2004-Jul-27 14:07 UTC
[Samba] Problem logging into Samba 3 PDC from Windows NT 4.0 ("...while the domain list is created")
Hi, I have just set up a Samba 3.0.5 server for the domain FOO (from Deb downloaded from site). I want to test if my installation is working fine. So I picked one machine (Windows NT 4.0) from my network that is currently on some other domain. I added users in domain FOO and added an account for the machine as well. I now removed the machine from the existing domain BAR (rebooted), added the machine to the new domain FOO (and rebooted) successfully. The problem happens when I now come to the log in screen. When I try to log into FOO, the NT machine shows a dialog box with "while the domain list is created" and hangs. If I leave things be for a while the NT box crashes. I suspect this is a Windows problem. But thought I'd ask here because I am sure someone else would have come across this problem in the past. If I took down the existing domain BAR and made my Samab machine BAR, then there seems to be no problem logging into the domain BAR. Thaths -- Slacker Without Borders