Greetings ...
> Has anyone ever got command line only Windows 95 DOS to connect to a Samba
> machine? I can connect to an NT machine no problem using "net use
...", but
> the only machine the DOS machine will see on the network is the NT machine;
> all of the others, including my Linux machines and a Win 2k machine, it
> refuses to see.
First, any program you try to run using just W9X DOS and SMB networking, would
have to use a very small memory footprint. MicroSoft's DOS network client
is pretty big.
I hate to show you another network system, but using freeDOS for the client OS,
and using an odi base client network, I have found a little easier on the memory
needs ... You should then be able to use Novel's client software and
mars-nwe ( )for the Linux server,
which should give you file and print server.
Not a perfect solution, but very nice for old and small systems which still
need networking.