sorry about that last email that did not contain the resource i used. I
think it was because i copied the contents of a website which could have
been considered advertisement because of some of images. In either case
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rashaad S. Hyndman" <>
To: "Rashaad S. Hyndman" <>; "Tom
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] security = ADS - IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!
> Halleluiah!!!!!!!!! It works. With all the documentation I've read
including> the official samba-3 howto for setting up ADS none of them mentioned what
> happened to be the most critical piece of information, winbind! Now
> seen a couple post that mentioned this daemon but it was not included in
the> official howto's so I skipped over it. In Either case I've
included the
> article that I used to get my samba ADS implementation working. If you
have> followed other howto's you have probably got 99% of the work done. If
> happen to have more questions please feel free to email me and I'll
dictate> exactly what I have in my environment.
> Thanks for your input,
> R.
> Howto Samba 3 And Active Directory
> G o o g l e users: We have detected that you were searching for howto
samba> ads.
> The Waikato Linux Users Group hope that this page answers your questions,
> but, if it doesn't, we politely request that if/when you find the
to> your question you contibute your information back into this Wiki (via the
> Edit button at the bottom of the page) so that others can also find this
> information easier.
> We also suggest that if this page doesn't answer your question, try
> Searching the wiki, or, to find pages similar to this one, try or .
> What's this? It's a near-copy of ActiveDirectorySamba, but
linked> from anywhere and with a lot of stuff deleted? Please don't
> DisagreeByDeleting. Can someone who has Samba3 experience shed light on
the> changes between this page and the other? --AristotlePagaltzis
> ActiveDirectorySamba is a correct howto for setting up Samba 3 with
> ActiveDirectory. So it's basically a copy paste from there to here and
> delete the other. -- GerwinVanDeSteeg
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This simple guide is a mostly accurate way to set up a Samba machine
> as a DomainMember in a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 ActiveDirectory
> The following setup is used:
> (the AD server, hereafter
> known as the server)
> (samba3 machine)
> The Samba system is based upon a stock standard RedHat 9 system with
> the samba software upgraded to Samba3 (using RPM)
> The following steps are needed to get the system functioning:
> 1.. configure name resolution using either dns or a hosts file
> 2.. configure samba and winbindd
> 3.. configure kerberos
> 4.. testing the kerberos configuration
> 5.. good luck
> Configure name resolution
> ActiveDirectory relies HEAVILY on DNS to resolve not only host names
> but services they provide as well. To set up DNS on the linux box, see the
> DNSHowTo, otherwise consult necessary Windows documentation on setting up
> forward AND reverse DNS zones.
> As a temporarily solution, you can use hosts based authentication,
> this is ugly and hacky, and should be avoided at all costs. --
> The first step is to configure name resolution for our systems. The
> kerberos authentication system, which we will configure later on, requires
> us to be able to do a reverse lookup on an IP address to get a fully
> qualified domain name (FQDN). There are two ways to do this, the cheap and
> nasty method is to use a hosts file on both systems, which will have
entries> similar to the following.
> Samba machine
> /etc/hosts
> mail
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> test1
> mail
> Surely it would be better to put the FQDN first, and not alias
> localhost to a name other than localhost? -- PerryLorier
> Windows Active Directory server
> %Systemroot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts[1]
> test1
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> test1
> mail
> The correct method is to setup DNS on the server which can be done
> through the DNS console in the AdministrativeTools section of Windows
> 2000/2003 Server. We won't go into the details of setting this up here,
but> we will specify the linux side of that here.
> /etc/resolv.conf
> search
> domain
> nameserver
> Configure Samba3 and Winbindd
> This part is the easy one, we just create ourselves a default Samba
> configuration with at least the following entries (Note this is a
completely> empty and default configuration file, and you may wish to add more. A file
> share would be handy to add).
> /etc/samba/smb.conf
> [global]
> # general options
> workgroup = THINCLIENT
> netbios name = MAIL
> # winbindd configuration
> winbind separator = +
> idmap uid = 10000-20000
> idmap gid = 10000-20000
> winbind enum users = yes
> winbind enum groups = yes
> template homedir = /home/%D/%U
> template shell = /bin/bash
> # Active directory joining
> # "ads server" is only necessary if your kdc can't
be located
> using /etc/krb5.conf -- JamesSpooner
> # ads server =
> security = ads
> encrypt passwords = yes
> realm =
> NB: The important things to pay attention to here are the name of
our> samba machine (netbios name), the workgroup, and the ActiveDirectory
> Configure Kerberos5
> See ActiveDirectoryKerberos on setting up Kerberos to talk to
> ActiveDirectory.
> We need to generate a key for our samba machine on the Windows
server,> and securely import this into our samba machine. To create the keyfile we
> run the following on the Windows server:
> ktpass - princ host/ \
> -mapuser MAIL -pass MAIL1234PASSWORD -out mail.keytab
> We then transfer the mail.keytab securely to our samba machine by
> using something similar to SSH or another secure means. And then on the
> samba machine we will import the keyfile we just generated by using the
> ktutil program, which is part of the kerberos distribution. The unix
> commands for ktutil are as follows:
> % ktutil
> ktutil: rkt mail.keytab
> ktutil: list
> ktutil: wkt /etc/krb5.keytab
> ktutil: q
> Alternatively ... as root:
> net join -U Administrator%password
> This will join the Samba machine to the ActiveDirectory Domain.
> References
> a.. Using Kerberos Clients section of the Microsoft : Step-by-Step
> Guide to Kerberos 5 (krb5 1.0) Interoperability
> b.. Authentication to ADS
> c.. The winbindd and Active Directory Domain Member sections of
the> Samba v3 Documentation
> d.. Realy huge manual for samba 3, in this document you can find
> almost everything
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Footnotes
> [1] %Systemroot% is a variable set by Windows NT and onward to mean
> "the location where Windows is installed", ie c:\winnt,
c:\windows, etc.
> This news side bar needs a browser with "iframe" support.
> No pages link to HowtoSamba3AndActiveDirectory.
> Please visit the WlugSponsors.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Last edited on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:04:05 pm by AlastairPorter.
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