A virus was detected in a message sent to: daniel.bull@minterellison.com With subject: MAIL DELIVERY SYSTEM This message has not been delivered and will be deleted by the Minter Ellison gateway. Please ensure the virus is removed from the attachment before resending the message. Details of the virus detected: Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos Anti-Virus: Information 0x42060008, W32/MyDoom-A Scenarios/Incoming/Script Attachment: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'body.pif'. Scenarios/Incoming/Unsafe Attachments: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'body.pif'. Scenarios/Incoming/Executeable File: 'ItemLength.GE.0'. If you require any assistance or information, please contact sydney.helpdesk@minterellison.com (or call +61 2 9921 4401)