe print drivers for this fax queue(defprtr2.ppd, ps5ui.dll, pscript.hlp, pscript.ntf, pscript5.dll) with the postscript option set for "Optimize for Portability". Please hel p! regards, Ryan