2004-Mar-03 09:04 UTC
[Samba] Alphablox and DM Review Invite You to an On-Demand Web Seminar
Alphablox and DM Review present "Extending Business Systems with InLine Analytics" On-Demand Web Seminar for ISVs and VARs Please join us for an insightful on-demand Web Seminar where IDC and other industry experts discuss the growing market opportunities in analytic applications, and how to maximize these opportunities immediately. - Hear Henry Morris from IDC explain the essential analytic capabilities software companies will need to deliver in 2004 to establish competitive differentiation. - See how SymphonyRPM, a leading-edge ISV, embedded Alphablox as part of their real-time analytic application framework and achieved more than six months time to market advantage when delivering three analytic applications. Speakers: - Henry Morris, Group VP, Applications and Information Access, IDC - John Fors, VP Product Management, SymphonyRPM To view this event visit: http://www.dmreview.com/eletters/clickReg.cfm?URLID=3673 To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to WebSeminar@DMReview.com